Taoshi looked desperate. She didn't expect that he would be defeated here, and he didn't even have a chance to escape.

He looked bitterly at the four Uchiha Tomie who surrounded him, "Don't be complacent, Otsutsuki is not as simple as you think. There are many existences like me, and there are many who are stronger than me. You have no chance of winning. "

Danzo's assimilated body and Hancock's split body all opened the Rinnegan Eye, Kawakami Tomie's split body opened the Ultimate Sharingan, and Uchiha Tomie opened his Ultimate Rinnegan, which is superior to the Rinnegan and the Ultimate Sharingan. The eyes above the eyes are higher in level than the Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes.

"Soul Storm!"

The four people stood in four different directions and activated the pupil technique together. This is a technique aimed at the soul. Even a soul at the level of six levels will be severely damaged by this technique.

However, this move will not damage the body of the person being attacked. It can be said that even if Fujiang uses this move on an ordinary person, that person will be stunned in an instant, but his body will not be harmed at all.

Soul Storm is the pupil technique obtained by Danzo's assimilated body and Hancock's split body when they awakened the Samsara Eye. Later, it was jointly improved by the soul split body and Aizen's split body. It can be performed even without the pupil technique, but it must be used in conjunction with the pupil technique. Can exert two hundred percent power.

Now that the four of Uchiha Tomie are using this move together, there is no way Momoshiki can survive.

In the painful wailing, Taoshi's soul weakened rapidly, and then was completely shattered. The four of them took action together, but Taoshi could not last more than three seconds.

The death of the soul is the real death. Unless Momoshi leaves soul fragments elsewhere like Orochimaru did, no one can resurrect him.

They don't want to hear about Tao Shi's pussy. If they need information, just ask Pu Shi.

"Orochimaru, I leave this guy to you."

Kawakami Tomie's fragmented body teleported and brought Orochimaru's clone over.

No matter how Orochimaru's clone studies Momoshiki, she will be the one who can profit from it.

Even if the clone of Orochimaru reaches the Six Paths level in the future, he will not be able to escape the control of other gods because his mental power exceeds the ordinary Six Paths.

After a simple fight with Momoshiki, she knew that even Otsutsuki Kaguya was no match for her.

Facing the immortal Kaguya, the Sage of Six Paths could only seal him but could not kill him, but she could kill him.

"Thank you, sir!"

The Orochimaru clone was very excited. How could they who followed Tomie not know about Otsutsuki? How could they not know about Senju, Uchiha, and Six Paths Sage? Now there was an Otsutsuki corpse for him to study. How could he Not excited.

It is necessary for Orochimaru and others to know this. This information can help Orochimaru and others clarify the direction of research, and Tomie and others will naturally not be stingy with this information.

"Your power is not strong enough! You are not absolutely invincible here yet, you need to improve it."

After Tomie Kawakami's split body pointed his finger, the natural energy floating between heaven and earth began to gather here, and then poured into the body of Orochimaru's clone.

Tomie and the others now have a very masterful demeanor and can enhance the strength of others at a glance.

Under the high concentration of natural energy, the body and soul of Orochimaru's clone became stronger.

This clone is just an ordinary body, not as carefully crafted as Orochimaru's original body. Its strength is equivalent to Orochimaru during the Third Ninja War, plus a sage mode.

This power is enough to protect oneself on this planet, but it is impossible to dominate here.

Now, the clone's body begins to change and becomes more suitable for cultivating natural energy.

Ten minutes later, Kawakami Tomie's split body stopped because it had reached a critical point and it would not be so easy to improve next.

But enough is enough. The transformed Orochimaru clone is enough to gain a foothold on this planet. With just his physical skills, he can crush the Fourth Raikage. This power is enough to be invincible here.

Orochimaru's clone thanked him again, and then stepped away knowingly.

He didn't say that he couldn't do the experiment alone. When a clone came out, he would have an assistant.

The two of them are enough. A layman who doesn't know anything about the experiment can't help at all. As for collecting materials, we can rely on the creatures in this world.

Some chores can't be done by shadow. It doesn't matter if they are a bit difficult or tiring. The main thing is that you have a busy life.

Whether it's Orochimaru or a clone of Orochimaru, even if you don't use other gods, as long as you always maintain the power to crush him and give him some sweet treats, this guy will definitely be obedient.

Only children talk about ideals. The most reliable relationship for adults is actually a relationship of interest. This seemingly least reliable relationship sometimes turns out to be the most reliable, and people who are close to you may betray you for various reasons.

"It's faster for us to see it ourselves than for you to tell us. Don't resist."

Hancock's split body looked at Pu Shi, preparing to read the memory.

Pu Shi is now a fan of Hancock's split body, and he has no objection to letting him commit suicide, so he quickly nodded in agreement.

Uchiha Tomie couldn't help but sigh that it was really terrible for beauty to turn into desire. In the final analysis, alienating gods and amplifying desires only accelerated the transformation process.

Even if these two abilities are not used, Shipu Shi will definitely fall within three days.

