I don’t know what Sasuke said when he came home, but Fugaku didn’t come to settle accounts with Hatake Satoru. Maybe he also felt that his youngest son should be educated.

Just when Hatake Satoru was about to spend another day fishing, a ninja wearing a cat-face mask suddenly appeared next to Hatake Satoru and spoke.

"Hatake Jounin, Hokage-sama, please come over."

Just listen to the ANBU ninja say in a very respectful tone.


Hatake Satoru stretched his waist.

"It seems like today is a bad day. I know, I'll be there soon."


The ANBU nodded, and then the figure disappeared directly in front of Wu.

"It seems that there is some serious task that needs to be entrusted to me."

In the past year, the Fourth Hokage has rarely looked for him. Once he looks for him, it is definitely a very troublesome thing. On the contrary, Hatake Satoru is very interested in such troublesome tasks.

Although Hatake Satoru sometimes looks very lazy, it is entirely because those tasks are too boring. Even S-level tasks rarely interest Hatake Satoru. He now prefers the kind of novelty. Weird missions, although sometimes such missions are found to be very simple in the end, but Satoru still enjoys the feeling of using his brain and exploring during the mission.

After stretching his muscles and bones, Satoru moved instantly and came directly in front of the Fourth Hokage.

"Are there any troublesome tasks that need to be entrusted to me?"

Looking at Minato who was lowering his head to deal with the documents, Satoru spoke directly.

Hearing this sudden sound, Minato's body trembled slightly, but it was still clearly observed by Satoru's six eyes.

"Fortunately, the third generation is not in power now, otherwise he might have suffered from your heart disease."

Just as Minato finished saying this, the Third Hokage, who was smoking at home, suddenly sneezed.

"Which widow is thinking of me?"

Sandai thought to himself after wiping his nose.

It can be said that the third generation no longer has any rights in his hands. What he has in the village now may only be the status of the previous Hokage and the admiration of some people.

Now he has looked away. Perhaps because of his age, he is no longer greedy for those rights. What he wants now is to live a peaceful old age, and then he will be satisfied when he sees Konoha Village getting stronger and stronger. .

"Maybe scare him."

Hearing what Satoru said, Namikaze Minato immediately became a black line.

In his heart, he mourned three seconds of silence for the Third Hokage at this moment.

Hatake Satoru is a typical person that leaders love and hate. He is very capable at work, but disobedient and naughty.

It's okay if you meet a generous leader, but if you meet a petty leader, you will inevitably be put in the shoes.

"Recently, a religion called the 'Fire Cult' has appeared in our Kingdom of Fire."

Minato didn't continue to talk to Satoru and got straight to the point.

"'Fire Cult'? Aren't there many religions in our Country of Fire? It is normal for a new religion to appear. It is nothing more than trying to defraud the villagers of their money."

As for the proliferation of religions in the Land of Fire, since the Daimyos of the Land of Fire don't want to take care of it, naturally they, the Leaf Village, can't take over the situation. However, under certain special circumstances, they, the Leaf Village, still need to take action. of.

"But this religion may be different. It is most likely a cult."

Minato said with a serious expression.

"A cult?"

Hearing this, the expression on Satoru's face became very serious. You know, the cults in this world are not ordinary cults.

Almost all cults in this world regard human life as nothing, and the leaders of these cults are, without exception, those who practice evil arts.

"Many villages have already suffered. If there are any traces of people from the 'Fire Cult', it won't be long before this village becomes a deserted village."

When he said this, Namikaze Minato's body was filled with murderous aura.

Those who disappeared thought about it with their buttocks and knew how much their chances of survival were.

"I really didn't expect that the evil cult would dare to spread in the Kingdom of Fire."

As early as half a year ago, when cults were most prevalent in the Land of Fire, legends about cults could be heard almost everywhere. At that time, Hatake Satoru received the task of dealing with these cults. At that time, only Hatake Satoru I have eliminated no less than ten cults myself.

I originally thought that the cult would subside for a while, but I didn't expect that only half a year later, it started to show signs of recovery.

"I didn't expect it. It seems that I have to make a suggestion to the daimyo to curb the development of religion.

Let’s take your team with you on this mission and let them see what a cult is like. "

Namikaze Minato had also done some tasks related to cleaning up the cult. Now that he recalled the scenes inside the cult, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

All the creatures in the cult can no longer be described as humans, and what they do can't even be compared to animals.

"I understand, it's time to let them see the world outside of ninjas."

In the past, almost all the tasks that Satoru led Itachi and the others on were to tell them how cruel the ninja world was, but sometimes, the intrigue between ordinary people was more cruel than that of ninjas.

"Although you are very powerful, I still want to remind you to be careful. The evil spells of cults are generally evil ninjutsu that have been sealed for a long time. No one knows what the function of these ninjutsu is, but it is definitely not simple. If you are not careful, you may capsize in the gutter.”

Then, Minato reminded again with a serious face.

"You are really different from other leaders, Namikaze Minato."

This time, Satoru directly called Minato by his full name. This was not disrespectful to the Fourth Hokage. On the contrary, it was Hatake Satoru's respect for him.

For Minato, Hatake Satoru should be the person who poses the greatest threat to him in Konoha Village, but every time before he goes to carry out such a serious mission, Minato will remind Satoru in advance.

"After all, as long as you are from Konoha, you are my subordinate. Isn't it normal to care about your subordinates?"

Minato smiled and said to Satoru. Seeing this smile, Satoru couldn't help but sigh that the title of Little Sun was indeed worthy of its name.

For a moment, even Satoru felt like he was somewhat healed.

Minato's ninja talent is already a genius that has been rare in decades, and there may never be anyone like Minato again.

Besides his talent, Minato is also a very good person. It can be said that there is almost no stain on Minato.

Hatake Satoru is a person who is perfect in everything except his personality, and it is not an exaggeration at all to describe Minato with just four words: perfect.

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