"What happened in Konoha and why Danzo became Hokage."

Uchiha Itachi still has three points of trust in Sarutobi Hiruzen, but does not trust Danzo at all. Otherwise, in the original work, he would not have returned to Konoha as soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen belched.

He said it was for the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, but actually it was for Sasuke.

If they really want to capture the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, Uchiha Itachi and Kisame can definitely defeat Jiraiya, not to mention that they only need one person to contain Jiraiya and one person to take Naruto away. At that time, Naruto People are too weak.

"It seems we need to contact Danzo and the Third Hokage."

Fortunately for Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke is now Kakashi's disciple. Kakashi cannot let Danzo do anything to his disciple, and he still has time to operate.

Uchiha Itachi felt that the world was really ridiculous. Zabuza took away their Uchiha Sharingan from Kakashi. As a result, Kakashi became stronger. Only in this way could Kakashi better protect his brother. What an irony!

It's been so long, not to mention Uchiha Itachi, and everyone else in the Ninja Village knows that Kakashi has become stronger, because Kakashi still has to perform difficult tasks occasionally.

Itachi Uchiha felt that if Danzo and the Third Generation's replies dissatisfied him, then he couldn't be blamed. Konoha was not the Konoha of Danzo and the Third Generation, Konoha was everyone's Konoha.

Kisame and Scorpion were not very interested in this matter. To them, who became Hokage had nothing to do with them.

The Fourth Mizukage of Kirigakure Village also knew, and he also knew that the new Hokage would come to Kirigakure with the elders of Sunagakure Village.

"Could it be that he wants to form an alliance with Kirigakure to deal with Kumogakure?"

No wonder Mizukage thinks so, Kirigakure is closer to Kumogakure, while Sunagakure is closer to Iwagakure.

Once the three ninja villages form an alliance, Konoha can fight Kumogakure with Kirigakure. If Iwagakure wants to attack Konoha, Konoha can divide its forces and deal with Sunagakure together.

As for why they didn't attack Iwagakure and let Kirigakure defend Kumogakure, it goes without saying that Konoha and Kumogakure have more hatred, and most of the hatred against Iwagakure is due to political reasons.

"Or is Danzo here to get a Byakugan!"

Mizukage thought a lot. He had to think through all possibilities first. Konoha was weak now, but Kirigakure was even weaker.

The Six-Tails Jinchūriki defected, and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were now able to escape. There are still a few Ninja Swords in Kirigakure Village, but no one can use them.


The fourth Mizukage, Goju Yagura, asked the ANBU to call the top management, and Mei Terumi was naturally among them.

Yagura has begun to train Mei Terumi as the Fifth Mizukage. Yagura is not young anymore. He is just born with a baby face, but he actually has grandchildren.

Chapter 69 Aizen enters the dawn

Uchiha Itachi quickly sent a secret message, his crow was not raised in vain.

This guy is really cautious. The crow he contacted Sarutobi Hiruzen and the crow he contacted Danzo were not the same. He had to be prepared for both.

At this time, Aizen's split body appeared in the Rain Ninja Village, and he captured a few more White Zetsu along the way.

If Minato Namikaze's soul was not in the God of Death, Minato Namikaze would have been reincarnated by his dirty earth. Minato was not reincarnated by his dirty earth, but Uchiha Fugaku was reincarnated by his dirty earth.

Shisui hadn't reincarnated yet, Fugaku had his consciousness wiped out as soon as he was reincarnated, and Aizen's split body didn't bother to talk nonsense with him.

From the perspective of Aizen's split body, Fugaku's status in Uchiha Itachi's heart is not as good as Shisui!

Moreover, he had no idea of ​​torturing Uchiha Fugaku. Although his son Uchiha Itachi was simply a beast, without the Uchiha clan, the original Uchiha Fugaku would have died long ago, and there was no way he could wait for Fugaku to become Fugaku.

In the tower, Nagato's face moved slightly. As soon as Aizen's split body entered the Rain Ninja Village, he knew that he was using the Rain Tiger Free Technique.