The four quickly invaded Pu Shi's soul and read his memories.

Chapter 179 Otsutsuki Divine Style

Soon, the memory was read, and there were a few general information.

First, the reason why Jin Shi didn't appear was that they met a powerful being on a planet a few years ago. A sneak attack injured the arrogant Taoshi. Others on the planet teamed up to temporarily trap Pu Shi, and finally forced him to To get the golden style, you can only sacrifice yourself.

What a pity! The planet was later destroyed.

It is not impossible that there are people from one planet in the universe who can push Tao Shi and the others to this point. The universe is vast, and even though the universe of this world may have shrunk relatively, it cannot be underestimated.

Secondly, not everyone in Otsutsuki is at the Sixth Level, and not everyone in Otsutsuki is a Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

However, it is true that Otsutsuki's human super shadow started out, just like Otsutsuki Kaguya. In fact, she was still at the sixth level before eating the fruit of the sacred tree, otherwise she would not have been able to come to the ninja world.

There are high and low levels of chakra fruit. According to Pu Shiki's memory, the fruit Kaguya harvested in the ninja world was indeed the top fruit as they had guessed.

Third, the strength of Momo and Pushi can only be considered average among Otsutsuki. There are some who are stronger than them, not many, but they are not a handful.

Also, Otsutsuki has a mysterious patriarch, Otsutsuki Kamishi, who possesses extremely terrifying power. Momoshiki has never seen him, but there are rumors that the patriarch must have swallowed hundreds of chakra fruits.

It is even more exaggerated to say that the clan leader swallowed thousands or even tens of thousands of fruits, because he is the oldest existence of the Otsutsuki clan. It is said that he has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he has not made a move for many years.

There are rumors that even if all the people in the sacrificial clan become one person, that person will not be the opponent of the clan leader.

Fourth, Tomie Uchiha and others knew where the base camp of the Otsutsuki clan was, as well as the locations of some planets. According to Fu Shi's memory comparison, the environment of the planet where Otsutsuki's base camp was located was indeed half better than that of the ninja world.

"Interesting, Otsutsuki Kamishi, Otsutsuki's clan leader, seems to have a great guy."

"I have a hand in this matter. Anyway, the revenge is mostly completed. It would be a waste for me to stay in the ninja world."

Hancock's split body and Danzo's assimilated body made noises one after another. They wanted to meet the mysterious Otsutsuki clan leader for a while.

Uchiha Tomie had no objection, "That's okay, but you probably won't be that guy's opponent in a head-on fight. Even I might not be his opponent."

I ate at least a hundred chakra fruits. What a terrifying power this is.

You must know that Momoshiki's strength increased greatly when he swallowed Jinshi. That guy can still stand as the leader of the clan, not because he is the original Otsutsuki.

Identity is important, but strength is even more important. Without strong strength, how can one maintain the position of clan leader for so many years?

"Of course we know this, but who can determine the outcome until the last moment of the battle?"

How could Danzo's assimilated body be afraid of a mere Otsutsuki? If he really wanted to fight, he would continue to create Tomie, and he could overthrow the Otsutsuki clan by surrounding them.

Uchiha Tomie didn't say much. He just paid a little attention to it and was not afraid of the Kamishiki he had never seen before. Maybe the Kamishiki was not that powerful.

Kamishi can crush Momoshiki, but so can his split body with Tomie Kawakami.

If the god-style really swallowed more than 10,000 chakra fruits, just pretend that he didn't say it, because quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes.

According to Pu Shi's memory, even if it is the hottest chakra fruit, the power gained by swallowing it is almost at the same level as the reincarnation eyespot, and the bloodline is more advanced than it.

If he really ate tens of thousands of them, it could be said that even a pig would be invincible, let alone the Otsutsuki God Style, the terrifying being who single-handedly founded the Otsutsuki clan.

However, Otsutsuki Kaguya is indeed weird. According to Kaguya's memory, even if the chakra fruit in the ninja world is relatively powerful, it is impossible to be so scary after eating it.

Kaguya's peak strength is also among the best among Otsutsuki, but Otsutsuki basically crushes the opponent in the universe, so his fighting methods are not very good.

"By the way, doesn't that Momoshiki have the ability to freeze time? Why not use it?"

Kawakami Tomie's split body said that she remembered that Momoshi could freeze time, but she didn't understand why in the plot, Momoshi only used this ability to escape after being defeated by Naruto.

If you use this trick in a battle, will you win?

Also, Pu Shi can do this trick too! Why didn't the two of them use it during the battle? But in Pu Shi's memory, he didn't know how to use time!

Uchiha Tomie said: "Most of it is non-combustible nonsense. Time ability is so easy to master, let alone the ability to freeze time."

Hancock's split body agreed, and asked Pu Shi at the same time. Pu Shi said that they did not know the time pupil technique, and no one in the Otsutsuki clan knew it. If anyone in the Otsutsuki family had mastered the ability of time, that person must be a god.

That's right, the ability to freeze time and pause time is so abnormal that you can completely challenge it beyond the next level.

