Everyone in the Hokage can be a little bit evasive, but they are not as powerful as Naruto.

Facing Lin's attack, Obito kept dodging. This time, Obito didn't make a hard attack, because there was still someone lurking, and that guy was the real trouble.

But the anger in Obito's heart grew stronger, Lin! Why don't you understand that everything I do is for you and for the peace of the ninja world!

"Lin, please wake up. That guy is just using you, and I'm still me. I just learned about the ninja world through your death." Obito said urgently.

Chapter 73 Obito’s mentality is a bit broken

Lin didn't listen to Obito's sophistry at all. In her eyes, this man was a demon in Obito's skin. This was definitely not the Obito she knew.

"Then I can only offend you, Lin!"

Obito is unwilling to remain passive like this, because people reincarnated from dirty soil are tireless.

Lin was far from his opponent, but he kept dodging. How long could he hide? One hour, two hours or three hours.

The chains came out of Obito's cuffs. Lin was just an ordinary chuunin and a medical ninja. She was not good at fighting and was quickly tied up.

"Lin! I'm sorry, I can only seal you. Don't worry, I will let you out when my work is finished, and I will truly resurrect you then."

Obito was about to use the sealing technique, when a figure suddenly appeared. With superb physical skills, the figure instantly forced Obito back.

Obito paid a little attention when he saw the person coming. It was Uchiha Fugaku. Although he was the leader of the Uchiha clan, he was not very afraid. Obito didn't know that Fugaku had turned on the kaleidoscope.

"How many people has this guy reincarnated into?"

Obito wanted to run away, but he couldn't let go of Lin. At the same time, he was dissatisfied with Kurei. How did he collect intelligence? Why were there so many uncontrollable factors?

Unlike Lin, Fugaku only has fighting instincts and no consciousness. The male and female protagonists of this scene are Lin and Obito, and the others cannot have too many roles.

"Is Chief Fugaku dead too? Sure enough, Obito has really changed. No, that guy is not Obito. Obito is not like this."

Lin saw Fugaku being reincarnated, and believed even more what Aizen's split body and Kawakami Tomie's split body said.

"Obito, you can't escape. In that case, let me give you a final ride!"

Lin's tone was very melancholy. She knew that Asuma had not appeared. In addition to those two guys, they didn't know how many people had been reincarnated by the dirty soil. Obito couldn't win. Instead of letting Obito die in the hands of others, it would be better Doing it yourself, this is also to avenge Teacher Minato and cut off the cause and effect.

The original Nohara Rin would not do such a thing, but Rin who was split by Aizen and Kawakami Tomie successively amplified her evil desires was different.

No one is perfect, absolutely good, good and evil are one, light and darkness follow each other, Nohara Lin is now more evil than good.

"Lin! You underestimate me too much. I am no longer the last person I used to be. Also, that guy is using you. Why don't you understand that that guy will take revenge on Konoha sooner or later, because the Uchiha will be exterminated, and the Konoha clan will be wiped out. Senior Ye also has connections."

Obito wanted to give it a try. He didn't want Lin to be controlled by others. Otherwise, he could have simply escaped from the Kamui space when Fugaku appeared. Who knows how many people reincarnated by the dirty soil were waiting for him.

Lin said coldly: "You think I don't know that both you and the person who controls me are enemies of Konoha. If I can kill one of them, I will do my best to prevent you from harming Konoha and Kaka." West."

"Kakashi! It's Kakashi again, what's so good about Kakashi."

Now Obito couldn't control himself anymore, he roared, Kakashi is a waste, he killed you, why are you still so nice to him, why, Lin!

The furious Obito directly used Demu Release. Even though Obito didn't use Demu Release much in the original work, his Wood Release skills definitely surpassed Danzo's in the original work.

Kawakami Tomie's split body sneered, do you accept this? Obito, it turns out you are nothing more than this, the real despair has just begun!

We will resurrect Lin, but the resurrected Lin will not be with you, but with Kakashi.