"A lot of Bai Jue who went to find him lost information? Now he comes to Yu Ninja Village by himself. What does he want to do?"

Xiaonan appears next to Nagato, and only Xiaonan is the one whom Nagato trusts. Only she can appear next to Nagato.

There is no telepathy between White Jue, but recently many White Jue have been slow to feedback information, so they must be dead. Black Jue will never doubt White Jue's loyalty.

Nagato said indifferently: "Ask him what his intentions are. It would be best if he comes to join the Akatsuki organization, otherwise he will have to sleep here forever."

Nagato was very confident in the power of Six Paths Payne. Even if Orochimaru made him reincarnate, he was still no match for him and could only escape in embarrassment.

After killing Sansho Hanzo, who was known as a demigod, Nagato regarded himself as a god. To be honest, Pain's power was not on the same level as the ninja god Senju Hashirama, let alone the Sage of Six Paths.

Nagato controlled Six Paths Payne to stop him, and Obito noticed it. Most of the time, Obito was monitoring Nagato to ensure that the plan was proceeding normally.

In an instant, Aizen's split body walking in the rain encountered Six Paths Payne. This ninja village, or this country, rains all year round, even if Nagato doesn't use the Rain Tiger Free Technique.

"Aizen, what is the purpose of your coming to the Rain Ninja Village this time? You should know our purpose from Bai Zetsu!" Tiandao Payne said. Although he was asking, his tone was very affirmative.

Aizen split his body temperature and said: "I am not interested in the Akatsuki organization, nor am I interested in peace in the ninja world."

Tendo Payne didn't take it seriously. Now, except for him and Xiaonan, I'm afraid no one in the Akatsuki organization is really for peace. As long as he defeats Aizen, he can only join the Akatsuki organization, otherwise he will be left with a dead end.

"I want to make a deal with you."

Aizen's split body saw that Six Paths Pain was about to take action, and quickly spoke out. Pain was a problem. In essence, they were just puppets, and most of their illusions were ineffective against them.

Aizen's split body didn't want to tell Pain the truth at all, telling him that it was actually a flag being used.

He still needs Pain, not because he needs Pain's power, but because he calculated that Obito needs Pain. When Obito was confident that the Eye of the Moon plan was about to be completed, he was suddenly knocked down from his peak. Isn't this very strange? interesting.

Moreover, Payne of the Six Paths is a very good worker. He was left to collect the tailed beasts and resurrect the Ten-Tails. They only needed to take the last peach.

The Aizen split body is very interested in the power of the Ten-Tails. This is the strongest power in the world of Naruto. In the view of the Aizen split body, people in this world have not exerted the full power of the Ten-Tails, even if the Otsutsuki is said to be immortal. The same goes for Mu Kaguya.

"What a deal!"

Pain asked. In Pain's eyes, Bai Zetsu's talkative style didn't look like he could keep secrets, not to mention that real strong men all have a set of ninjutsu to read memories.

The other party knew the situation of the Akatsuki organization and still dared to come. How confident he was! I don’t know how long this confidence can be maintained.

"I want the secret technique of paper escape. I can exchange it with you for the technique of mutually multiplying detonating talismans."

"This is a forbidden technique developed by the Second Hokage. It uses the detonating talisman to continuously summon the detonating talisman. Once activated, it will trigger concentrated continuous explosions until the target is blown to ashes."

Aizen's split body laughed and said that he didn't believe that Konan was not tempted. If the secret technique of paper escape and the technique of mutually multiplying the detonating talisman were combined, Konan's strength would definitely be improved to a higher level.

"In addition to the paper escape secret technique, I also want your other ninjutsu. I can trade you with various forbidden techniques, such as the technique of reincarnation in the dirty earth."

Aizen's split body really dislikes the ninja world being too comfortable. If Nagato and Konan master the art of reincarnation in dirty soil, the Akatsuki organization's plan can start immediately.

Tiandao Pain said: "It can be exchanged, but you have to join the Akatsuki organization."

