Chapter 192 Crushing Game

The battle is about to begin!

Among them, Aizen's split body was the easiest. At the beginning of the battle, ten elite ninjas who came with Ai and others were controlled by him.

Xiao Nanfei controlled Luo Sha and Hanzo in the air, and at the same time observed who was in danger. If someone fell into a disadvantage, she would immediately come to help.

Except for "Madara", Xiaonan wished he would die here, but she knew that the possibility was very low.

The controlled Rasa's face was so gloomy that it could drip water. His own corpse was actually made into a human puppet, and the same was true for Gaara.

What really makes Rasa despair is that Sunagakure Village has no successor, no good heir, and the tailed beast has been lost. Now Sunagakure Village is going to be doomed.

Obito didn't directly use the kaleidoscope to control Yukito. After all, he was a perfect Jinchuuriki and not that easy to control. After all, Yukito was not like Yagura, and Uchiha Madara left control means on his body.


Obito was using Amaterasu while ignoring Yukito's attacks. As long as he severely damaged Yukito with Amaterasu, it would be much easier to control her next.

The black flames burned quickly on Yukito's body. Amaterasu had severely damaged the Fourth Mizukage, and its power was still considerable.


Yukito grunted, and the burned part of the tailed beast's coat came out directly, and then she jumped far away.

Because Uchiha Itachi knows Amaterasu, Konoha has also fought with Uchiha Itachi and knows the information about Amaterasu, so he contributed this information.

As soon as the battle started, Yukito entered the half-tailed beast state, because she knew that this was a battle that no one could guarantee to survive, and she had to take it seriously.

It was precisely because of this that she escaped. Otherwise, if she had been transformed into a tailless beast and burned, she would have been seriously injured, and it would be a trivial matter to have her arm broken off.

"What a weird ability!"

After Yukito evaded Amaterasu, he launched attacks one after another, but the attacks all penetrated, making the opponent innately invincible.

"I'm not in the mood to play with you any longer! Let me show you how powerful Uchiha is!"

After Obito finished speaking, Susanoo enveloped him. He really didn't want to waste it.

He will never forget what Hancock and that Uchiha did to him. They actually dared to attack him.

It's really unforgivable. He will never let these two people go. Therefore, the power of the Ten-Tails is very important. If he cannot become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, he will never be able to take revenge.

Obito didn't play tricks and directly activated the fourth form of Susanoo, but his Susanoo was made of two colors, which was a bit weird.

The appearance of Susanoo attracted everyone's attention. Fortunately, Jiraiya and Metkai had seen Susanoo, more than one, and were used to it.

Ai and others were surprised at Susanoo's power, and at the same time they became more and more doubtful that they could force Akatsuki to retreat today, but they had no way out.

"Something is wrong!"

The two tails in Yukito's body reminded her, so she entered the complete tailed beast state.

Six Paths Payne VS Jiraiya, this battle is almost one-sided. Now Six Paths Payne has been strengthened, and Jiraiya cannot enter the sage mode. The result can be imagined. If he were not experienced, Jiraiya would have died.

"Yahiko, why are you like this! This is not like you, and what are you doing collecting tailed beasts for?"

Jiraiya dodged awkwardly, but did not forget to inquire for information.

"Why is this like this? I just evolved from a mortal to a god. As for collecting tailed beasts, it is naturally for peace. After catching the two and eight tails, only the nine tails are left. Mr. Jiraiya, watch carefully! Soon peace will come."

Tendo Pain said calmly, but Jiraiya almost laughed.

He had seen the Bokuto of Ochimaru, the tall Susanoo of Uchiha Itachi, and even the power of Tomie Kawakami's split body to crush the Nine-Tails. None of them claimed to be gods. Yahiko was too conceited.

Just when Jiraiya was about to ask Pain how to deal with Orochimaru, Shura Dao Pain's laser cannon bombarded him, and he had to dodge.

Zabuza's assimilated body and Hawkeye's split body fought against Kirabi. The Eight-Tails' perfect jinchūriki was very powerful, and in terms of strength it was still above the Raikage, but it was not a big problem for the two of them.

"Water Release! Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

"Thunder Release·Thunderbolt!"

Zabuza's assimilated body released a fifty-meter-long water dragon with a raised hand, while the Hawkeye split body released an extremely violent thunder.

The two formed an enhanced version of the Thunder Water Dragon Bomb, which made Kirabi extremely frightened. He instantly entered the half-tailed beast state, and five tails exploded out at once.

In less than five minutes of fighting, the Ninja Village side was completely defeated. Except for Metkai, everyone else was too busy to take care of themselves.

"We can't go on like this. We can only use the Eight Gate Dunjia. I hope my body can hold on!"

Metkai suffered a blow from Tomie a few days ago, and the injury is still not fully healed. The side effects of the Eight Gate Dunjia are not small. Kai can't use the eighth gate now. These are all planned by Tomie.

