: The true face of Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

“Fuck, what the hell is going on!”

Sarutobi Shinnosuke dragged his wet pants and jumped off the Anbu’s back. He was furious! !

“Why did a volcano suddenly erupt!”

“Which bastard chose this camp?”

“Damn it, do you have any common sense!”

Sarutobi Shinnosuke’s face turned red, and he grabbed a man next to him. Anbu, saliva splashed on Anbu’s mask, his eyes were filled with anger! !

Anbu silently endured the other party’s anger. Sarutobi Shinnosuke’s identity was there. He did not dare to resist the other party’s refutation, and he did not know how to persuade the other party.

The “volcanic eruption” caused nearly four thousand ninjas to be buried in the lava. When this happened, even if he was just a ruthless killing machine, he instantly realized the seriousness of the matter and the more serious consequences that might follow.

This is definitely not something that can be settled easily with just an apology or the identity of the Hokage’s son…

Once this matter reaches the village, Sarutobi Shinnosuke will not come to pick Uchiha’s peaches, I am afraid that even his “Hokage” “The father cannot protect himself.

Accountability is inevitable.

It is foreseeable that an earthquake comparable to a landslide is about to occur in Konoha’s political arena!

After all… “Sarutobi Shinnosuke”, the unit commander, was personally recommended by the “selfless” Hokage!


Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Sarutobi Shinnosuke fell to his knees in pain. He looked at the exit of the valley that was just around the corner with a painful expression.

There, he not only lost his two beloved maids, but his favorite luxury car was also annihilated in the sea of lava and fire.

He muttered to himself in a daze.

“I spent a lot of money to buy that from the nobles of the Fire Country~~” ”

Without it, how can I show off~~.”

He beat the ground in pain, tears and snot flowing from his nose. The noble Crown Prince of Konoha’s mood completely collapsed under the astonished eyes of everyone.

He pulled the trousers of an ANBU and rolled around, like a spoiled child.

“It’s all your incompetence!!”

“You paid for my carriage, and I still use it to pretend to pick up girls~” At this moment, the man in his twenties was half-kneeling on the ground in pain. This scene made people feel inexplicably painful. .

But there is an inexplicable irony…

the image of Mr. Konoha is completely distorted.

No matter how it takes a man to have a complete emotional breakdown.

Maybe all it takes is for him to lose the thing he loves most.

Everyone was silent…

The faces of the core members of Zhuludie turned black, and they were extremely speechless…

Perhaps it was not until this moment that they could fully see each other’s true side.

Where is this powerful successor to “Hokage”?

This is obviously a child spoiled by his father, a giant baby who has not yet grown up!

They secretly cursed that they had really been deceived by Sarutobi Shinnosuke’s noble-looking image before, and they had really tried to push him to the position of Hokage.

“Woah woah…”

Sarutobi Shinnosuke lay on the ground and began to roll around. A child who lost his favorite toy naturally wanted to express his inner “angry”.

The ANBU personnel around him silently moved away from him.

This despicable guy made the ANBU, a group of cold-blooded killing machines, feel extremely embarrassed.

Everyone was silent and speechless.

There was a strange look in the eyes of the Uchiha clan who were excluded from the crowd.

“Is this the eldest son of Hiruzen Sarutobi?”

“Is this the heir to the Hokage rumored in Konoha?”

“The noble lord of the Fire Nation’s daimyo?”

“This, this, this…”

“There is no such thing as his father at all. What a heroic spirit.”

Many Uchiha clan members murmured inwardly.

Even Uchiha Shisui, who had always been close to Sarutobi Hiruzen and regarded Sarutobi Hiruzen as his idol, felt his face heat up at this moment.

Before, he had always supported Uchiha Fugaku’s decision to lead the Uchiha clan to join Sarutobi Shinnosuke…

He could not help but silently move his eyes away from Sarutobi Shinnosuke, and glanced at the boiling sea of lava in the valley. .

“It’s just… is this really a volcanic eruption?”

Uchiha Shisui glanced at the dark red lava in the valley, and he frowned.

This thing is so strange.

Even if there is a volcanic eruption, generally speaking, there will be corresponding signs. Rather than an explosion like today, without any warning, they were not even given time to escape and react.

“Yu…did you do it?”

Uchiha Shisui’s face was complicated. He had mixed feelings in his heart, but he still had suspicions in his heart.

He had seen this scene before.

It’s just that the last time, that “monster” hadn’t exploded with such terrifying power.

But what he was sure of was that “Uchiha Tianyou” had the ability to melt away.

He hesitated…

after all, this was no joke!

With so many people dead, the village must be given an explanation.

He glanced at the crying Shinnosuke with deep eyes.

He thought about the tragedy that had just happened, and thought about the ninjas who died innocently, and he decided to come forward.

Uchiha Shisui’s eyes exuded determination, and he resolutely chose to stand up! !

“Have you really made your decision? Once you say something like this, it won’t be something you can bear with just “Yu”. Even our entire Uchiha… may…”

A clansman who looked like a middle-aged man stopped him. He asked him and expressed his concerns.

But who is Uchiha Shisui?

He is stubborn and extremely egotistical. Once he makes up his mind, no one can change his mind!

“Sir Shinnosuke, I…”


Uchiha Shisui was about to express his suspicions, but a huge “boom” interrupted his words.

Everyone’s hearts trembled involuntarily, and then they looked towards the valley!

“It can’t be that, is it another volcanic eruption?”

The top of the mountain was peaceful, and there was no sign of a second eruption.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, a shuddering sound erupted from the valley to the east!

Everyone looked around hurriedly.

Between the sky and the earth, a blue giant nearly thirty meters tall appeared inexplicably. He held a long purple sword in his right hand and a huge shield in his left hand.

The entire body was covered with blue armor. The entire giant looked like an ancient god and demon. He suddenly rushed out from inside the valley!

Suddenly the mountain collapsed, and countless boulders flew everywhere, and soil flew everywhere, hitting the lava liquid and causing huge waves tens of meters high!

There was a “sizzling” solution flowing on the blue giant’s body. Its violent and strong armor resisted the solution to the outside. The violent energy poured out, frightening everyone outside the valley!

“This… what kind of monster is this!!”

Sarutobi Shinnosuke’s eyes were full of horror, and his body couldn’t help but hide behind the ANBU next to him, looking for a sense of security.

“Then, what is that!!”


Nara Shikakuya was no longer as calm as before, his eyes were horrified and he couldn’t help shouting!


“What is that?”

Nara Shikaku’s face was solemn.

In today’s Konoha, many people have forgotten this forbidden ability, but as a knowledgeable and wise man in Konoha and even ninja.

He recognized it at a glance. This was Uchiha’s long-lost “forbidden ability”!

“Susanohu is a special ability derived from the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan after it was promoted to a certain advanced form!” He explained to everyone in a deep tone.

“It is said that Uchiha Madara relied on Susanoo to dominate the Warring States Period!

In this mysterious form, Uchiha will have the ability to destroy the world!”

Nara Shikaku spoke quickly, but his words It was chilly inside, filling everyone present with shock and horror.

The members of the Uchiha clan were frightened and filled with joy at the same time.

“Has the strength of the clan leader reached such a level?”

“Could it be that the great Uchiha is finally about to usher in a new “Madara” after decades!”

“Lord Fugaku, invincible!!”

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