Nagato was a little excited. After holding back for so long, it was finally about to begin. The light of dawn would illuminate the ninja world.

He believed that it wouldn't be long before a new era in the ninja world would come. God would rule the ninja world and peace would come to the ninja world.

Hanzo was a little confused. He collected tailed beasts and killed the Third Hokage. The owner of the Samsara Eye must be too crazy!

Hanzo admitted that Nagato was very strong, but it was impossible to match the five great ninja villages.

However, Hanzo didn't have time to think. Xiaonan controlled him and walked into the coffin that had been prepared in advance.

After that, Nagato controlled Payne to activate the lantern body technique and started the meeting.

Although Scorpion, Uchiha Itachi and others are all in the Kingdom of Rain, the Kingdom of Rain is not too small. If you don't want to waste time, using the Lantern Body Technique is the best way.

"Is there a problem?"

As soon as he came online, Xie said impatiently, unlike other people who could practice silently, as a puppet master, he couldn't make powerful puppets without good materials, which meant that his power had not improved much in the past few years. .

On the contrary, everyone else's strength has increased, even Uchiha Itachi's strength has also increased. The current ninja world puts too much pressure on Itachi.

"After waiting for a while, the plan can start. No, I should say, it can start now."

Tiandao Payne said, he knew that everyone was impatient. It was fine before and everyone could do their own thing, but now everyone can only huddle in the Rain Ninja Village. If they were not strong, these people would have rebelled long ago.

After hearing the words of Tendo Pain, everyone appeared and smiled, including Zabuza's assimilated form and Tomie. This meant that they could soon show their true power to the ninja world and take real revenge soon.

Konoha F4 and their families, Obito and Itachi, will come to an end. Although some of these people are dead, the dead can also be used.

Yes, apart from the punishment of Obito and the torture of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the previous revenge was just a small fight. Even if Mito Katoen died, it would not be enough to vent their anger in the eyes of Tomie and others.

"Zetsu, you go find the whereabouts of the Third Hokage, Scorpion, Zabuza, you and Konan go and capture Nanao from Taki Ninja Village first."

Tendo Payne spoke up again, because the Six-Tails incident gave him the idea of ​​arresting and imprisoning the Seven-Tails, a tailed beast that does not belong to the five great ninja villages.

The reason why so many people were dispatched was because they were afraid of Orochimaru. If Orochimaru attacked them, Konan could summon Six Paths Payne.

As for meeting other people, the strength of Xiaonan and the three of them plus Hanzo, the reincarnation of the Earth, were enough to handle them.

Chapter 151

"Are you going to invite Hiruzen Sarutobi to join our organization?"

Zetsu asked curiously. Everyone thought that Hiruzen Sarutobi was hiding. However, except Tomie and the others, no one knew that Hiruzen Sarutobi was dead.

Itachi Uchiha was speechless. He didn't expect Hiruzen Sarutobi to defect to Konoha.

Although he and Danzo would exchange information, he could not trust Danzo, so he would communicate with two people at the same time. Now he could only communicate with Danzo. Even if Danzo gave him false information, he would not be able to know it immediately. He was at a disadvantage.

"It's not about recruiting. Once you find him, kill him, and then he will be reincarnated and control him."

Pain didn't hide it, because Nagato was very confident in his own power, and he was now extremely swollen. His own power plus the six paths of Pain, and Konan plus the controllable power of the reincarnation of the earth, not only invincible in the ninja world, but also Can sweep through a single great ninja village.

But we still need people like Scorpion and Zabuza. It will be faster if they are there to seal the tailed beast.

Nagato understands that although he is powerful now and can even be regarded as the number one master in the ninja world, he is not invincible. If he faces too many shadows, he will lose.

He hasn't reached the level of Senju Hashirama yet, but he is confident that once the outsider demon absorbs the tailed beast's chakra, he will not need his chakra in the future. After his body is recuperated and recovered, he will reach a higher level, and even with the help of the outsider The golem became stronger, surpassing Senju Hashirama.

But he is not strong enough now. Collecting the tailed beasts will lead to resistance from the five major ninja villages. Kumogakure and Iwagakure, who have not taken action yet, will also take action. It will take time to seal the tailed beasts, so he needs Scorpion and others.