"The sixth gate of Eight Gates Dunjia is open!"

Metkai opened the sixth door instantly. He only felt that his body was exhausted and he could not hold on for long.

Seeing this, Aizen's split body controlled the puppet masters of Sand Hidden Village and asked those puppet masters to use puppets. At one time, eight puppets blocked Metkai from different directions.

"We can't waste it like this, otherwise Lord Jiraiya will be in danger."

As soon as Metkai glanced around, he found that Jiraiya was defeated, and his hands were nailed by Pain with a black stick.


Metkai swung his fist, relying on his super speed and surging chakra to instantly smash those puppets to pieces, and then he shot towards Jiraiya.

"Metkai? I don't know if the power of the eighth gate can resist the power of God."

Nagato was really curious about Metkai, because the intelligence sent by Itachi Uchiha and the intelligence collected by Zetsu showed that Metkai had strong explosive power.

Metkai didn't think too much. After landing, he kicked off the Yin-Yang Black Rod that was suppressing Jiraiya with a sweep.

"Jiraiya-sama, leave this to me!"

After Metakai finished speaking, he opened the seventh gate. He knew that anyone who could defeat Lord Jiraiya had no hope of relying on the sixth gate.

Jiraiya stood up and said, "You have no chance of winning alone. Let's defeat them first together."

Metkai agreed without much thought, because Kakashi told him before setting off that the main focus of this battle was to protect himself. If he couldn't defeat him, he could take Jiraiya and retreat first.

Metkai's strength coupled with Jiraiya's experience, the two powerful combinations, and for a time they were not at a disadvantage.

This performance is much better than that of Iwagakure. This is also related to the fact that Metkai is a strong physical artist and can restrain Pain, the Hungry Ghost.

Even a strong Ninjutsu master like Raikage will be restrained by Hungry Ghost Path Payne, but he won't be completely restrained, just half restrained!

However, a pure taijutsu strongman like Metkai can 100% restrain Hungry Ghost Pain, which makes Metkai and Jiraiya perform better than a lot of ninjas in Iwagakure.

Chapter 193 Crush the opponent

Just hear a roar! The battle on Obito's side is over.

In the fourth stage, Susanoo firmly held down Yukito, who was completely transformed into a tailed beast, and then controlled the kaleidoscope hypnosis, and then lost the Kamui Space.

Obito's victory seemed like a signal, and all the masters such as Terumi Mei, Darui, and Kirabi were defeated.

Once Zabuza's assimilated body and Hawkeye's split body get serious, Kirabi will have nothing to do.

The two of them didn't use many methods. They just used slightly more powerful compound ninja techniques, and they defeated Kirabi step by step. He didn't even have time to use the Tailed Beast Tama.

Now only the Fourth Raikage, Jiraiya and Metkai are still holding on.

"Damn it! I can't spare you."

Seeing Kirabi's defeat, Ai's heart burned with rage. If Kirabi was controlled, there would still be a chance to rescue him. If the tailed beast was taken away, he would definitely die!

Sizzle! Sizzle!

Ai was operating the Thunder Chakra mode at overload, and arcs suddenly appeared around him. Any arc could shatter a big tree.

Xie controlled the human puppet in a leisurely manner, and sand gold and sand attacked Ai one after another.

With a swish, Ai disappeared. In Thunder Chakra mode, his speed was difficult for Shazi to catch up with. Now that he was overloaded, Shazi and Shajin couldn't keep up with his speed.

Scorpion didn't panic at all. Few people could compare with Raikage in terms of speed. He should use his own advantages instead of comparing his shortcomings to others' advantages.

Scorpio, who was standing high in the air, quickly locked onto Ai's position, and his lightning escape speed was really fast, almost rushing in front of him.

A large ball of iron sand quickly rushed towards Ai under the control of the third-generation Kazekage puppet. However, Ai did not dodge. Instead, he increased his chakra output and directly knocked the iron sand away without caring about his own body.

It was then that Gaara's sand came in pursuit. The sand gold was heavier, so although it was more lethal, the speed was slower.

Ai, who broke through the iron sand, was getting closer and closer to the scorpion. Ai understood that he only had this chance. If he couldn't succeed this time, he would have no chance, because he couldn't fly and had nowhere to rely on in the air.

Bang bang bang!

Ten puppets suddenly appeared in the sky, but Scorpion didn't put all his hopes on the Third Kazekage.

These ten puppets are not strong, in fact they are a bit weak. They were puppets made by Xie in the early days. Later, he did not like them very much. Now they are used to abandon his car to protect his commander.

Under the control of Scorpion, these puppets rushed towards Ai. Even though Ai was very powerful and the thunder was extremely fierce, he was deflated by these successive collisions.

When Ai smashed the last puppet with his thunder fist, his momentum was completely broken, his strength was exhausted, and he fell straight down.

