At this time, Nagato was in despair. He had lost his Samsara Eye, and he had lost most of his abilities. Even if he was not suppressed by the black rod, he would not be able to save Konan, and it would be difficult for him to escape.

"I can't lose here."

Obito roared that he had no way out, and Obito began to form the seal, which was the seal to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Soon, the Ten-Tails penetrated into Obito's body. Obito didn't care so much anymore. He didn't know what the consequences would be if he became a Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki when the Ten-Tails was incomplete.

However, he would rather die like this than die a useless death after defeat. He wanted to give it a try.

At this time, a blue Susanoo appeared, and Jiraiya and others also appeared.

Chapter 200 Nine Complete Susanas

"I didn't expect there to be powerful ninjas in this era. It's interesting. I don't know how long it can last in my hands."

Uchiha Madara arrived, and he was reincarnated by White Zetsu, just as Black Zetsu was subdued.

Black Zetsu had long been prepared for White Zetsu to reincarnate as Madara if things went badly.

He has tens of thousands of White Zetsus, but he doesn't believe that all White Zetsus can't master the art of reincarnation in dirty soil. You must know that Bai Zetsu can quickly create White Zetsus. If it doesn't work, create new White Zetsus and let the new White Zetsus learn the art of reincarnation in dirty soil.

Therefore, half a year ago, White Zetsu was able to reincarnate Madara, but Black Zetsu still stood still.

Now Madara was reincarnated by the dirty soil, and he hurried over after being told some information by Bai Jue.

After Madara said those somewhat arrogant words, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, the aura of the Ten-Tails was wrong.

Even though he was hundreds of meters away, Madara could see it very clearly. He saw a white ball, and the aura was definitely that of the Ten-Tails. Obito actually became the Ten-Tails jinchuriki first. Is this guy willing to die?

Just him? That power will die.

Obito's little strength, Madara heard from White Zetsu, that little strength could not withstand the backlash of the Ten-Tails.

Madara has absolute confidence in his own power, but Jiraiya and others are a little confused when they arrive here! I can’t understand this situation!


The white ball shattered, absorbing the power of the Ten-Tails, and Obito, who had completed his transformation, quickly appeared.

The Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki, the Six Paths Obito Ginseng!

At this time, Obito has become different. He is holding a six-pointed tin staff, wearing a white robe, and six Taoist Jade suspended behind his back. His strength has completely surpassed the level of ordinary ninjas, and he has completely completed his transformation.

With the addition of the power of six paths, Obito's two eyes did not turn into samsara eyes, but the power of the eyes was greatly improved, and it was no problem to activate the full Susanoo.

According to this situation, if he maintains his jinchūriki state, his eyes will turn into samsara eyes in at most a month.

In fact, in the original work, both Obito and Madara became jinchūriki for too short a time, otherwise they would have gained stronger power.

"This kind of chakra is completely beyond me."

Madara felt the majestic aura on Obito's body and felt that it was difficult, but he felt that if he fought with Obito, he would definitely win. Although Obito's chakra was strong, his fighting skills were far inferior to his own.

Hancock's split body didn't feel much about it. The strength of this chakra was about the same as the Pu Shiki, but not as good as the Momo Shiki. This may be the reason for the lack of the most powerful Kyuubi.

seem! Somewhat unstable!

Hancock's split body looked through Obito and directly saw the Ten-Tails in his body.

"Hand over the Kyuubi!"

After Obito said that, he immediately took action against Tomie Gate. He seemed to know that his situation was not good.

Obito is still sane now. It may be because he lacks the nine-tails chakra. The power of the ten-tails is not as good as in the original work. It may also be because Obito is more crazy than the original work. He has no way out at all, so he suppresses it. The will of the Ten-Tails became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

The Qiudao Jade was quickly shot out by Obito. Obito was full of confidence in his newly acquired power. In his understanding, such a powerful dust release was only the fusion of three types of chakra.

Seeking the Way Jade is a fusion of the power of Yin Yang and the Five Elements, which can resist any ninjutsu.

Hancock waved his split-body hand, and the Qiudao Jade was condensed by him and bombarded out. The last attack came first, and the two canceled each other out.

"How is it possible? How can you master the Jade of Seeking Dao?"

Obito panicked. This was different from what he thought. As a Ten-Tails jinchuriki, shouldn't he kill everyone?

Uchiha Madara did not watch, he first rescued Black Zetsu.

"Grave of Wheels!"

