In fact, Zabuza's assimilated body was like this at the beginning. Without the cooperation of Kaleidoscope, he could only open the seventh gate. After continuous hard training, he could finally open the eighth gate without using the ability of absolute control.

Danzo masters many techniques, and even if he has absolute control with his kaleidoscope ability, he cannot master all his abilities in an instant.

The other splintered entities are well aware of this. They selectively learned it and it took them a long time to master it.

Uchiha Tomie waited for his eyes to grow back, but in just a few dozen seconds, the Mangekyō Sharingan reappeared in his eye sockets.

The new eyes didn't stay in their sockets for long before he dug them out again.

After another few dozen seconds, there was another pair of Mangekyō Sharingan in his eyes. It was really miraculous. Tomie felt that the chakra in his body was not consumed at all, and he didn't know how it worked. He completely ignored the law of conservation of energy and other laws.

"Absolute control."

Uchiha Tomie did not hesitate, and immediately activated the Mangekyō Eye Technique in his right eye to absorb the power of the Sharingan in his hand.

Soon, the two pupil powers intertwined and merged, and Tomie could feel that his strength was increasing rapidly. Even his chakra had improved a lot, but his physical fitness had not improved at all.

"Forget it, the next fusion won't be that easy. Once your body improves, you can continue to fuse the power of the Kaleidoscope and open the Eternal Kaleidoscope. By the way, there are also Shisui's eyes."

Uchiha Tomie suddenly thought about Shisui's eyes. If he integrated Shisui's kaleidoscope pupil power, could he possess Shisui's pupil technique?

There's also the Divine Kaleidoscope, which is a pretty good ability.

Now Danzo's assimilated body has Shisui's right eye kaleidoscope in his hand, and Zabuza has Obito's left eye kaleidoscope in his hand. It would be best if they could fuse into their own pupil technique.

Tomie has a lot of abilities now, but no one would dislike him for having so many abilities.

"Zabuza, how is the progress of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu?"

Uchiha Tomie asked, many split bodies and assimilated bodies can communicate even if they are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. No one can block this connection. This is Tomie's ability.

Tomie Kawakami in the Tomie series does not have this ability, but the upgraded Tomie Kawakami template has this ability.

Zabuza's assimilated body said: "Having initially mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique, it won't take long to reach the level of Namikaze Minato."

No one in the split body has mastered the flying thunder god technique. This technique requires a lot of talent. Zabuza's ability to assimilate the body depends entirely on the Kamui Sharingan.

"Very well, come to the Land of Fire when you find an opportunity. I want this Kamui Sharingan."

Uchiha Tomie is very interested in the Kamui Sharingan. As of now, he has no space talent. Only through the Kamui Sharingan can he learn the art of flying thunder.

Flying Thunder God is a time and space ninjutsu. If you learn it, it is not impossible to develop more powerful space abilities through the power of Kamui Sharingan and absolute control.

Zabuza's assimilated body has no objection. Anyway, he has learned the Flying Thunder God Technique, and he can slowly improve his attainments in the Flying Thunder God Technique by relying on his own strength.

Except for the Tomie Kawakami split body, the other split bodies are not so eager for the Kamui Sharingan. They all have their own paths.

Kawakami Tomie's split body has no choice. She can only study forbidden arts now. Who told me not to give her other tasks.

Now that you have studied it, you must study what is powerful and what is difficult.

"Now, we are truly invincible. Even if Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama are resurrected, we don't have to be afraid. Only the Six Paths level can scare us."

Danzo's assimilated body looked very proud. He now has unlimited Izanagi, and with so many forbidden techniques, he can even touch the Six Paths.

Danzo's assimilated body woke up. It's not that he completely mastered the forbidden arts. He mastered the Eight Gates of Dunjia, and Izanagi woke up because he knew that he couldn't stay at the root for too long, and he had to deal with important matters first.

The Eight Gate Dunjia can greatly increase his strength. Once the eight gates are opened, he can fight even the six levels.