Obito! Your life in hell begins today.

The furious Obito was indeed powerful, and Fugaku, who only had a fighting instinct, was directly suppressed. This was also related to the fact that Fugaku had not yet used the Mangekyō Sharingan.

"By the way, can I absorb Fugaku's eye power like this?"

Tomie Kawakami's split brain circuit is different from others. She doesn't care about Fugaku's pupil power. What she cares about is Fugaku's kaleidoscope pupil technique. This guy's pupil technique can predict the future to a certain extent.

With kaleidoscope ability, no one would dislike me for having too much.

"The reincarnation of the dirty land is too difficult. I defeated one, and the other only needs to buy a while, and the defeated one can recover quickly."

Obito wanted to retreat, and after being furious, he realized that his situation was not good.

"Yo yo yo! We have to leave! It turns out that Uchiha Obito, who released the Kyuubi, fought against the Fourth Generation, and destroyed Uchiha, was nothing more than that."

Tomie Kawakami's split body appeared, but Obito couldn't just leave, he had to leave something behind.

Uchiha Obito's face became increasingly gloomy, "How did you get in? How do you know so many things."

Obito noticed that Tomie Kawakami's split body did not come in using the Kamui Sharingan. The first time he came in, he used the Kamui Sharingan, and he came in just now using the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

She didn't leave the Flying Thunder God mark. She doesn't need it. Lin is a space mark. The control spell on Lin's body contains Aizen and her chakra. As long as there is a chakra mark, she can teleport without the Flying Thunder God mark. Tomie Kawakami split The technique of body development is terrible.

Kawakami Tomie's split body eyes turned, revealing the Mangekyo Sharingan.

"The ability of my left eye can see the past. The ninja world has no secrets for me. I know you want to create a world with Lin. You don't have to create it. I brought it to you. Unfortunately, your Lin doesn't like you. I still want to kill you, tsk tsk tsk!.”

Lying out of the mouth is the specialty of Tomie and Kawakami Tomie, and the Kawakami Tomie split did not forget to take a dig at Obito.

"Why, I can't accept it. In the final analysis, you are just a pathetic person escaping from reality. You fantasize about solving everything with infinite Tsukuyomi. This is your peace, letting everyone live in illusion."

"Or maybe you know that Lin doesn't like you, so you feel so sorry for yourself, and that's why you pursue Infinite Tsukuyomi. You are a self-impressed wretch who knows nothing and still pursues peace."

Kawakami Tomie's split body continued to sarcastically say that in his opinion, Infinite Tsukuyomi is a brain-dead thing that makes everyone fall into an illusion. After a hundred years, human beings will be extinct, and this will be peaceful. This belongs to human beings who can't solve the problem and directly solve the production problem.

This kind of behavior is not stupid. Uchiha Madara was deceived, Uchiha Obito was also deceived, and Uchiha was easily deceived.

These words made the depressed Obito even more hysterical. He roared: "Do you understand when you see it? I only see the world clearly through Lin's death."

"Lin used to be my only light. After losing Lin, the world I saw turned into a dark hell. This world is full of ashes and has no hope, even if I travel around the world with Madara's name , but what I saw only made me more convinced of this. Hatred and betrayal always exist, the ugliness of human nature is undoubtedly exposed, and tragedies are always repeated. Only the Eye of the Moon plan can bring peace. I want to cut off the cause and effect of this world. .”

Kawakami Tomie's split body was very indifferent. Even Lin was not moved by him. Obito looked at the two people and wondered why he didn't respond after saying so much. Could it be that he was a clown.

Chapter 74 Nagato’s Purpose

"You didn't come in with the power of the Kamui Sharingan. In that case, you can't stop me. I will bring peace to this desperate world. Wow!"

Midway through Obito's words, someone suddenly penetrated his chest.


Obito looked at the hand that passed through the chest from the back, as if he saw the scene of Kakashi killing Lin, although Kakashi penetrated Lin from the front of the chest.

