: New Yuyin Village!

A political earthquake broke out in the Land of Rain, and the news quickly spread throughout the ninja world.

Regarding the death of the Daimyo of Rain Country and the fall of the demigods, this is definitely a major event that shocked the ninja world!

Fire, wind, and earth, the leaders of the three kingdoms, immediately smelled an unusual aura.

Under their instruction, each village sent countless spies and intelligence personnel to begin a detailed investigation of Yuyin Village.

In the base of Konoha’s “Root” organization.

Danzo looked at the confidential information in his hand with a gloomy expression.

“Why do those Uchiha traitors appear in the Land of Rain!” Danzo glanced at the surrounding members with cold eyes and asked coldly!

Danzo is angry!

Since Uchiha defected to Konoha, Konoha has not publicized the news of Uchiha’s defection. Perhaps Sarutobi Hiruzen was concerned that Shinnosuke and Asuma were in each other’s hands.

Or perhaps Hiruzen Sarutobi was concerned about the current unrest in the shinobi world, and wanted to cover up the news of Konoha’s weakness.

In short, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not make any big fanfare of classifying the defectors of the Uchiha Hawk Faction as traitorous ninjas.

This pissed Danzo off!

After all, he is the man who inherited Senju Tobirama’s will.

The evil Uchiha must be destroyed!

Danzo was furious!

Under the shadowy light, several of the root spies were half-kneeling on the ground with expressionless expressions.

As a qualified root intelligence officer, they know clearly that they are not required to express their opinions. They just need to place the results of their investigation on Hanzo’s desk.

Danzo’s face was ashen! The hands as rough as dead trees squeezed the information in their hands.

After becoming angry, he had a keen sense of smell and realized that what happened in the Kingdom of Rain was most likely not a simple coup.

He doesn’t care if the daimyo dies…

nor does he care if Hanzo’s regime is overthrown.

This has nothing to do with him.

But once the matter involves Uchiha defectors.

It involves Konoha’s strategic deployment in the Land of Rain, and it has something to do with him!

In terms of selfishness, he has inherited the thoughts of his teacher Senju Tobirama. He has long been disgusted with the evil Uchiha, and he wants to completely eliminate the Uchiha clan… In

terms of business… Nowadays, the ninja world is in turmoil

. Cloud Shadow and Tsuchikage, Currently, a large number of troops are amassed on their respective borders and they are eyeing Konoha. The fertile land of the Land of Fire has been coveted by them for a long time… The

friction between Konoha and them is increasing, and war may break out at any time.

The only thing missing now is a fuse…

and the political turmoil in the Kingdom of Rain is very likely to detonate this fuse… The

Kingdom of Rain, which is adjacent to the Land of Fire, once it shows that it is hostile to Konoha If this “new regime” has bad intentions, it will have expansion ambitions.

Konoha will immediately fall into a passive situation surrounded by three sides…

“Uchiha… It’s best not to let me realize that you are related to the New Aegakure regime… Otherwise, I will risk everything to encircle and suppress you!” Danzo! A hint of cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes!

Sarutobi Hiruzen may be hesitant because of his two sons.

Danzo has no worries! !

In the base, under the dim candlelight, Danzo’s face was sometimes gloomy and sometimes gloomy…

“Go to the Land of Rain to investigate clearly and see if there is an evil Uchiha figure behind this matter…”


Wen With that said, the root ninjas who were half-kneeling in front of Danzo obeyed the order and left.

They are like cold machines without emotions, resolutely obeying all Danzo’s orders. The staff at the root have always been the most qualified ninjas in the world… Having

abandoned ordinary human emotions, they are also the most efficient and fastest to obtain rain. The personnel of the country’s intelligence…


In the Yuyin Building.

Nothing here seems to have changed, and yet everything seems to have changed.

The building is still the same building, the only thing that has changed is that the previous owner has been replaced.

The security here is no longer tight, and the security personnel who were recruited by Hanzo at a high price have been sent away.

People can come in and out of the building freely.

Xin Yuying’s office also moved from the high-altitude third floor to the first floor.

According to Hattori Heijiro, in the Shiname Hidden Village, there is no need for such a high-ranking shadow, and he does not need the protection of others.

Uchiha Tenyou thought that what he said made sense. A shadow-level strong man did not need the protection of a weak one.

In Yuyin’s office…

a large round table nearly ten meters tall was filled with people sitting there.

The first person sitting among them is the new village chief of Amegakure – Hattori Heijiro!

Hattori, who hadn’t slept for three days, looked obviously pale and his aura was somewhat disordered.

The establishment of a new political power cannot be accomplished by simply overthrowing Hanzo. There are too many things that require his personal participation…

Hattori has been very busy in the past three days.

Xin Yugakure had only been established for three days, and his political power was not considered solid.

The situation in the entire Yuyin Village is still turbulent.

Some ninjas under Hanzo’s command, many of whom were diehards, resolutely resisted Hattori Heijiro.

There are still some forces under the daimyo’s command that have not been wiped out, and there are also conservative forces that are still working secretly…

This is a huge force, a force that opposes him!

It is an existence that must be eliminated.

It’s just that as a rain shadow, Hattori Heijiro couldn’t do everything by himself, so he handed this matter over to Uchiha Amaterasu, the captain of the new Amo Gakuin ANBU!

Uchiha Amaterasu personally screened and managed the ANBU and eliminated these die-hards who opposed Hattori Heijiro.

Uchiha Amaterasu is very young but can be ruthless under his leadership.

In the past three days, he had liquidated at least 300 die-hard members of the old guard and the daimyo, and purged the entire ANBU team. Although the number of Amegakure ANBU today was not what it used to be, their strength had become stronger.

In this process, at least more than a hundred ANBU people died…

Therefore, even if Uchiha Amaterasu was young, no one dared to underestimate him.

Uchiha Tenyou looked at Amaterasu who was sitting upright with a playful look.

He suddenly thought about Danzo… that man’s methods were so ruthless…

“Amegakure… the new Danzo…”

“Minister Kakuzu, please report on the village’s finances…”

below the left hand The first one was—the Chief of the Finance Department—Old Man Kakuto stood up.

This was his strength. Kakuzu, who was extremely sensitive to money, took only three days to compile the village’s internal financial issues into a booklet.

He talked eloquently…

Generally speaking, it showed that Amegakure Village was actually very poor…

but the assets accumulated by daimyo and nobles for hundreds of years made Amegakure Village seem to be very rich…

This seems contradictory, but in fact it is a matter of class difference…

Even in a place as quiet as the Rain Country, the wealth accumulation of daimyo and nobles is exaggerated…

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