Nagato of the high tower knew how powerful the Earth Reincarnation was, and it was indeed a very tricky technique. If he hadn't had the means to target the soul, he wouldn't have been able to do anything to Orochimaru last time.


Aizen's splinter body has no problem with it, and there's nothing wrong with joining the Akatsuki organization. Just defect once you get the thing! And you don’t have to defect, even if I want to arrange something, there are other split bodies!

"Then, let me try your power."

After finishing speaking, Tiandao Pain condensed a black rod. In terms of physical skills, Tiandao Pain was not too bad.

Aizen's split body is a little helpless. It's going to be a match-fixing game again, so let's show some strength!

Just use fire escape. Anyway, everyone in the Akatsuki organization thinks I am a fire escape master.

"Fire Escape·The Great Fire Extinguishes!"

Aizen's split body did not form seals at all. He opened his mouth and poured out flames like sea water. The area was very large. The rainy ninja village suddenly became hot. It was just a B-level fire escape. Aizen's split body used it. The power it came out surpassed Kakuzu's compound ninjutsu, and the power was not much worse than what Madara Uchiha used.

The sky-wide flames instantly attracted the attention of the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village. This fire escape was too strong, and the ninjas couldn't help but worry.

Scorpion, Kisame, and Uchiha Itachi are preparing to leave. A battle of this level cannot be missed. It is human nature to like to watch the excitement.

"This Fire Release is strong enough. With just Fire Release, you are qualified to join the Akatsuki organization. You are qualified. However, I want to see your power. Your power is definitely more than that!"

This is the first time that Payne has seen such a powerful fire escape. No wonder he can defeat the Fourth Kazekage.

The sea of ​​​​fire dissipated quickly. Hungry Ghost Road Payne's power was indeed abnormal. It was too restrained for ordinary ninjas, and this ability was known to the Otsutsuki clan.

When Aizen's split body was released into the sea, the battle ended with himself being seriously injured and the Six Paths Pain losing three Pain.

Aizen's split body successfully joined the Akatsuki organization. After the transaction was completed, he obtained the secret technique of paper escape and many five-element ninjutsu. Konan obtained the technique of mutually multiplying detonating talismans and the technique of reincarnation in dirty soil.

Now, in the Akatsuki organization, Aizen's split body, Hawkeye's split body, and Zabuza's assimilated body are all Tomie's people. You must know that including Obito and Zetsu, the Akatsuki organization only has ten people.

Akatsuki organized a team of two, and after Aizen's split body joined, Payne should have him team up with the Hawkeye split body who was still alone. This would be good, and it would be more convenient to do things.

Chapter 70 Danzo takes the blame

There is no need for Pain to summon people. After Pain and Aizen's split body deal, everyone else will arrive.

Uchiha Obito was hiding in the dark and observing. He was still very concerned about his Sharingan. Anyway, Kakashi, that loser, didn't need his Sharingan anymore, so it was time to get it back.

"Aizen, you will be paired with Hawkeye from now on."

Tendo Payne said that everything was as expected by Aizen's split body.

Aizen's split body has no objection. This is exactly what he wants. It seems that he does not need to defect. The Hawkeye split body will cover his future actions.

At this time Uchiha Itachi came over, "Where's the Sharingan! Where's Kakashi's Sharingan! Give it to me, I can trade it with you for ninjutsu."

Uchiha Itachi knew that Aizen was very powerful and that he might not be able to win without using the kaleidoscope, and he should use the kaleidoscope as little as possible.

He saw that Aizen's split body was trading with Payne just now. Although he didn't know what the deal was, it meant that the matter could be resolved without taking action.

"Oh! Sharingan! This is indeed a good thing, but it's a pity that it doesn't help me that much, so I used it to make a deal with others, and you were a step too late."

Aizen's split body pretended to be sorry, while Zabuza's assimilated body instinctively felt something bad, someone was going to take the blame, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, it was not him anyway.

Uchiha Itachi's first reaction was Orochimaru, but he still had to ask: "Who is it?"

Uchiha Obito also listened carefully, what did you think of my eyes? This one was stolen and traded with others, and that one was also traded with others. This is the Mangekyō Sharingan! Or a kaleidoscope of spatial abilities.

