Uchiha Tomie, who was training, suddenly stopped and looked at the Hokage Tower and the roots. This was just the beginning.

With Danzo's information, the next four families would be in danger unless they did not leave the village to carry out tasks.

The best thing about this move is that Danzo doesn't know that the information is leaked from him, so Konoha F4 will doubt each other.

"I didn't expect Kakuzu to be killed by Orochimaru. Now it's interesting."

The people of Konoha don't know the information about Kakuzu's death yet, but the split body knows it, and Tomie naturally knows it.

"The next revenge will be based on Konoha F4, and Obito will be left alone first. The best way to revenge Obito is not physical harm, but mental torture. You can make a fuss about Lin."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tomie passed the new instructions to the Aizen split body. The next thing could not be completed by Hancock's split body.

Hancock's split body has the strength to complete it, but it is not suitable. Her main position is to charm, and the power is left to others.

Aizen's split body from Tiannokuni smiled slightly, is it my turn? But it doesn’t matter! Even if I'm not here, I can indirectly control the Kingdom of Tian.

At this time, except for the two teams left at the border, the others in Konoha returned to Konoha, and those two teams did not include people from the Sarutobi, Shimura and other families.

"Is he the next target? If this guy dies, it's impossible for Hiruzen Sarutobi not to feel heartbroken."

Aizen's split body set off towards the Fire Country, while Hancock's split body headed towards the border between the Fire Country and the Earth Country. The battle there was not over yet.

Chapter 15 Eight Gates Dunjia

The split bodies all have their own things to do. In comparison, the main body is indeed much more leisurely. The main pleasure now is to bully Sasuke, after all, he cannot be exposed yet.

That night, he gave Sasuke instructions and sparred with Sasuke again. To be precise, Sasuke came to challenge him again.

"Art fire escape ho fireball."

Sasuke quickly formed the seal, and a fireball spit out from his mouth. The fireball was not very big, and the speed of the seal was a bit slow.

"Art fire escape ho fireball."

Uchiha Tomie lazily raised his arm, formed a seal with one hand very perfunctorily, and a huge fireball spit out, twice the size of Sasuke.

Tomie's fireball quickly engulfed the fireball spitted out by Sasuke. Fortunately, Sasuke dodged the fireball as soon as he saw it.

This is not the first time that Sasuke has seen Tomie form a seal with one hand to release the powerful fireball technique. Forget it, he can form a seal with one hand and release it with just one seal. This is almost equivalent to no seal, so no matter how many times he sees this kind of thing, he will know it. surprise.

The ANBU candidates hiding in the dark were also surprised. They felt that they might not be able to beat Uchiha Tomie. They could also beat Sasuke, but they knew that Uchiha Tomie must have hidden his strength.

Tomie defended the whole time. No matter how Sasuke attacked, whether it was ninjutsu, taijutsu, or shuriken throwing, Tomie would come first and use the same moves as him to counterattack.

After Sasuke had used all his methods, Tomie Uchiha accelerated violently, kicked him away, and looked at him condescendingly.

"Sasuke, you are still too weak. It's just about the speed of seal formation. Uchiha Itachi can do six seals per second. Seeing your progress, I'm very worried. Fortunately, I'm alive. Otherwise, depending on your words, Uchiha's hatred will last forever. I can’t repay it.”

Tomie Uchiha sarcastically mocked Sasuke mercilessly. This was his daily routine. No, Sasuke's eyes were already double magatama.

But Tomie still wanted to sigh, Sasuke is really weird, he is completely different from the original. He had to evolve twice to evolve the second Magatama Sharingan.

He evolved once before, so his Sharingan had a single magatama and a double magatama. This time he evolved and both of them were double magatama.

Sasuke stood up unsteadily, "I will only be the one to kill Itachi, you are only temporarily ahead."

Sasuke did not continue the challenge. In fact, every time Sasuke's strength was improved in some aspect, he had the illusion that I could kill Tomie. This is Qingtiansuke!

The result is just a beating, and he will come again after a while when his strength improves.