"It's not Raikiri. This is Kumogakure's thunder escape chakra mode. It's more powerful than Raikiri."

Hancock's split body spoke out. She quietly came to the Kamui space and never made a move. Obito wanted to leave, but she couldn't let him leave easily, so she took action.

This time Obito didn't say harsh words, and after a teleportation technique, he decisively activated his divine power and left.

Hancock's split body didn't stop it, and no one stopped it. Obito thought they were helpless in the face of Kamui, but that was not the case.

Outside the Hidden Rain Village, Obito's aura began to become weak. In the original book, Obito was pierced through the heart by Kakashi with a thunder cutter and survived. It was only temporary. If he did not become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, he would die soon. , even if he has Hashirama cells.

"I almost died. Fortunately, my instinct to fight at the critical moment caused me to shift my body and my heart was not completely penetrated."

Obito lay on the ground panting. He had never felt this embarrassed since he activated the Mangekyo Sharingan. Even when he was fighting against his teacher Minato Namikaze, he was not as aggrieved as he was today.


Obito thought of Lin's indifferent face before leaving, as if he was regretting that he had escaped. Thinking of this, his heart ached even more.

"Lin! To you, I am a false Obito. To me, you are also a false Lin. The real Lin has died long ago, but it doesn't matter. I will meet the real Lin in Infinite Tsukuyomi. Will do."

Obito said crazily, then stood up and had to find Black Zetsu quickly. His desire for infinite Tsukuyomi had surpassed that of when Lin died.

In the distance, Aizen's split body watched quietly. Obito was so injured that he didn't even know someone was watching him.

"It seems that it was successful."

Aizen's split body didn't stay long. After confirming that the things left by Hancock's split body in Obito's body were functioning, he left.

Now, they can assimilate Obito at any time, but they will not do so. Instead, they choose to eavesdrop on Obito's intelligence. It is too cheap for him to assimilate Obito and kill him.

From the perspective of Aizen's split body, Obito is a guy who can only run away.

When Lin died, Obito wanted to escape and escape from this cruel world, so he awakened his divine power and could hide in a different space.

If Obito was thinking that he could go one step faster, then his ability was related to speed; if he was thinking that he could do it all over again, then his ability was most likely related to time; if he was thinking about resurrecting Lin, then Ability must have something to do with it.

But he just wanted to escape, so he awakened Kamui instead of other eye skills. Sharingan is also called the eye of spiritual reflection.

“Escape is shameful, but it works for some people.”

Aizen's split body thought of Nohara Rin, both of whom were escaping from reality.

Kawakami Tomie's split body just gave her a little guidance, telling her that the current Obito killed the Obito in her heart. At this time, Lin's burden was completely relieved, and she found an excuse to convince herself.

In the Kamui space, Lin's expression was a little complicated. She was happy that Obito escaped, but she was also afraid that Obito would hurt Konoha and Kakashi.

Human beings! It is a collection of contradictions in itself.

"You will have another chance to fight in the future, but you are too weak."

After speaking, Kawakami Tomie's split body ignored Lin's thoughts, channeled two coffins, and controlled her and Fugaku to go in.

Hancock's split body sighed: "Reincarnation in the dirt is a very useful ninjutsu."

Hancock's split body wanted to reincarnate the ninjas of the Sarutobi, Shimura, and Mitomon clans who died because of her. Those ninjas must be willing to serve themselves and can exert 200% of their power.

Asuma can't even defeat Sarutobi Hiruzen, even with the blessing of the Reincarnation of the Earth. So let Asma lead the reincarnations of the Sarutobi clan to fight against the Sarutobi clan led by Sarutobi Hiruzen. Also, let The Mitomon clan came to fight the Mitomon clan.

"Be careful. You are very active in the ninja world. It will not be difficult for Bai Zetsu to find you."

Kawakami Tomie's split body left after saying that. She had been in the deep mountains and forests, so it didn't matter if she was exposed.