"Shimura Danzo!"

As Aizen's split body said this name, everyone else was stunned. It's not that they didn't know Danzo. Danzo had just become the Fifth Hokage and was very famous! It was impossible for them not to know, they just felt that there was something about Danzo.

Uchiha Itachi looked thoughtful. It wouldn't be surprising if it was Danzo. This guy has always coveted the Sharingan. He took away one of Shisui's Sharingan.

"No wonder he has the skills of mutually multiplying the detonating talisman and the reincarnation of dirty earth."

Konan and Pain figured out the result by themselves. As for Aizen being an undercover agent sent by Danzo, they thought it was impossible.

Even if he is an undercover Nagato, he is not afraid. As long as he can use his strength to do things for himself, he will kill him when the work is about to be completed.

The samsara eye gave Nagato a lot of confidence. Because of the samsara eye, he felt that everything he did was right. It was God who gave him the eyes of the Sage of Six Paths.

It was fate, he was the one who brought peace to the ninja world.

After Payne gave a brief introduction, everyone dispersed. The Akatsuki organization is such a loose organization.

Uchiha Itachi didn't directly trouble Aizen's split body. As for getting the Sharingan back, he thought it was impossible because Sasuke was still in Konoha!

"I knew it would be Danzo who took the blame."

Zabuza's assimilated body had some speculation when Aizen's split body passed the blame. Among other split bodies and assimilated bodies, only Danzo's assimilated body was suitable to take the blame.

At this time, Obito was in a bad mood, but Black Zetsu was in a good mood.

"There are now three teams, plus Pain, there are four teams. They are recruiting one person, and at the same time, Obito is asked to turn to the bright side. In this way, as long as the arrangements are properly arranged and they work separately, they can catch five tailed beasts in one go."

After waiting for thousands of years, he finally saw hope. How could Hei Jue not be excited.

Black Zetsu thought about what Obito said to him just now, and felt a little disdainful. He actually asked himself to find out whether his Sharingan was on Aizen or with Danzo, and find a way to get it back to him.

Why doesn't Black Zetsu know Obito's thoughts? He has lived for thousands of years and has never seen any darkness.

"It's not impossible for Obito to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, but he is too weak and may not be able to withstand the backlash of the Ten-Tails. Moreover, he cannot compete with Bambi as the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki."

Black Zetsu shook his head. Madara Uchiha was the most talented Uchiha he had ever seen, surpassing his ancestor Indra.

Black Zetsu groaned and sank into the ground. He would detect traces of the Kamui Sharingan and get it. He was good at lurking to spy on information and stealing things, but he would not return the Sharingan to Obito.

In the Kamui space, Obito had a gloomy face. If this continues, the Eye of the Moon project can be completed, but it has nothing to do with him. He wants to become the kami of the new world and create a world with Lin. That guy Uchiha Madara is old. Just stay in the pure land!

"Black Zetsu! Do you think I will believe you?"

Obito sneered and began to think about how to become stronger.

Different from the original work, Zabuza's assimilated body, Hawkeye's split body, and Aizen's split body are much stronger than Kakuzu and Hidan, so Obito has to be on guard.

Obito knew that he relied solely on divine power, and that he was not particularly strong with other methods. It was enough to deal with ordinary Jonin, but not enough to deal with the truly strong.

In fact, Obito with his divine power is the real 50-50 opponent!

Even if Senju Hashirama comes, don't even think about taking Obito within five minutes.

The night is getting dark, and Yuhu's art of freedom is gone.

Nagato's chakra is comparable to that of a tailed beast, but he cannot release the Rain Tiger Freestyle Technique 24 hours a day without stopping. This has nothing to do with the amount of chakra, but has to do with the spirit.

As soon as the Yutora Free Technique was turned off, Aizen's split body immediately noticed that the sense of voyeurism disappeared.

"I originally thought about using the dirt reincarnation when I went on a mission with the Hawkeye split body in two days. It seems that I don't need to, and it can be done now."

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