Although the five-color messengers all represent people's bad nature, they each have different pursuits.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed, and Ma Xiaoling and others decided to go to Nuwa for a decisive battle.

Because this is the most suitable time, it will be bad if it is delayed.

In three months, Ma Xiaoling's strength has improved. The more she practices, the more she understands the horror of the soul-fixing technique. Ma Xiaoling's strength is much stronger now than when she first turned into a zombie.

A few days ago, Ma Danna even imparted 99% of her power to Ma Xiaoling, leaving a little strength to protect her soul to the underworld.

It's not that Ma Danna is afraid of death, but she understands that this battle is not about the number of people, but the top combat power.

Not only Ma Danna, but also He Yingqiu. He gave most of his skills to He Youqiu to enhance his chances of winning.

He Yingqiu saw very clearly that if he could survive this calamity and rebuild his cultivation, everything would be fake if he could not.

Ma Xiaoling and He Youqiu are the key to this battle. Kuang Guohua is too weak now.

Even if Situ Fenren is the reincarnation of the Heavenly Warrior, he has only relied on his love for Wang Zhenzhen to raise his power to an extremely high level among second-generation zombies.

Love is a powerful force, but the power of love alone is not enough to break the shackles of zombies and advance to the red-eyed zombie.

If all the power of the five-star warriors converges on Situ Fenren, then there is still hope for him.

However, when destiny wiped out the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, it also wiped out the power of other brave men. That is to say, the reincarnation of the heavenly brave men was useful to it, and Situ Fenren was born.

Ma Xiaoling and her party quickly arrived at Tongtian Pavilion. As soon as they arrived, Nuwa and the generals sensed it.

"This is not a suitable place for a battlefield!"

Nuwa and the two came out immediately. After saying this, they flew away from Hong Kong Island with their generals, followed closely by Xu Fu and Wu Wu.

Ma Xiaoling and others became increasingly confused about Nuwa, saying that she was merciful and merciful. If she fought here, everyone on Hong Kong Island would die.

But to say that she is ruthless and ruthless, and actually wants to destroy all human beings, it is difficult to guess the thoughts of these gods.

Nuwa and Jiangchen can fly, but not everyone on Ma Xiaoling's side can fly. Fortunately, Ma Xiaoling and He Youqiu are powerful and can directly use their magic power to take everyone flying.

Kuang Fusheng didn't go. Although he was a second-generation zombie, he couldn't help much. If Ma Xiaoling and others couldn't defeat him, he wouldn't be much.

Instead of going, it is better to stay in Jiajia Building to protect Wang Zhenzhen and He Yingqiu who is in a weak state.

As for Jin Zhengzhong, he also stayed in Jiajia Building, and his little strength could not help at all.

In the desolate desert, Nuwa and the generals stood there without any dust or sand flying, and they were all shocked by their aura.

Ma Xiaoling and her group arrived quickly, but Lan Dali was speechless, "Have you chosen a cemetery for yourself? It's pretty good that Mother Earth was buried in the desert."

Ma Xiaoling looked down on people like Lan Dali. Among the five-color messengers, she only had a slight affection for Hei Yu because she could sense how deep Hei Yu's hatred for Nu Wa was. Ma Xiaoling did not doubt Hei Yu's determination to die together with Nu Wa.

The other three were all opportunists and came to her for cooperation out of necessity.

Ma Xiaoling said calmly: "The king will give the king, the general will, and the general and Nuwa will be handed over to me and Taoist Master Youqiu."

According to her seniority, Ma Xiaoling had to call He Youqiu her uncle, but He Youqiu had already been expelled from the Mao family, so Ma Xiaoling always called him Taoist Master Youqiu.

Kuang Guohua said: "Just delay and stay. We will come to help you after we finish dealing with Xu Fu and Wu Wu."

Ma Xiaoling said: "Crow does whatever you want, but Xu Fu's life must be preserved and left to me."

From the beginning to the end, no one took Xu Fu seriously, not Lan Dali, nor Kuang Guohua, nor Situ Fenren.

It's not like Kuang Guohua and Situ Fenren's strength hasn't improved these days. Lan Dali gave them a lot of blood.

Lan Dali was very decisive, and he robbed some of the blood stores in hospitals across the country.

Kuang Guohua and Situ Fenren were ashamed of this kind of behavior, but in order to cope with the crisis of annihilation, the two of them absorbed a large amount of blood and were no longer malnourished. Coupled with constant battle training, the strength of both of them increased to far higher levels. The level of extraordinary second-generation zombies.

Speaking of which, the five-color messenger's power is actually the weakest among this group of people.

The king faced the king, the generals, Nuwa, the generals, Ma Xiaoling, and He Youqiu faced each other, while everyone else stayed away from the battlefield.