In fact, Uchiha Tomie, who has mastered the changes in the nature of fire attribute chakra, knows how to compress fire attribute ninjutsu and reduce seals, and also knows medical ninjutsu, is the best teacher for Sasuke.

The medical ninjutsu was obtained by Hancock's split body from the Konoha ninjas on the border. Both the split body and the original master can easily master it, so Sasuke can practice it to his heart's content without fear of leaving any hidden injuries.

"Hey! I actually got the Eight Door Dunjia Formation."

Uchiha Tomie, who guided Sasuke to practice ninjutsu and genjutsu, suddenly obtained the forbidden technique of the Eight Gate Armor Formation, which was passed on by Hancock's split body.

I didn’t expect that a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes like Metkai would also be interested in beautiful women?

Uchiha Tomie quickly asked about the situation of the split body. In the original work, Matt Kai never married. In this case, the Matt family would be extinct.

What is intriguing is that Hatake Kakashi has never married. Kakashi is the last lone child of the Hatake clan!

"It's boring! It turns out to be reading memory!"

After understanding the situation, Uchiha Tomie was less interested. After all, if Metkai could be used, there would be no need to open eight doors. Opening seven doors would be comparable to Kage.

It turns out that it was not Metkai who was affected by the ability of Meicheng Desire, but Kai's teammates.

Hancock's split body used them to sneak attack on Metkai, read his memory, obtained the Eight Gate Armor Formation, and then sealed his memory, and also sealed the memories of Kai's teammates.

"Eight Gate Dungeon is really a good ninjutsu. I don't know if I will die if I open the Eight Gates. Even if I die, I can still let the split body perform this forbidden technique. With this forbidden technique, some things can be accelerated. ”

Uchiha Tomie seems to be sitting in Konoha doing nothing, but in fact he controls the overall situation, and all the split bodies are controlled by him.

"Did Iwagakure also choose to cease the war? That's right. Ohnoki would not be able to bear the loss of a complete war. There will be a period of relative peace for a long time."

Uchiha Tomie analyzed the situation. He would not provoke war at will. Everything he did had a purpose.

"Next, I need an identity to join Akatsuki. Isn't Kakuzu dead? Akatsuki will definitely recruit people. Maybe some split body can join Akatsuki."

Uchiha Tomie needs a split body to go undercover to Akatsuki. When the time is right, he will snatch the final fruit and make himself the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

It's easy to join the Akatsuki, you just need to have strong power and be a rebel nin, so the Akatsuki organization will recruit them on their own.

"Instead of making a split body and trying to gain fame, it is better for the split body to assimilate a well-known ninja and assimilate him into Tomie."

Uchiha Tomie quickly formulated a plan and handed the matter over to the Eagle Eye split body of the Iron Country.

Originally, this matter should be left to the Aizen split body, but the Aizen split body has its own mission, and now the Hawkeye split body is closest to the Kingdom of Thunder. There is no strong rebel ninja in the Kingdom of Thunder, but there are always ways.

Kakuzu had been dead for seven days at this time. Under Bai Zeze's investigation, the Akatsuki organization knew the cause of Kakuzu's death.

In Yuyin Village, people from the Akatsuki organization held a meeting using the magic of lantern body. Except for Payne and Xiaonan, everyone else was a projection.

After knowing that Kakuzu died at the hands of Orochimaru, Scorpion's face looked very ugly. If he could kill Orochimaru, then Kakuzu would not have died.

It's not that the relationship between Scorpion and Kakuzu is very good, but that he was responsible for chasing Orochimaru, but let Orochimaru kill Kakuzu, which made him look very incompetent.

"I will go to Orochimaru personally to deal with him and retrieve his and Kakuzu's rings."

Tiandao Pain said indifferently that the people in the Akatsuki organization were just tools in his eyes, and except for Xiaonan, he didn't care about anyone else.

In contrast, others who joined the Akatsuki organization did not have much loyalty in their hearts.

"Chief, just leave this matter to me."