Madara quickly opened the Rinnegan, and all four Rinne Tomb clones were used by him.

Hawkeye's split body swung his long sword, and the sharp and huge sword energy instantly slashed away four clones.

This Ring Tomb clone is much more powerful than Nagato's. Madara's Ring Tomb clone can suppress the tailed beast with one strike. However, the Eagle Eye split body is not trained in vain. If even Uchiha Madara can't deal with it, then his attempt will be in vain. opened.

"Can you see?"

Madara was a little surprised. He had to be serious about this. This group of people is not as weak as he thought!

Nagato, who was nailed by the black rod, looked a little weird. He said this just now.

This guy reincarnated from the dirt seems to have the same or similar pupil skills as himself. Could it be that he also has the Eye of Reincarnation? This guy is definitely not the Sage of Six Paths, but besides the Sage of Six Paths, who else has the Eye of Reincarnation.

"Uchiha Madara, your time has passed."

The split body of Hawkeye raised the sword in his hand and struck out again. For some reason, the sharp look in his eyes made Madara very excited.

He felt a sense of oppression that he had not seen for a long time. The person in front of him was definitely not simple.

"My time has passed? Then let me show you the power of Uchiha Madara, which is also the ultimate power of Uchiha."

After Uchiha Madara finished speaking, his eyes switched to the Eternal Kaleidoscope, and his body exuded surging and powerful chakra. The blue Susanoo appeared quickly and grew extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it reached its full form, which was as high as a hill.

The Susanoo of Uchiha Itachi and others could not compare with Madara's. Even though Itachi's Susanoo reached more than eighty meters, its height was not even half of Madara's.

Not to mention those 30- to 50-meter Susanoos, which are not in the same dimension as the complete Susanoos.

It can be said that even if Itachi, Shisui, Fugaku, and Sasuke all used Susanoo to attack Madara, they would have no chance of winning.

Obito glanced at Madara, and then an equally powerful complete Susanoo appeared. The Susanoo was made of gold and cyan, but it was no longer the same proportions as before, this time it was mostly cyan.

"Let's play with them!"

Uchiha Tomie plays with taste, Susanoo, right? Then let’s compare.

As soon as he finished speaking, nine surging and unfathomable chakras surged, and nine complete black Susanoos appeared.

Everyone was dumbfounded, even Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen who knew that Tomie Kawakami's split body and Hancock's split body were terrifying.

If you are so powerful, how come the people around you are so powerful and you can't let them live?

The shock of the nine complete Susanoos was extraordinary, especially for Jiraiya, Terumi Mei and others, they were already in despair.

The era when the five great ninja villages dominated the ninja world has passed. When the complete Susanoo appears, it represents a new level of power. The so-called Kagewa's power ratio is extremely ridiculous.

Sasuke was also stunned. He knew that Uchiha Tomie was stronger than him, but he had no specific idea. Now that Susanoo has fully demonstrated this power, it is only the tip of the iceberg.

"You have this power, why did you join Akatsuki! Why did you hide."

Konan was very puzzled, and although Nagato lost his eyes, his perception ability was still there. He could sense chakra after chakra that was much more powerful than him.

Aizen's split body said: "Sometimes it's boring to be too invincible. You can think of it as a game we play to pass the time."

Everyone feels intimidated, even Obito Six Paths and Madara Uchiha feel that Tomie and others are too scary.

Chapter 201


Madara muttered, let alone the nine complete Susanoos, it is very rare for an Uchiha to have nine Mangekyō Sharingan at the same time.

What exactly is going on? Is it because he, Uchiha Madara, can't keep up with the changes of the times?

Not so! He must have been dead for twenty years at most! It’s not like he’s been dead for two hundred years.

The only way Madara can think of to break the situation now is to resurrect himself and then become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. Only in this way can he solve so many complete Susanoos.

When Madara was thinking about how to break the situation, Zabuza's assimilated body and Hawkeye split body wielded the Susanoo sword to chop Uchiha Madara, while Aizen's split body guarded Nagato and others.

There is no need for all three to go together. In fact, if you are serious, you can defeat Uchiha Madara in an instant.

The three tall Susanoos were fighting, and they could easily change the terrain with a single strike, surpassing S-level ninjutsu.

"Jiraiya-sama, what should we do."

Metkai asked, except for Tsunade who stayed in Konoha, all the other Kage levels came.

Kakashi also came, and he recognized Obito at a glance. He wanted to go over, but was stopped by Jiraiya. Wasn't he going to die now? If the other party casually makes a move, you will be gone.