Fortunately for Ma Xiaoling, He Youqiu was a little nervous after having fought with the general once before. Even though his strength had greatly improved and he could defeat his former self, the other party was too famous, Nuwa, the Mother of the Earth!

Roar! Roar!

Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Chen roared and entered the zombie state. One purple eye and one red eye, and they quickly started fighting.

This is to prepare zombies against zombies, spells against spells, not men against men, women against women.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang!

The two zombies were constantly fighting each other. It was a battle of fists and punches, strength and strength. There was no skill, it was a completely head-on confrontation.

Hitting from the ground to the sky, and then from the sky back to the ground, the two zombies' high-speed moving figures filled the entire desert, and the sonic boom produced by their movement never stopped.

Ma Xiaoling has become more powerful. Although she is at a disadvantage, it is much better than being completely crushed by the zombie generals before.

"I saw you right. It seems I have to be serious. I can't lose."

The general said excitedly, "For many years, I haven't experienced this kind of sweaty battle since I left Pangu Holy Land."

Ma Xiaoling's face looked a little ugly. In her opinion, the general defeated her, but he had no means to kill her. However, even if she had the upper hand, she could not kill the general.

"No, the key is not the general, but Nuwa. I just need to hold the general back."

Ma Xiaoling calmed down quickly, but in such a loss of concentration, the general found an opportunity and punched the pretty face.

Chapter 347

Nuwa and He Youqiu didn't talk too much.

Compared to Jiang Chen and Ma Xiaoling's fist-to-flesh fight, the fight between these two was much more spectacular.

Nuwa waved her hand, and the yellow sand turned into a giant dragon and pounced on He Youqiu. This was a very simple trick, and it was not a particularly powerful technique even in the world of Naruto.

He Youqiu, the only one who faced this move head-on, felt a lot of pressure. He Youqiu used his own Taoist methods to resist Nuwa's attack, and secretly complained in his heart.

"Is this the power of Mother Earth? Every move is blessed by the power of the earth. It's terrible."

This is not the power of the earth with a radius of several kilometers. He Yingqiu feels that it is the power of the earth with hundreds or thousands of kilometers, or even the entire planet, calling for Nuwa's response.

This is the scary thing about Nuwa, and now Nuwa only has a soul, and the body has not returned yet.

But He Youqiu is also terrible. After obtaining the Soul Fixing Technique, his potential has been fully unleashed.

He combined the advanced spells from the Southern Mao and Northern Horses as well as the current cultivation world to create his own unique spells.

There is no way, those spells can no longer keep up with the progress. How can mortal-level spells compete with Mother Earth? The only way is to take their essence and create divine spells that can compete with gods.

This is a confrontation between man and god, and it is also a battle for survival.

Although the disembodied Nu Wa had the upper hand, she could not kill He Youqiu quickly. What was even more terrifying was that He Youqiu continued to grow in the battle. He learned Nu Wa's magical skills and modified them into his own Taoist skills.

The soul-fixing technique plus He Yingqiu's initiation allowed He Yingqiu to break through his shackles and be able to compete with the red-eyed Pangu tribesmen. Although he was a weak being, he would not be killed instantly.

The battles between Jiangchen, Ma Xiaoling, Nuwa, and He Youqiu cannot be resolved quickly, so the final result will depend on the other side.

If Xu Fu and Wu Wu win, He Youqiu and Ma Xiaoling will be defeated and die sooner or later without Xu Fu and the others' help.

If Kuang Guohua and others win, they join in the siege and kill Nuwa, kill Nuwa and then gather their strength to kill the generals, everything will be over.

"You have no idea how terrifying the True Ancestor is, Mr. Lan, you made the wrong choice this time."

After Xu Fu finished speaking, his eyes turned blood red, and so did the crow, which shocked Kuang Guohua and others.

Xu Fu said proudly: "This is a reward from the True Ancestor. From now on, we don't need to feed on blood, we can also eat any food. The most important thing is the improvement of our strength."

As he spoke, Xu Fu's figure was like a ghost, appearing behind Lan Dali, and slapped the bald head, knocking Lan Dali away.

Crow also sneered: "I'm just going to play with you."

Situ Fenren said: "We don't have time to think so much. Either they die or we die."

After Situ Fenren said this, his eyes turned green, his hair grew rapidly and turned white, and war lines appeared on his face, as did Kuang Guohua.

The strength of these two people is very close to the level of the dueling generals in the original work.

To be honest, if Wang Zhenzhen hadn't died in the original work, Situ Fenren could have drank the blood of the demon star and exploded with the power of love. There was a high chance that he would break through and become a red-eyed zombie like Kuang Guohua.

Situ Fenren's love for Wang Zhenzhen is unquestionable, and this love is stronger than anyone else. This is a destined love for eternity.

Now, Situ Fenren is extremely brave, even more powerful than Kuang Guohua, and can fight as well as a crow by himself.