Genin can use this ability to kill jounin, especially jounin can use this ability to kill shadows with low defense and low health bar.

If nothing else, use Time Freeze, and then put a detonating talisman on the heads of Terumi Mei, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Rasa, and they will die after the explosion.

Therefore, unlike the non-flammable setting, Pu Shi and Tao Shi do not have this ability in reality.

That's right, reality is not anime. If they had this ability, they would instantly kill Naruto and Sasuke of Six Paths.

Even if they are frozen for three seconds, people at the six-level level can use many methods. Even if they use physical skills, they can throw hundreds of punches to severely damage or even kill the opponent.

"Then, it's time to increase your strength."

Uchiha Tomie spoke up. As soon as he finished speaking, Aizen's split body waited for Tomie to appear. After a few minutes of rest, Tomie, who had just jumped from space, adjusted his condition.

Tomie Kawakami's split body, Hancock's split body, Aizen's split body, soul split body, Hawkeye's split body, Daimyo's assimilated body, Danzo's assimilated body, and Zabuza's assimilated body surrounded Uchiha Tomie.

The energy from the eight people poured out, all pouring into Uchiha Tomie.

Uchiha Tomie accepted it completely. He had already opened up the acupuncture points and meridians all over his body, and shaped his body to a very terrifying level.

It's not that he has done nothing in recent years. He has also teamed up with Tomie Kawakami to develop new techniques. The two of them are the two most talented.

What the two jointly developed was not the technique to use, but the technique to strengthen the body and soul. This is the most basic and important. The strength of any technique ultimately depends on the caster himself.

He and Kawakami Tomie had already developed a set of cultivation methods, but due to energy issues they could not reach a perfect state, and the exercises were not yet perfect, so they were delayed again and again.

The technique was completed a few days ago, and now the bug on this planet has become stronger.

After Tomie's energy entered Uchiha Tomie's body, he didn't have any awkwardness in controlling it, and he was very comfortable in using it.

Follow the self-created nameless exercises to strengthen the body and soul, stimulate more potential, and complete transformation.

The split body and the assimilated body poured energy desperately, but they recovered quickly anyway.

It took a full thirty minutes for the split body and the assimilated body to stop, which was equivalent to each person injecting at least fifteen energy equal to their own, and at this time Uchiha Tomie was in the process of transformation.

Within a few minutes, a powerful momentum spread like a sea, and even the atmosphere was shattered.

Next to Uchiha Tomie, the weakest daimyo assimilated body was directly oppressed by this force and could not stand. You must know that no matter how weak he is, he is still a Hashirama-level existence!

Uchiha Tomie accepted the power of other Tomies and finally became stronger. This time, he felt that the Ten-Tails was not so fragrant.

Because Fujiang himself is the biggest cheat, in theory Fujiang can become stronger without limit, as long as he has the skills.

It can be said that if Fu Jiang is given a copy of the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique, he will be able to compete with and surpass Pangu by catching bugs.

Chapter 180 Xiao’s actions

"This kind of power! That's the real power!"

Uchiha Tomie felt the surging power in his body, and he was not afraid when he encountered the mysterious Otsutsuki Divine Style.

Hancock's split body said: "It is indeed powerful. In this state, you can probably kill Momoshiki in one move and completely destroy your soul."

It's not Hancock's split body touting, she just said a fact, if it weren't for the limitations of the technique, Uchiha Tomie could still become stronger.

"It's your turn next."

Uchiha Tomie pushed with both palms, and eight strands of power burst out from his body and injected into Aizen's split body and others.

They quickly absorbed this power to strengthen themselves. Everyone became stronger to a different extent because each of them planned a different path. Even so, even if they just strengthened their souls and bodies, their strength was greatly improved.

After improving their strength, everyone left.

The split soul body returned to the moon, while the split body of Hancock and the assimilated body of Danzo set out for Otsutsuki's planet.

The split bodies of Tomie Uchiha and Tomie Kawakami returned to Ninja Village, while the split bodies of Aizen and others returned to the Akatsuki organization. After careful calculation, it was time to take action there.

Two days later, in the Rain Ninja Village, everyone knew that Uchiha Itachi was killed, and even knew that Uchiha Tomie and others made a fuss in Konoha and stole the Nine-Tails. Some of the Great Ninja Village didn't know yet, but Akatsuki I know, Bai Jue’s ability to collect intelligence is very impressive.

Nagato didn't know if they would target other tailed beasts, so he had no choice but to take action in advance. He held a meeting decisively.

"The escort of the seven tails has been completed. Now we have two tailed beasts in our hands. However, in order to seal the tailed beasts, we must start with one tail and end with nine tails. The rest does not matter. Konan, you, Scorpion, and Zabuza will go to Sunagakure Village to capture the first tail. .”

"A Fei, you follow Hawkeye and Aizen to Kirigakure Village to capture the Three-Tails."

"As for the fourth and fifth tails, I will catch them myself!"

"I am absolutely responsible for the intelligence. Remember, the intelligence must not be wrong."

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