Hancock's split body curled her lips indifferently, even if Obito came with Six Paths Payne, she would not be afraid, not to mention that everything about Obito was under their control.

Hancock's splinter body also left, and the Kamui space was empty again.

And Obito finally found Hei Zetsu. Hei Zetsu couldn't believe it when he saw Obito who was so seriously injured. Even if everyone from the Akatsuki organization took action together, it would be impossible for Obito to be injured like this. Obito's divine power was extremely powerful. The ability to save lives, not to mention he also has the Sharingan to use Izanagi.

The attack of Hancock's split body was so sudden that Obito did not react and had no time to use Izanagi.

This is normal, but she took action at the right time.

"There are still survivors in Uchiha. They have opened the Mangekyō Sharingan and can enter my divine power space. The ability of their left eye can even see the past."

"There is more than one survivor. She doesn't know how many accomplices she has. One of them has mastered the Thunder Chakra mode."

"She also mastered the art of reincarnation, and Uchiha Fugaku was resurrected by her."

Black Zetsu was stunned for a moment. If Obito wasn't on the verge of death, he would have thought that Obito was teasing him.

How could anyone escape from a situation like the night of genocide, and reincarnation in the dirt? This technique is not so easy to master. Until now, only Orochimaru has successfully practiced this technique since it was developed.

"I will collect good information, and Uchiha Itachi can use it."

Black Zetsu whispered, but he was wondering in his heart whether that Uchiha could really see the past, whether she knew Madara's plan, and whether she knew his own plan.

The kaleidoscope should have limits, and that guy shouldn't have seen Madara and I plotting against Obito, otherwise Obito would have been killing me by now.

So what if I see it, as long as I don't know about my use of Madara, I can still win.

Black Zetsu's mind became active, and he might be able to use the dirt reincarnation to resurrect Madara first. He had so many white Zetsus under his control, and he didn't believe that none of them could master the dirt reincarnation technique.

"Itachi can indeed use it. He is even more anxious than us, but the top management of Konoha can also use it."

When Black Zetsu was thinking about it, Obito's cold voice came over.

Black Zetsu nodded, and then sank into the ground. It was impossible for the top management of Konoha not to be wary of those who activated the Mangekyō Sharingan.

On the other side, Nagato also asked Xiaonan to practice the art of reincarnation in dirty soil.

Xiaonan said in confusion: "Even if we succeed in practicing, we still don't have the body of a strong person, and we can't summon an existence that can rival the shadow. This technique won't be of much use to us."

Nagato said solemnly: "No, the most important thing for me to let you practice this technique is to resurrect me. My body can't support it for long. Even if I collect all the tailed beasts and let the heretic demons devour them, I will have the ability to shock the five major countries." strength."

"Once I die, the Akatsuki organization will collapse, so Xiaonan, you must learn this technique. Once I die, you will resurrect me immediately. All this is for peace."

This is Nagato's purpose. He knows his situation and he has to arrange a way out. Of course, this is not only for peace, but also for Konan's safety.

Chapter 75 Arrival at Kirigakure, tense situation

It's messed up, everything is messed up.

However, Konoha is controlled by Danzo's assimilated body. The Akatsuki organization has three split and assimilated bodies of Tomie. There is a hidden Tomie in Obito. No matter how noisy the ninja world is, Uchiha Tomie knows it.

After all, in the original work, whether the Ninja world is in chaos or not is decided by the Rokudo Sage and his family. The Fourth Ninja World War has various factors, except for Kabuto Yakushi's reincarnation in the filthy land, all of which are related to the Rokudo Sage and his family.

Even the reincarnation of the dirty land is related to the Six Paths Sage, which was created by Senju Tobirama, one of the descendants of Asura.

Now, Uchiha Tomie has the final say whether the Ninja world is in chaos or not. The game on the big chessboard of the Ninja world has begun to be laid out. Take your time and don't be in a hurry.

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