Izanagi is the ultimate life-saving skill. Although the original Danzo has learned it, Danzo needs to form a seal to use this technique, and Obito does not.

Danzo's assimilation body was optimized, and he discovered that if he now uses Izanagi, he will be invincible within three minutes, unlike the original Danzo who only had one minute.

Maybe it's because the eye consumed by Danzo's assimilated body is the Mangekyō Sharingan, maybe it's because he perfectly swallowed the fused Hashirama cells, or maybe it's both. Overall, he is more invincible.

"Next, it's time to truly start taking revenge, starting with overthrowing Hiruzen Sarutobi."

Uchiha Tomie knew how powerful Sarutobi Hiruzen was among civilians and middle genin. After all, it was hard to say whether the three Hokages, the first, second and fourth generation Hokages, had a combined term of office half as long as Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Also, public opinion alone is not enough to bring down Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"I know the root cause. It's easy to spread unfavorable remarks about Sarutobi Hiruzen. He himself is not clean and has a lot of black material. Therefore, it is best to deal with public opinion."

Danzo's assimilated body came up with three or four pieces of dirty information about Sarutobi Hiruzen in an instant.

The main body and the split body didn't say much, they just looked at Danzo's assimilated body quietly, "It's not just the black stuff, but everything else is left to you. We are not suitable."

Danzo's assimilated body had a very dark face. Thinking about it carefully, he could only leave this matter to himself, and even I couldn't be of much help.

Unless he doesn't want revenge, he can complete the entire plan by himself. Others can only use their brains, and he has to rely on him to run errands.

After discussing for nearly an hour, Tomie Uchiha left.

Chapter 45 The Eve of Action

For the next period of time, Uchiha Tomie was still leisurely. For him, he just changed from hanging around with the kid in the ninja school to practicing with Sasuke and Naruto.

It is worth mentioning that the style of this team is a bit biased, because Kakashi's sword skills are very powerful now.

With Tomie's popular science, Sasuke knew how awesome Kakashi's father, Hatake White Fang, was, so he decided to learn Kakashi's fire style, thunder style, sword skills, and even eight gate armor. .

Tomie also learned Kakashi's sword skills, and Naruto saw Tomie and Sasuke learn it and followed suit, but his progress was the slowest among the three, even if he had a shadow clone to assist him in training.

Kakashi's team has almost become the swordsman team, or the White Fang team.

At the root base, Danzo had assimilated Koharu and Mito Kadeni. If these two people did not support him, it would be at least twice as difficult to overthrow Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Therefore, he was fully prepared. If the two people disagreed, there were many ways to control them.

"Duanzo, why did you come to us? You are so mysterious and secretive, and you specifically chose Gen, and you asked us to come over again and again."

Mito Kaden is a little puzzled, but also very scared, because Danzo is not the same Danzo before, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

Danzo's assimilated body said calmly: "Now that the time has come, I want you to give me a helping hand and help me become Hokage. Now that I have power beyond Sarutobi, I can definitely do better than him."

A powerful, sinister, and endlessly malicious aura was released. The past few days of cultivation had greatly enhanced the power of the assimilated body, and it was no problem to defeat dozens of previous Danzos.

Mito Kadoen and Koharu Koharu were suddenly oppressed by such a powerful momentum, and they were in a panic. After the First Ninja World War, they didn't fight much.

Danzo and Sarutobi occasionally took action, but they stopped taking action at all. They didn't expect that Danzo's power was several times stronger than before, so why weren't they surprised.

"Even if you have the power to match or even defeat Hiruzen, you can't become Hokage."

Mito Kadenyan swallowed, he was careless, if Danzo turned against him, he might not be able to get out of the root base.

Danzo's assimilated body snorted coldly, "In any case, Hiruzen can't stay in the position of Hokage. He is too weak. After the death of the fourth generation, he has been in this position for too long. Even if I can't become Hokage, Hiruzen can't." No, the new era requires new shadow leaders."