Scorpion has a different opinion. He is very confident in his own power, and everyone in the Xiao organization is very confident in their own power.

Tiandao Payne said: "You are no match for Orochimaru now. Orochimaru is already difficult to deal with. Now that he has obtained Kakuzu's secret technique, he also has five hearts. To be on the safe side, I will go out personally."

Akatsuki doesn't have enough manpower now, and Pain doesn't want Xie to die and have to recruit men again.

Uchiha Itachi didn't speak the whole time. In fact, he didn't care at all what happened to Orochimaru. What he cared about was Sasuke and Konoha.

He got information from the Third Generation that there was one Uchiha survivor. Although he was young, he was very powerful. He was not inferior to Chunin before he graduated. He was teaching Sasuke. The Third Generation planned to let him and Sasuke graduate early next year.

Uchiha Itachi's expression was a little complicated. He had some impressions of Tomie, but he remembered that he did not kill him.

Could it be that Tomie was killed by "Madara" or a root in his sleep, and after he was resurrected, he felt that he had killed him.

Uchiha Itachi hoped that someone would accompany Sasuke, but he was afraid that Tomie would hurt Konoha and Sasuke if he knew the truth.

He planned to observe for a while, and if the Third Generation received information that Tomie was not good for Konoha, he planned to use other gods to control Tomie.

The meeting organized by Akatsuki didn't last long, and it was finally Pain who took action.

Chapter 16 The Civil War of Protecting Shinobi

On the other side, after continuing to rush, Aizen's split body finally arrived at the capital of the Fire Nation.

He had only one purpose, to kill Sarutobi Asuma, one of the twelve guardian ninjas, who turned out to be the son of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Guardian Ninja! This is not easy to deal with. With my current strength, I can't kill these twelve people even with the Mangekyō Sharingan. But my purpose is just to kill Asuma, which is much easier."

Aizen's split body had many conspiracies in an instant, and the Twelve Guardian Ninja Styles were not monolithic, and were divided into two factions.

Thinking of this, Aizen's split body has already thought about how to kill Asma, force Asma to return to Konoha, and then ambush him on the road. In a one-on-one situation, he is sure even if the Mangekyo Sharingan is not exposed. Kill Asuma.

What's more, there are still many years away from the timeline of Shippuden, and the current Asuma is not that strong.

"It would be a waste to just kill Asuma and stay here for so long. Fire Temple's jutsu is very powerful. If I remember correctly, Fire Temple's host Ji Riku can beat Kakuto and Hidan. If not I don’t know Hidan’s ability, even if we fight one against two, he will definitely win.”

Aizen's split body thought that if he remembered correctly, Jilu was also a guardian ninja in the twelve forms. After the guardian ninja was disbanded, he returned to the Fire Temple as the host.

Aizen's split body entered the Fire Nation's capital openly and openly. He did nothing but investigated the identity of the guardian nin, approached them quietly, and amplified their desires without doing anything.

The split body of Aizen, the Twelve Guardian Ninjas, and even the main body only know Jilu and Asuma, but not the others. After all, they are just supporting characters! That's why we need to investigate.

"Then let's wait for time to ferment. The guardian nin are inherently contradictory. No, the meaning of their existence is ridiculous. Are they loyal to the daimyo or loyal to the Hokage? Haha!" Aizen's split body drank tea quietly.

A few days later, the twelve guardian ninjas were divided into three groups, gathering in different places. This faction was more than Aizen's split body imagined.

"Everyone knows about the small-scale conflicts on the border some time ago. Although the war has ceased, how long can this kind of peace last? We in the Fire Nation have powerful forces, but this power cannot be integrated together. This is very sad. Therefore, we need Kill the incompetent daimyo.”

Yamamoto said coldly that his group's idea was to kill the Daimyo. The Country of Fire did not need two leaders, and the Hokage should have the supreme status.

"Yes, the name is too much trouble."

"Kill the daimyo, integrate the power of the Fire Country, and unify the ninja world."

Yamamoto has four companions, which means that five of the twelve guardian ninjas want to kill the daimyo, which is nearly half of them.