Therefore, even if Uchiha Itachi might be a spy, he turned a blind eye. To him, he was just a tool.

The people in the Akatsuki organization looked at Pain with extremely fearful eyes. This guy is so powerful. He has mastered the art of reincarnation in the dirty land, and with the collection of tailed beasts, he might really be able to unify the ninja world.

As for peace, no one believes in it. Just like the original Senju Hashirama, the ninja world was peaceful when he was alive, but it will not be peaceful after his death. This is probably the same with Pain.

Payne saw that everyone was silent and said: "Scorpion, Zabuza, if you don't have any objections, we will set off with Konan tomorrow. Zetsu, you quickly find Sarutobi Hiruzen. If there is nothing wrong with the others, we will disperse."

Hei Jue was a little excited, the plan was finally about to begin.

In fact, for him, resurrecting his mother only requires the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, and it doesn't necessarily have to be Uchiha Madara. It's just that the Six Paths are very powerful, and only Uchiha Madara has great trust in him.

Therefore, only if Madara becomes the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki can he have the opportunity to sneak attack and succeed, thus resurrecting his mother.

Xie was also a little excited. He almost vomited after staying in Yu Nin Village. Xie, who grew up in a dry desert, didn't like the weather in Yu Nin Village. Even after staying there for several years, he didn't like it.

If you don't like something, you just don't like it, and it won't change over time.

"Penn, I have to leave the village. Now Uchiha Sasuke is strong enough. He now has the three magatama sharingan. He is only one chance away from the kaleidoscope. Maybe he has opened the kaleidoscope. I need his eyes."

Uchiha Itachi hurriedly said that he wanted to help Sasuke open the kaleidoscope.

Sasuke, who had just turned on the kaleidoscope, was no match for him. When the time came, he would forcibly subdue him, help him transplant Hashirama cells, and then give him his own eyes.

Sasuke has the talent to surpass him and will surely surpass him quickly.

He can only help Sasuke become stronger as much as possible, he can't control the rest. The current situation in the ninja world is beyond his control.

But no matter what the situation in the ninja world is like, as long as his vision can be realized, Sasuke will be able to possess Hashirama Cells and the Eternal Kaleidoscope, and at the same time master Hatake Swordsmanship and Eight Gate Dungeon. With such powerful power, Sasuke can deal with any problem calmly.

Of course, he would find an opportunity to launch another attack on Sasuke. He could not leave hidden dangers to Konoha.

Uchiha Itachi didn't even know if Sasuke knew the truth about the genocide because his father was reincarnated by the dirty earth.

Pain frowned. The last time Itachi sent out Kisame, he died. If Uchiha Itachi hadn't also looked seriously injured and dying, he would have directly regarded Itachi as a traitor.

Speaking of Kisame, it's a pity that he didn't bring back his body, otherwise Konan could reincarnate Kisame from the dirty soil and let Kisame work for the organization again. I think Kisame would be very happy.

"According to Zetsu's information, Uchiha Sasuke is either in Konoha or with Kakashi, Uchiha Tomie, and Uzumaki Naruto, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki. Faced with the cooperation of the four of them, you have no chance of winning."

Tendo Payne knew that Uchiha Itachi was very powerful, but it was impossible to take down these four people. If Uchiha Sasuke turned on the kaleidoscope during the battle, and with the help of the other three people, Uchiha Itachi would die.

He didn't care about Uchiha Itachi's life or death, but if Uchiha Itachi's eyes were taken away, Uchiha Sasuke might have the Eternal Mangekyo in the future, which would be very detrimental to them.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi opened his mouth slightly and seemed to say something, but no one else heard it.

Tendo Pain didn't hear it either, but seeing that the mouth shape was one word, he thought of Madara. Did Uchiha Itachi want Madara to assist him?

"In that case, I will let him assist you."

After Payne finished speaking, he said nothing. Although Scorpion was wondering what kind of riddle Payne and Uchiha Itachi were playing, seeing that the others remained silent, he didn't ask too many questions as he didn't want to stand out.