Mito Menyan and Koharu breathed a sigh of relief when they went to bed, but they were worried that Danzo would be too tough.

The rest of the conversation was guided by Danzo's assimilated body. He quietly used Uchiha Shisui's pupil technique Betsutenjin to influence these two people, and also used the ability to amplify desires.

The assimilated body did not directly reverse their will, because this was the stupidest approach, and other gods were not that invincible.

In the original work, Danzo was discovered by Ao. In the original work, Uchiha Itachi was able to break free from the control of the evil earth reincarnation not only because of the other gods, but also because his will was to protect Konoha, which coincided with the effect of the other gods.

The ability of other gods to increase lust has a double effect, which is much better than directly reversing the will.

Reversing one's will is indeed powerful, but it has huge flaws, and it won't take long for some familiar people to see the flaws.

Mito Katoen and Koharu Koharu left quickly, and Danzo's assimilated body used the ability of absolute control to extract the eye power of his own kaleidoscope, supplementing the eye power of Shisui's kaleidoscope.

Even if his own kaleidoscope is blind, it will return to its peak condition in less than a minute, but Shisui Mangekyo cannot.

Even though there are Hashirama cells that can shorten the cooling time of other gods, judging from the current situation, it will take at least a year to recover, and he doesn't have that much time to waste.

"The ability to have absolute control is really powerful. Without this ability, many things would be inconvenient."

Danzo's assimilated form appreciated that he seemed to be extracting eye power, but in fact he extracted it and converted it into pure Yin-type chakra before injecting it into the Shisui Mangekyo.

Yin escape, Yang escape, and the combination of the two are all research topics of Tomie Kawakami's split body.

As the saying goes, do what you do and love what you do. Since you can't resist, enjoy it and get happiness from it.

"Even with the support of Koharu Koharu and Mito Kadenen, it is not easy to become Hokage. It is not even sure that Sarutobi Hiruzen will step down. After all, there are three families, Ino Shikacho."

Danzo's assimilated body does not need to win over Ino Shikacho, they only need them to remain neutral. Also, the Hyuga clan must pay attention. However, this family is said to be a wealthy family in Konoha, but it is actually very cowardly.

From the perspective of Danzo's assimilated body, during the Kumogakure incident, if Hiruzen had been tougher, Hiruzen Sarutobi would have allowed him to die.

If that doesn't work, Hinata can cooperate with Uchiha, and conversely, Uchiha can also cooperate with Hinata.

From the perspective of Danzo's assimilated body, there are too many mysterious operations in Naruto, and these are loopholes that he can exploit.

It can be said that Danzo's assimilated body works day and night. He does not need to sleep. He practices in the morning and meets with the heads of the major families at night.

He didn't act rashly, he had been holding back for so long, waiting for a month or two to get out of the way, there was only one chance.

If he cannot defeat Hiruzen Sarutobi this time, he will be the unlucky one. Although he now has the power to conquer Konoha alone, what is the use of directly killing Hiruzen Sarutobi.

If you want to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen Uchiha Tomie, you have to kill him long ago, just use the kaleidoscope ability.

Killing Sarutobi Hiruzen now will fulfill his reputation as Hokage. They want to ruin Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation. This is just the first step.

If there is a chance, it would not be bad to let Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, become a rebel ninja.

Whether it is Tomie Uchiha or the splinters, they don't have much sense of crisis now, and they prefer to "play".

Kill the enemy quickly and there will be no more fun toys.

Time passed day by day, and two months passed in the blink of an eye, and the plan could finally begin.

Danzo's assimilated body did not directly use other gods to reverse the will of the clan leaders, but deepened the thoughts of the clan leaders.

Those clan leaders need to consider this, because this matter is risky. There are too few clans that are really willing to help Danzo, and most of them remain neutral.

However, it was enough. Danzo's assimilated body had the help of three families: Shimura, Mitomon, and Tenden. Among the other secret arts families, only the Aburame clan stood on Danzo's side, and the middle-ranking families did win over a few.

