Konoha, starting with the fusion of Gojo Satoru

Chapter 167 The Arrogant Water God

With the help of Hatake Satoru, this old woman finally stood in the coveted first echelon, and as time went by, more and more people were on the island.

Except for those who cannot get out of bed, all villagers who can walk have now appeared on the edge of the island.

"Lord Water God is here."

Suddenly, an unknown young man shouted, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the distance. They saw a man with long dark blue hair coming on the waves. He stood on top of the waves, and the waves were riding on them. Follow him towards the island.

"This kind of terrifying chakra is indeed true. He does have some relationship with those gods."

Through the observation of the six eyes, Hatake Satoru observed that there was a large amount of chakra in the opponent's body. Although the amount of chakra was not as amazing as that of the tailed beast, it was not an amount that could be stored in the human body.

Moreover, Hatake Satoru also found a wavy mark on the other person's forehead, which was similar to the flame-shaped mark on the forehead of the Vulcan believer he met last time.

However, Hatake Satoru also discovered another unusual thing about this person, that is, this person's mental power was also extremely terrifying.

"Lord Water God."

Seeing the other person's figure appearing from far away, these villagers knelt down and worshiped on the ground, expressing their respect to the water god with all their bodies prostrated.

"Thank you, Lord Water God, for giving us a second life and giving us hope to live."

These kneeling villagers spoke neatly.

And the water god seemed to enjoy this kind of treatment, riding high on the waves, with a hint of mockery on his face, and nodded with satisfaction.

Of course, he also noticed Hatake Satoru, who stood out among the crowd. Among the people present, only Hatake Satoru was still standing, but he was not surprised.

Because he knew that the other party was an outsider, and after enjoying his favor, he would naturally surrender like these ignorant villagers.

However, suddenly a dark blue light appeared in this person's eyes, and there was a trace of solemnity in the eyes looking at Hatake Satoru.

"Lord Water God, please give us the rain of grace again."

Suddenly, these villagers who were kneeling on the ground spoke again.

"Okay, you are very lucky to be favored by this god. This god will let you live a long life."

I saw the opponent's hands suddenly forming seals, and drizzle suddenly began to fall in the originally clear sky, but there was still a big sun in the sky, and the rain falling now was like sun rain.

Hatake Satoru naturally also observed the opponent's seal. The seal was very simple. He tried it a little in his mind, but when it came to the last step, he found that he could not complete this seal at all.

He clearly remembered the last seal, and it could be formed by forming it alone, but when combined with the previous seals, the last seal could not be formed, which was very strange.

The light rain slowly covered the entire island, and everyone was bathed in the light rain, and Hatake Satoru was no exception.

However, when Xiaoyu was extremely close to his body, he was still unable to go any further.

Seeing this scene, Hatake Satoru also frowned. His unlimited technique was designed to respond to malicious intent, but it actually responded to the rain, which meant that the rain was not a fun thing.

However, he found that the expressions on the faces of these villagers bathing in the rain did not show any discomfort. Instead, they showed expressions of enjoyment, as if the rain was something that could bring them happiness. drug.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Hatake Satoru's mind, and he seemed to have thought of something.

"Is it poison?"

Thinking of this, Hatake Satoru carefully observed the bodies of these people with his six eyes. When the rain fell on these people, it seemed that it turned into a special energy and poured into the minds of these people. .

Originally there was no way to react to poison with unlimited spells, but after several years of attempts by Hatake Satoru, he has reached the level of distinguishing poisons. It can be said that Hatake Satoru is now truly invincible.

"How about it, outsiders, have you felt God's gift?"

Suddenly, the water god turned his head and looked directly at Hatake Satoru and said. At this time, a dark blue light appeared in his pupils again.

"Hmph, a gift from God? Could it be that it is a spiritual poison that controls humans?"

Hatake Satoru said with disdain.

The villagers seemed unable to hear Hatake Satoru's words at this time, as they were immersed in the rain.

Hearing what Hatake Satoru said, the expression on the other person's face was slightly startled, and then the black pupils were completely occupied by dark blue light.

"As expected of someone who can defeat the God of Fire. There is indeed something different from ordinary people."

This time, his voice changed, as if it had become more majestic. As soon as the voice came out, people would unconsciously feel a strong sense of shock in their hearts.

"Are you the water god?"

Originally, Hatake Satoru thought that this person was a believer just like the person from the Fire God, but now the tone of the other person's words obviously did not sound like a believer's tone, but more like the Water God himself.

"Of course, I am the Water God."

The other party spread his hands with a matter-of-fact expression.

"You must have used some means to occupy this person's body. At this time, you should be regarded as part of your body, or can it be described as a clone?"

Hatake Satoru stared at the opponent carefully with his six eyes, analyzing the opponent's body clearly in an instant.

"That's really good, human. I admire you very much."

The other party clapped his hands and praised Hatake Satoru with a smile.

"It must be because of your special eyes. I felt a very powerful force in your eyes, and this force gave me a feeling of heart palpitations.

But I can give you a chance to become my believer. As long as you offer your eyes, I can give you infinite power. "

"Haha, haha, hahahaha."

Hatake Satoru couldn't help laughing.

When he heard Hatake Satoru's unabashed ridicule, the water god's brows instantly frowned.

"I'm sorry, let me laugh for a moment. Your words are really going to make me laugh to death."

"What are you laughing at?"

The water god said with a serious face.

"Let me give you my eyes and hands, and then give me a chance to surrender to you? You are not a fool, are you? You can say such stupid things? Who gave you the courage?"

When he said the last sentence, Hatake Satoru's tone also changed. The aura of his whole body was completely different from before, and the surrounding air became much more solemn.

The light rain that fell also stopped at this time.

Without the blessing of the spiritual poison, the villagers immediately felt a very depressed feeling.

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