Nagato changed his mind. It would be a good thing for him if "Madara" was not strong enough and died at the hands of the Hatake team. Now that he no longer needs Madara's power, he should be wary of him.

But he felt it was unrealistic, as Madara's spatial ability was too tricky.

However, there was another reason why Nagato agreed to the two men's dispatch. He knew that Uchiha Itachi and "Madara" were not of the same mind, and "Madara" was there to monitor Uchiha Itachi.

He didn't know what "Madara"'s ultimate goal was, but he must now want to collect all the tailed beasts like himself. In this case, "Madara" would not let Uchiha Itachi ruin the plan.

Next, the Hawkeye split body and the Aizen split body complained a few words, saying that they could also capture Nanao, and then the meeting ended.

Two years later, Hancock's fragmented body was still flying in the universe. She encountered several planets. Only one had living things, but there were no humans. The other planets were a bit dead and not suitable for ordinary people to live. Even natural energy It's not as rich as the ninja world, far less so.

The Hancock split body left several Flying Thunder God marks and continued on its way, leaving the rest to the Tomie Kawakami split body.

A dead planet does not mean it is useless. There may be some special materials that can provide many alternatives for Orochimaru's research and reduce expenses.

Maybe there is something useful hidden in these planets, but Hancock's split body did not have time to stay, so it was left to others.

That is to say, Kawakami Tomie's split body is strong enough, and her spatial attainments have improved, so she can use the Flying Thunder God's Technique across such a long distance.

Even so, this kind of inter-planetary space jump consumes most of the chakra of Tomie Kawakami's split body in one go.

You must know that she has not made any progress in the past two years. In terms of pure strength, she is not inferior to Kaguya Tsutsuki. What is even more terrifying is her endless methods.

Chapter 152 Fu Jiang’s Puppetry

After Hatake's team disbanded, Kakashi finally had some leisure time.

Ever since the Sharingan was taken away by Zabuza's assimilated form, he has continued to invest in training, and he has been even busier with the guidance of Naruto and Sasuke. Tomie doesn't really need his guidance, he only needs to teach him once or even throw the scroll directly to him. he.

Then he took them on a mission, and several years passed in the blink of an eye.

Kakashi's only regret was that he couldn't find Zabuza and regain Obito's Sharingan.

What a pity! He is destined to never get it back.

Naruto and Tomie are also laid-back. They do not join the Anbu and are not team teachers. They can only join other departments, such as the Intelligence Department, the Security Department, the Barrier Department, and the Medical Department.

In fact, Naruto wanted to be a teacher, but he felt that he was too young. If he wanted to become Hokage in a few years, he would have everyone's support. It would be impossible to become Hokage if he stayed in ANBU.

Naruto joined the Security Department, which was originally the responsibility of Uchiha. After the Uchiha clan was exterminated, this department was rebuilt. However, there were very few family ninjas joining this department. To be precise, there were very few ninjas from big families, most of them were civilians. Ninja.

Tomie joined the Intelligence Department. In fact, it didn't matter which department he joined. They were already Konoha's high-end combat force. The Hokage would directly transfer them when necessary.

For Uchiha Tomie, this was even less important. The curtain was finally about to open, and the ninja world was finally no longer peaceful.

When Sasuke joined ANBU, he naturally had to perform tasks, and his task completion rate was very high.

Danzo's assimilated body knows that it is dangerous to become Sasuke's companion. This danger does not come from Sasuke, but from Uchiha Itachi and him.

Therefore, the ANBU ninjas who went on missions with Sasuke were ninjas from the Shimura clan and the Tensho clan. These ninjas died when they died.

This day is the tenth day since Sasuke left the Hatake team and became the ANBU team leader.

He left the village to perform an A-level mission. Even though it was an A-level mission, there was no danger for Sasuke to complete it now.

Sasuke moved forward quickly on the quiet road, and the ANBU behind him did not dare to underestimate this little man.

No matter how famous you are, it is better to experience it yourself. They have experienced Sasuke's power. He defeated three of them by himself. Although it was not an instant kill, he defeated them easily. Moreover, he did not use all his strength. What really frightened them was this guy. Only twelve years old.


Sasuke who was running suddenly stopped, and the other three Anbu were also on guard. They believed in Sasuke's strength.