This comes at a price. If it is Danzo, it will feel distressed, but Danzo's assimilated body will not feel distressed.

"Then, let's take action! Everything is for Konoha." Danzo's assimilated form ordered to the roots.

The root ninjas all mobilized. They knew what they wanted to do, and they also knew that what they wanted to do was to target the Hokage, but so what, Danzo-sama's will was their will.

Chapter 46 The action begins

Following Root's actions, many rumors quickly spread in Konoha. It cannot be said that the rumors were half-truths and half-false.

Absolute lies are easy to be exposed, and some people don't believe the truth. Half-truths and half-lies are the best to let others guess.

There was an inside story about the death of White Fang in Konoha, and it was related to the Third Hokage. White Fang's reputation was so great that he was even given half of the Hokage Sleeve by the Daimyo.

White Fang has no further progress. If he makes another great contribution, if he takes another step forward, the Third Hokage will have to abdicate.

So there was that mission, which was a deliberately calculated mission. No matter whether White Fang chose to complete the mission or save his companions, he would be ostracized when he returned to the village.

The best evidence is that the Third Generation did not come forward to explain to Lord White Fang at all.

There is also an inside story behind the death of the Fourth Hokage. All this was a plan by the Third Hokage to regain the position of Hokage. Otherwise, why hasn't the Fifth Hokage been elected after so many years?

It was said that he was the temporary Hokage, but after so many years, both Jiraiya and Tsunade among the three ninjas were qualified to serve as the fifth generation.

Or the apprentice of the second generation, Danzo-sama, the contemporary brother of the third generation, is also qualified to serve as the fifth generation, but the third generation is greedy for power and refuses to step down.

The Third Hokage was an incompetent Hokage. Under his leadership, the White Fang of Konoha died, the three ninjas defected, the Rimura who left the village, the new Fourth Hokage died, and the Uchiha wealthy family was exterminated.

There is also the incident with the Hyuga clan. It was clearly the Hyuga clan leader who came to Konoha from Kumo Hidden Village to kidnap Hyuga family members. The Hyuga clan leader shot the Hyuga clan leader in self-defense, but was asked to die to calm Kumo Gakuin's anger. Although the twin brothers of the Hyuga clan clan leader were sent away in the end, this This is extremely ridiculous.

The third generation was even related to human experiments. Orochimaru was his disciple, and when he went to surround Orochimaru, he actually allowed Orochimaru to escape from Konoha.

Under the publicity of the roots, a lot of dirty information about Sarutobi Hiruzen was exposed.

Danzo's assimilated body even let the shadow clone use the transformation technique to act with the roots.

The roots are scattered to every corner of Konoha. Some use the transformation technique to secretly promote it, and some use the mind turning technique to control others to promote it.

In addition to these breaking news, there are also some little secrets.

For example, the Third Hokage was greedy for life and afraid of death. During the second and third Ninja War, he did not go to the battlefield at all. The Kages of other Ninja Villages took the lead.

Another example is that the Third Hokage often used the telescope technique he developed to spy on Konoha bathhouses, and he didn't know how many people he spied on.

The shadow clones of Genbe and Danzo's assimilated body moved too quickly. Danzo's assimilated body just had to create fifty shadow clones by itself, and asked everyone in the root to create two shadow clones.

By the time Sarutobi Hiruzen reacted, at least half of the people in Konoha knew about it. When Sarutobi Hiruzen took measures, half of the people in Konoha knew about it.

In the Hokage's office, Hiruzen Sarutobi's face was so gloomy that he even had the intention to kill.

He is very tolerant of Danzo, because Danzo is his comrade and his white glove. Now it seems that there is no need for this glove to exist.

Sarutobi Hiruzen cares most about his reputation because his power is far inferior to that of the first and second generation Hokages. Now that the reputation he has worked so hard for so many years has been ruined, how can he not be angry.

The most important thing is that it was Danzo who took the blame for him in the past, but now Danzo is throwing all the blame on himself, which is really unreasonable.

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