During the fall, the sand quickly grabbed his feet, making him fall faster, and the sand gold condensed into a golden spear underneath him, trying to penetrate him.

Echo is not that easy to defeat, especially when he was defeated by Hancock's split body last time, and he began to practice hard.

Ai punched out, gathering powerful thunder power, and the sand gold spear more than ten meters long was directly shaken away.

The Thunder Armor gives Ai a powerful defense. Not many Kage in the ninja world can break through the Thunder Armor by their own strength, and neither can Scorpion, but Scorpion has its own methods.

When Ai landed, the water in that area had been emptied. As soon as Ai landed, endless yellow sand suppressed him from all directions.

Scorpion gave up controlling other things and let the third and fourth generation Kazekage puppets control Sunako together with the Gaara puppets.

As a result, more and more sand squeezed Ai, and he could only rely on the Thunder Chakra mode to protect himself, unable to get up at all.

This became a war of attrition, but how could Ai consume more than three human puppets? The outcome was already decided, it just took a little time.

"Let me help too!"

Seeing this, Xiaonan controlled the dirty soil and Luo Sha, and controlled the sand at the same time to suppress Ai.

In fact, the sealing technique can now be used to trap Ai and starve him to death without eating or drinking for several days, but no one in Akatsuki is willing to waste too much time here.

"Damn it, did you fail like this?"

Ai was very unwilling, but he didn't know how many tons of yellow sand were suppressing him, and he had no choice. Ai didn't believe that the two people in Konoha could make a comeback.

There is really no hope, not to mention that Metkai can't open the eighth door now, even if he can open it, it's useless.

Even if Metkai opens the eight gates, he can at most kill six paths of Pain, Scorpion, and Xiaonan, but he can't kill the others.

Once Kai opened the eighth gate, Obito would definitely hide in the Kamui space early when he saw something was wrong. Not to mention Black Zetsu, this guy did not appear on the battlefield, but watched from a distance.

And since Payne of the Six Paths is dead, Nagato can only re-create it, and nothing will happen to his body.

It can be said that Payne of the Six Paths naturally restrains Metkai, because Kai can't do anything to Payne if he doesn't open the eighth gate. If Kai opens the eighth gate, it will only kill some puppets, and Nagato's body will be fine.

Nowadays, Shichimon Kai and Jiraiya are both nailed to the ground by the Yin Yang Black Rod. Only the Heavenly Path and the hidden Hell Path are left in the Six Paths of Pain. The others are all dead. These two people still have some abilities.

Suddenly, Hell Path Payne, who was hidden through a chameleon, appeared.

Hell Path Pain channeled the King of Hell, and threw all the other Pain who were defeated and became tattered or even broken in two into the mouth of the King of Hell.

After a while, Payne, the beast path, the Shura path, the hungry ghost path, and the human path, walked out of the King of Hell's mouth intact. This shocked the others. This ability is a bit scary!

At this time, only Ai has not yet been solved. He is squeezed by the endless sand.


At this time, Scorpion had an idea. Payne was a human puppet. Unlike his control with chakra lines, Payne should have used the reincarnation eye or other special techniques to control the corpses.

Jiraiya also thought of it, otherwise it would be impossible to have six pairs of samsara eyes, and some of them are a little weak! Sorry about the weight of the samsara eye.

"Except for the Jinchūriki, have all of them been killed?"

At this time, Black Zetsu appears. He appears as soon as the battle is over. He really knows how to choose the moment!

Tiandao Pain said: "No need, anyway, we are all defeated, so there is nothing to be afraid of. After collecting the Nine Tails, we will frighten the five major ninja villages, and the five major ninja villages will frighten the other small ninja villages to maintain relative peace and stability."

"Once someone provokes a war, we will use the heretic golem that has absorbed the power of all the tailed beasts. With the power of the golem, people, countries, and the whole world will know the pain, and this fear will create suppression power, there will be no more wars.”

"But this kind of peace is short-lived. Some people will forget the pain in a few years or ten years. At that time, we will continue to use the heretic golems to make the world feel the pain and restore peace to the world."

Nagato controlled Tendo Payne and told him his thoughts. This was also meant for the ninjas of Cloud Hidden, Konoha, Kirigakure and Sunagakure. He hoped that the senior officials of these villages would be more understanding.

Nagato didn't feel that he was letting the tiger go back to the mountain, because these ninja villages were no match for Akatsuki when they had tailed beasts, and they would not be their match after losing the tail beasts.

Jiraiya only felt that Nagato was crazy. He shouted angrily: "What kind of peace is this? This is obviously oppression by force, and you will die one day. You can make the world feel pain for decades, but how many years can you maintain it?" A hundred years, a few thousand years? Can it be maintained forever?"

Tiandao Payne said indifferently: "God will never die."

Nagato had already thought of a backup plan. He even began to think about the means of complete resurrection after death, instead of living by the filthy soil transfer. He already had an idea.

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