You must know that the generals spent a lot of effort to strengthen Crow and Xu Fu this time, turning these two zombies into pseudo-red eyes, which are much stronger than Situ Fenren who was controlled by the blood seal in the original work.

When Crow was still one-on-one, Xu Fu was miserable. He was beaten by four five-color messengers plus Kuang Guohua and Peacock.

Peacock was only taught part of the soul-fixing technique, but even so, it also greatly improved his strength.

Compared to the crow, Xu Fu had to fight one against six, which was miserable.

Peacock, in particular, did not engage in head-to-head confrontation at all. He knew his weaknesses, so he would hide and gather strength to plot against Xu Fu every now and then.

"Levis (crow), stop playing and come help me."

Xu Fu yelled that Kuang Guohua was no match for him, but he could hold him back.

A single five-color messenger is no match for him, but four of them can hold him back. Now with a peacock in addition, Xu Fu is in trouble!

If it weren't for Ma Danna, He Yingqiu and He Youqiu who gave Ma Xiaoling and He Youqiu the power to initiate, I'm afraid Xu Fu wouldn't have been able to last twenty rounds.

Despite this, Xu Fu's injuries gradually worsened.

"You want me to die, and I won't make it easy for you." Xu Fu said with a ferocious face, and he began to trade his life for his life.

Even if Xu Fu has become a fake red-eyed zombie, it does not mean that he will not die. Even a real red-eyed zombie may be killed, let alone a fake red-eyed zombie.

"Mr. Lan, let's start with you."

After Xu Fu finished speaking, he attacked Lan Dali crazily. He used to be Lan Dali's younger brother, but now he wants Lan Dali to die. People's hearts are twisted, let alone a zombie like Xu Fu who has lived for thousands of years and still cannot rule the roost.

Soon, five minutes passed.

Xu Fu died, and Kuang Guohua and others could not show mercy. The price was that the two five-color messengers Lan Dali and Huang Zi died. Bai Xinmei and Peacock were seriously injured and could not exert much power.

But enough, Kuang Guohua is the most powerful fighting force among these people.

Kuang Guohua immediately besieged the crow with Situ Fenren. The gap between the three zombies was not very big.

Although the crows are stronger, Kuang Guohua and Situ Fenren have both reached the peak of green-eyed zombies, and they have the upper hand in two versus one.

Bai Xinmei looked at Heiyu who was protecting her in front of her, and said, "Leave me alone, go help quickly. If you can't win, you will just linger on for a while."

Hei Yu did not do as she was told. She closed her eyes and made a strange gesture with her fingers.

Ten seconds later, two huge streams of black energy quickly collided with Black Rain. Black Rain absorbed the two forces, and its power continued to rise.

Bai Xinmei's face was full of horror, and she took a few steps back unconsciously.

Black Rain is absorbing the power of Lan Dali and Huang Zi. These two five-color messengers are dead, but the huge negative energy does not dissipate so quickly.

But this is not going very smoothly. After all, the essence of the five-color messenger is different. If Heiyu is given some time to slowly absorb these two energies, she can still digest them.

Now she has forcibly absorbed it and her strength has been strengthened, but she has been injured and doesn't have much time to live.

In fact, if one of the five-color messengers can devour the other four and break his own shackles, then he may not be able to imitate the Evil Sword Immortal who continuously absorbs evil thoughts and becomes stronger.

That way he can completely rival Nuwa and the generals, or even surpass them.

After a few minutes, Black Rain finally forcibly accommodated these two forces.

She glanced at Bai Xinmei and finally made no move.

Not to mention that Bai Xinmei is not dead, even if she is dead, she can't absorb that power. If she continues to absorb it forcefully, she will explode and die.

In this way, Heiyu immediately joined the siege. He must kill the crow quickly and then kill Nuwa. As long as he can kill Nuwa, it doesn't matter if he dies.

Chapter 348

Black Rain's strength, which has skyrocketed, is still not as strong as Crow, but it is comparable to Situ Fenren and Kuang Guohua.

This is equivalent to the combat power of three peak green-eyed zombies beating one fake red-eyed zombie. In this way, the crow can only parry but has no power to fight back.

Three minutes later, the crow was dead.

Once the gap in this kind of fist-to-flesh combat is widened, it is easy to distinguish between life and death.

Speaking of which, Ma Xiaoling specializes in recycling dragon balls to make the Ma family's dragons more powerful, but now they are of no use.

If Ma Dingdang didn't die, even if she didn't turn into a zombie, it would be easier to deal with Crow and Xu Fu.

After killing the crow, Kuang Guohua was very tired, but Situ Fenren still retained a lot of fighting power.

Just because the greatest power of zombies is love, Situ Fenren loves Wang Zhenzhen deeply, but Kuang Guohua and Ma Xiaoling are almost strangers now and have no feelings.

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