At this time, Jiraiya, Terumi Mei and others continued to dodge. It was unbearable for Yubo and the others to just fight. They were dodging and talking at the same time.

"There is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices. Even if you open the eighth gate, you may not be able to defeat it. Even if you can defeat it, you can kill a few by yourself. As long as such a huge Susanoo hits the target, we You won’t win.”

Jiraiya was very helpless. He only hoped that Uchiha Tomie and others would not be as cruel as Nagato.

Jiraiya had observed that during the first battle in Konoha, except for those four families, Uchiha Tomie, Orochimaru and others did not deliberately kill other ninjas, which was better than Nagato.

While Jiraiya and others were talking, Uchiha Madara was already defeated.

Uchiha Madara's complete Susanoo had three heads and six arms, but when the Susanoo's sword collided, Madara's sword broke with a click.

Madara's complete Susanoo has three heads and six arms, but for the two Hawkeye split bodies, it's just a matter of striking a few more swords.


Madara cursed lowly. At this time, Madara, like Nagato, was knocked down to the ground, with black rods inserted all over his body.

Hei Jue also wanted to scold people. He felt that he was too stubborn, but he didn't expect that someone was even more stubborn than him.

Apart from anything else, even if he is not at the level of the Six Paths, he can compete with his mother with the help of the Nine Perfect Susanoo, but he will definitely lose to his mother. Let alone the Nine Lords, as long as he does not reach the level of the Six Paths, even if Even the nineteen perfect Susanoo is no match for his mother.

At this time, Obito is extremely powerful, and his chakra is not as powerful as the original, but with the complete Susanoo and divine power, the combination of power is much stronger than in the original.


No, Danzo's assimilated body controlled the complete Susanoo and punched the air.

Obito looked at Madara who was defeated by the Hawkeye split body. Madara is not that powerful, right?

Obito looked stern, as expected, becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki himself was different.

"Psychic art!"

The split body of Hancock in the complete Susanoo directly channeled Nohara Rin, which is Obito's nemesis.

For Obito, they definitely can't take things as hastily as they did with Madara. Tomie and the others can do this, but they are prepared to play something interesting.

Obito in Two-Colored Susanoo had an instinctive feeling of something bad when he heard the psychic technique, and when he saw Lin's figure, his eyes instantly turned red.

Lin is an absolute taboo for Obito. He has spent these years pretending that Lin does not exist, pretending that she was not reincarnated by dirty soil, and single-mindedly pursuing the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Suddenly, Obito was stunned, and the light of reincarnation shone on Lin, and Lin was resurrected.

Uchiha Tomie laughed and said: "Uchiha Obito! You want to create a world where Lin exists. Now Lin is right in front of you. How do you choose? Kill Lin in front of you, continue the Eye of the Moon project, or give up on you. plan of."

Obito is now a six-level being, but he is in a panic and doesn't know what to do. Lin is indeed his Achilles' heel.

Even though Lin was a false Lin before, but when he really had to face it, he was not so decisive. He could be cruel to anyone, including himself, but not to Lin.

"Don't stop me, I must go there, even if I die, I will go there."

Kakashi thought about it when he saw Lin reincarnated from the dirt, but now that he saw Lin being resurrected, he couldn't bear it anymore.

His two former partners and his disciples were also there. No matter what, he had to go.

Jiraiya was frightened by Tomie's method of resurrecting people, but Hiruzen Sarutobi was not surprised. That's right. He had been resurrected dozens of times and then killed. His mentality was already beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

"Be careful."

Gai didn't stop Kakashi, but if something went wrong, he would immediately use the Eight Gate Dungeon to help Kakashi.

Unlike others, I only think that Tomi Jiang and others are very powerful, but I don’t know how to be powerful.

Uchiha Madara, Black Zetsu, and Nagato understood the cost of resurrecting a person, but Uchiha Tomie's eyes were clearly not Rinnegan, and he looked relaxed, as if he was using a low-level ninjutsu.

This hit the three people hard, especially Hei Jue. Because of Fu Jiang, the thousand-year plan came to nothing.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Namikaze Minato and White Fang arrived quickly under the control of Uchiha Tomie, and Kakashi also arrived.

Aizen's three split bodies also came over, and they also brought Nagato, Black Zetsu, and Uchiha Madara.

"Do you think I will compromise? You are afraid of me, or you are afraid of the power of the Ten-Tails."

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