Sasuke was trained by Kakashi and Uchiha Tomie. In addition to fire escape, thunder escape, genjutsu, eight gate armor, and sword arts, he also mastered some earth escape and water escape. Although he is not particularly strong, he is more versatile. The most important thing is He learned the Sensory Ninjutsu, the one developed by Tomie Kawakami's split body.

Sasuke didn't practice this technique enough, but he could still sense everything within a few hundred meters. An extremely terrifying aura appeared in his senses, which was scarier than Kakashi-sensei and even scarier than Naruto.

"Yes, you actually found me. I am worthy of being the clan leader's son, and worthy of being Uchiha Itachi's younger brother."

Kawakami Tomie's split body applauded, she showed up openly.

I have trained Sasuke for so many years, now it is time to decide whether to continue to train him or to destroy him.

"You go first, this guy is not something you can handle. This guy is definitely better than Kakashi-sensei."

Sasuke said coldly, but the anger in his heart was about to explode, just because he deserved to be Itachi's brother, but he didn't act rashly. He didn't have much feelings for his new teammates, but he wouldn't just watch. The Konoha ninja died.

"Let's go! Haha! Let me try your power first!"

Kawakami Tomie's split body sneered. She raised her right arm slightly, and saw three Anbu attacking Sasuke disobediently.

Who is Sasuke, someone who often sparred with Tomie, Kakashi, and Metkai? How could he be hit? He quickly unsheathed his long sword and quickly slashed away these three people with the back of the sword.

"My body is out of control, damn it!"

An ANBU cursed lowly, not knowing what was going on.

Another ANBU said: "Maybe it's puppetry. Sasuke, use your Sharingan to see if there are chakra lines controlling us, and use a knife to cut the chakra lines."

Sasuke opened his Sharingan, and at the same time thought of the puppet master of Sunagakure Village, but the puppet master was not very strong. It seemed that Kakashi-sensei's father had killed many puppet masters with the Hatake sword technique, and the killings made Sunagakure Village scared. .

"No chakra lines? The other party is not a puppet master?"

Sasuke was surprised, if the other party was not a puppet master, then how did she control the ANBU.

The controlled ANBU couldn't display their strength at all, and they were not as good as Sasuke, so they couldn't hurt Sasuke, but Sasuke couldn't kill them.

If Sasuke learns Sage Mode, he will be able to sense the invisible natural energy turning into thin threads and clinging to the Anbu's body.

The top puppet masters in the ninja world can not only attach chakra lines to the enemy's puppets and seize control of the opponent's puppets, but can also attach chakra lines to enemies and even teammates to control them to attack or avoid attacks.

In the original work, Chiyo controlled Sakura to avoid Scorpion's killing move.

Aizen's split body obtained the basic puppet technique from Rasha. Although it was a basic thing, it was enough for him.

During those years in the Rain Ninja Village, Aizen's split body was not just developing illusions, his real goal was to become a Hexagon Warrior.

Tomie will also compare with each other, because of Uchiha Tomie's order, they will not kill each other, but they will compare invisibly.

Puppetry is not powerful, but when Aizen's split body was practicing in the Rain Ninja Village, when the illusion encountered a bottleneck, he paid attention to other aspects, and puppetry was one of them.

And the Rain Ninja Village has Scorpion, one of the top three puppet masters in the ninja world, and Aizen's split body has benefited a lot from just sparring with him.

With the ability of absolute control, his control over chakra is so strong that it is very terrifying. What is needed to control the puppet is chakra control, so he easily surpassed Scorpion, although Scorpion did not know this.

Now Kawakami Tomie's split body is a technique developed using Aizen's split body. It borrows some tricks from Doflamingo, but it is more powerful and harder to defend against.

"Don't you have the heart to do it? But are they really your companions? Is everything you know really the truth? Or is it really that easy for Uchiha to be exterminated?"

Kawakami Tomie's split body is playful. She controls the ANBU. Whenever Sasuke wants to burst out with powerful power and rush over, the ANBU will use his body to stop him.

The three Anbu acted together, and the Tomie Kawakami split body had greater insight than Sasuke. Sasuke would be trapped unless he killed him.

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