In the end, Zabuza was still taken away by Shiro. Although Satoru knew all this, he did not interrupt anything, because the incident between Shiro and Zabuza was indeed a problem for Naruto and Sasuke. Very valuable growth experience.

Originally, if Kakashi had observed carefully, he would have been able to discover Zabuza's state of suspended animation, but Satoru's arrival made Kakashi relax a lot of vigilance, so he didn't even check Zabuza's body and let Shiro lead him. gone.

"Kakashi, just continue your mission. I will go back to the village first. We will meet again after you complete your mission."


Then, Satoru dressed in his summer beach clothes and swaggered slowly and slowly disappeared in front of several people.

"Kakashi-sensei, is that person really your brother?"

After seeing Hatake Satoru go away, Sakura asked Kakashi, and Naruto also cast a curious look at Kakashi. Only Sasuke showed an expression that he knew everything.

"Well, he is indeed my brother who is related by blood."

"Sure enough, just like you, Mr. Kakashi, you look so out of place."

Naruto complained mercilessly. It is estimated that other than Naruto, no one who can do such a thing would dare. Rather than saying that Kakashi is Naruto's teacher, it is better to say that Kakashi is Naruto's teacher. It's Naruto, the crown prince's bodyguard.

Hearing Naruto's complaints, Kakashi's face showed an embarrassed expression. He knew that his performance at the beginning of the battle was indeed a bit stretched.

"Okay, let's continue with the mission. If there's anything else, we'll talk about it after the mission is over."

"Yes, Kakashi-sensei."

After three days, Satoru finally slowly returned to the village. Compared with when he left, the village had not changed much. Perhaps the only big change was that the ninjas guarding the door had changed. , no longer recognize him.

Even if Satoru took out Konoha's forehead protector, the other party would not admit his identity as a Konoha ninja. After all, even if they didn't know a ninja dressed so flamboyantly, they should have heard of him.

Although there is still a string of ninja numbers that can prove Hatake Satoru's identity, his own ninja number was a string of numbers from when he went abroad several years ago, and he had long forgotten all about that string of numbers.

Just when Satoru was considering whether to forcefully rush into Konoha Village, a somewhat surprised and excited voice suddenly sounded in Hatake Satoru's ears.

"Isn't this Brother Wu?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Wu also knew who the person was. He turned his head and saw the familiar watermelon head, which was shiny under the sunlight.

"It's really you, Brother Wu."

Seeing Hatake Satoru's face, Metkai suddenly turned into a tear-filled expression.

"We haven't seen each other for several years. I thought you had some kind of accident, Brother Wu."

The person who came was none other than Metkai, who opened his arms and hugged Hatake Satoru with tears in his eyes.

Even in the past few years, Hatake Satoru's face has grown somewhat, but in this large public, being hugged by a big man with a heavy back and a heavy waist, crying and shouting, Hatake Satoru also felt that his old face turned red.

Behind Metkai are three children, one is a girl with a bun, the other is a member of the Hyuga clan with white eyes, and the other is the same as Metkai in both clothing and hairstyle. Imp.

At this time, the three of them saw Teacher Kai in this state, and they were completely shocked and a little overwhelmed. Although they all knew what kind of person Metkai was, Teacher Kai's expression of excitement made them uneasy. This was the first time they saw it. They had even seen Mr. Kai's old enemy, Hatake Kakashi Jounin, several times, but they had never seen Mr. Kai show such an expression.

"Okay, Kai, calm down."

Satoru, who was hugged by Kai, felt a little stiff and spoke quickly.

But now, it seemed that Metkai could no longer hear Hatake Satoru's words, and he still cried while holding Hatake Satoru in his arms.

With no other choice, Hatake Satoru directly used his right hand to form a palm and pushed Metkai's body. In an instant, Metkai's body was knocked back more than ten meters.

It can be seen that Metkai's body has arched into a shrimp shape.

Seeing this scene, the three children were stunned for a moment. They knew the strength of their teacher very well, but now they were pushed ten meters away by a stranger. It can be seen from this that the coming How powerful is human strength?

But the next moment, Kai ran in front of Hatake Satoru again. Although there were still tears in his eyes, he was no longer crying and howling like before.

The slap just now had already calmed down Metkai.

"Calm down, Kai?"

"Well, I'm sorry, Brother Wu.

But Brother Satoru, where have you been in the past few years? Why haven't I heard from you? Even if I asked Kakashi, Kakashi said he didn't know. "

Then, Metkai asked doubtfully.

"Just going on a secret mission."

"Oh, it seems that this task is quite difficult. It has allowed Brother Wu to carry out it for so many years. But I believe that if Brother Wu takes action, any task will be completed successfully."

Hearing Kai's words, the three brats were stunned again. This was the first time for them to see their teacher flatter someone else.

"No, the mission can only be said to be partially completed."

Hatake Satoru answered truthfully, after all, his mission would not be completed unless he eliminated all those so-called gods.

"Even Brother Wu hasn't completed it? It seems that this task is really difficult, and it makes my blood boil."

"But if you don't go back to the village, what are you doing here?"

This sudden question immediately made Hatake Satoru feel a little embarrassed. After all, he was rejected by his own village, so it seemed a bit unpleasant to say it.

After telling Kai the reason for the incident, and with Kai's assurance, the two ninjas guarding the gate let Hatake Satoru into the village.

"It just so happens that I have to report on the mission with Hokage-sama, why don't we come together, Brother Satoru."


After that, Kai turned to his three female students and boasted about Hatake Satoru's deeds, such as being a genius ninja since he was a child, being the youngest Jonin in history, killing tailed beasts and other feats, which made Hatake Satoru have all the achievements. Somewhat embarrassing.

Sure enough, like Kakashi, he is not good at dealing with people like Gai. The two brothers can now be said to be manipulated to death by Gai.

"I have heard that such a mission did appear in Konoha. It seems that it has the title of white devil in the ninja world."

The kid from the Hyuuga clan thought for a while and said.

"Yes, Brother Satoru is the white devil who shocked the ninja world."

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