That's right, there are a few ninjas who are willing to surrender to daimyo who have no power, but the Five Kages know many things better than ordinary ninjas that don't rely on force. It can also be said that the current Kage does not have the power to crush everything.

There were four people on Asma's side. Asma was puffing away his breath. He left Konoha because he was dissatisfied with his father taking over the position of Hokage again.

As a result, he discovered that the intrigues on the daimyo's side were also very powerful. There was even a person with roots among the Twelve Guardian Ninjas. That master's hands were really long!

Yes! There are two people in the Yamamoto faction who are the root, and Danzo is very courageous and ambitious.

Perhaps it was that hesitation that caused Danzo to miss the position of Hokage. After that, he became more extreme and bolder, even daring to send someone to assassinate Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Ahem! There's something wrong with those guys at Yamamoto recently. What should we do?"

Jilu asked, he doesn't like cigarettes, but Asuma likes to smoke, so he has to interrupt Asuma with questions quickly, otherwise the smoke will choke him to death.

Asuma's expression became sharp, "No matter what, nothing can happen to the daimyo. I hope Yamamoto and the others won't do stupid things. They should know the importance of the daimyo."

Asuma has reported the situation here to Konoha. Things about the daimyo are not trivial and should not be taken carelessly.

The remaining three guardian ninjas supported the daimyo. After discussion, they decided to tell the daimyo what happened so that the daimyo could take precautions. Otherwise, if Yamamoto suddenly attacked the daimyo, they might not be able to stop him.

However, only a thousand days can be a thief, and there is no way a thousand days can prevent thieves. Therefore, these three people became murderous and wanted to obtain the consent of the daimyo, and then ambush and kill the five Yamamotos.

How sad! The Twelve Guardian Ninjas obviously exist to protect the daimyo, but there are only three people who are truly completely loyal to the daimyo.

It is not difficult to guess why Asuma and others knew that the Yamamoto Five were radicals.

They have worked together for several years, and the Twelve Guardian Ninjas have performed so many missions together, and they all know each other's thoughts.

Both radicals like Yamamoto and the weaker royalists have repeatedly attracted neutrals like Asuma. In fact, there was only one royalist at the beginning.

A few days later, the twelve guardian ninja warriors began a civil war.

The five Yamamotos were surrounded by Asuma's seven guardian ninjas and some ninjas recruited by the daimyo. This civil war about the guardian ninja began in advance.

That's right, even if we start in advance, even if there is no split body of Aizen, there will be a civil war among the twelve guardian ninjas in a few years. This is due to the difference in philosophy.

Aizen's split body only amplified their desires and gave them a gentle push to make it come ahead of time.

From the beginning of this battle, the five Yamamotos were at an absolute disadvantage, because the twelve guardian ninjas were also different in strength. There was no doubt that the strongest among them was Chiriku, a man from the Fire Temple. Even if Asuma, the son of the Third Hokage, was a step behind him.

In fact, Jilu alone can compete with the five Yamamotos.

"Come to welcome Thousand Hands Killer."

Yamamoto and others' desperate counterattack injured Asuma, so Jilu no longer hid his strength. A Buddha statue more than ten meters high appeared behind him. He had just mastered this move.

This is the art of the Immortal Clan. Chakra is used to form the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara and can be transformed into the angry look of King Ming. It provides absolute defense and attacks the enemy at super speed with the fist formed by chakra.

You can think of him as a low-profile, weakened version of True Thousand Hands.

This move had just been mastered by Chi Riku. It was not as terrifying as Shippuden's, but it was still impressive. The overwhelming shadow of the fist enveloped Yamamoto and other radical parties.

"Damn it, why is this happening?"

After a moment, Yamamoto fell to the ground unwillingly. Except for Aizen's split body, no one knew that Jilu had such a powerful power.

"The chakra is almost exhausted, what happens next is up to you."

Dilu was a little unsteady on his feet. For him now, using this move was too forced. In fact, Dilu could kill them, but he relented because they were companions!

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