"What a terrifying power."

Seeing the tree that was directly broken by the kick, the knotweed sighed directly from the heart. Suddenly, a sentence said by Zenyuan Maki appeared in his mind.

"We all face Dongtang together, and the outcome we face is likely to be annihilation."

Now Hezhuang knows that this sentence is really not a joke. The other party does have the strength to annihilate their entire army.


Seeing that the tiger stick escaped his attack, Dongtang also showed a surprised expression on his face. It seemed that he did not expect such a result, but this also made his inner excitement increase again.

"Let me ask you a question, what kind of woman do you like?"

Suddenly, Dongtang changed his tone of voice and asked the knotweed.


Knotweed instantly turned into a question mark face, as if he didn't expect that Dongtang would ask such a question at such a tense moment.

"What kind of woman do you like? Why do you ask such a thing at this time?"

Knotweed asked with a confused look on his face.

"Don't worry, I just wanted to see what kind of person you are."

"Hmm... I'm not sure. If I have to say..."

While Hezhuang was meditating, Dongtang was also staring at Hezhuang, hoping that Hezhuang could give him an answer that satisfied him.

"A tall girl with a big butt, like Jennifer Lawrence."

Hearing Huzhang's answer, Dongtang's pupils shrank slightly, with an expression as if he had met a close friend.

In my mind, I also imagined the scene of becoming close friends with Knotweed at school. I couldn't help but see clear liquid flowing out of my eyes and nose.

Seeing this, Hu Zhi looked confused.

"It seems that the two of us are close friends."

Dongtang raised his head, as if he didn't want others to see him, a man, shed tears.

"Didn't you just learn the name?"

Knotweed can no longer keep up with Dongtang's brain circuit now.

At this moment, a severe warning of danger suddenly flashed through Huzhang's mind. Without thinking at all, his body took action on its own. When he started to move, gunshots suddenly rang in Huzhang's ears.

Other students from Kyoto Magic Academy have also arrived, and now it is Zenin Mayi who is attacking the knotweed.

The reaction speed of the knotweed is also very fast. Just relying on the speed of physical skills, it can dodge every bullet of the opponent.

"New Yinliu, simple realm."

At this time, a blue-haired girl suddenly appeared in front of the tiger stick. This person was Miwa Kasumi. She saw that the other party was holding a tachi and made a slashing action.

However, Miwa Kasumi's attack was dodged by a slight flip of the knotweed.

"This reaction speed is too fast."

Miwa Kasumi thought in shock.

"Although I hesitated just now, my attack didn't even touch him."

Before the tiger stick could recover, the mechanical pill itachi appeared behind the tiger stick.


At this time, Huzhang also realized his situation. Now, no matter which direction he goes, he will be hit by at least one attack.

"No, these guys want to kill me?"

Suddenly, Knotweed seemed to understand something.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of clapping in everyone's ears, and the knotweed standing in the circle of people immediately disappeared, and then appeared on a tree behind Gao Xianji.


Huzhang also showed a shocked expression, and he didn't know what happened just now.

"Is this the place where the Japanese knotweed and I have swapped?"

Looking at the location of the knotweed and his own position, Kamo Kenki immediately understood what had just happened, but he didn't know how the position of himself and the knotweed had changed.


At this time, Todo appeared behind Kamo Kenki. Before Kamo Kenki could say anything, Todo hit him with a fist. However, this fist did not have much power or speed, and Kamo Kenki was stunned. He dodged easily.

"I told you, if you dare to interfere, I will kill you."

Dongtang said with an evil spirit. When he said this, he didn't look like he was joking at all.

"No, you said, 'I will kill you if you dare to give me orders'."

Kamo Kenki corrected the mistake in Todo's words.

"What I just said was Japanese knotweed, no, is it Dongtang's technique?"

While speaking, Kamo Kenki was also analyzing the reasons for the position exchange just now.

"It's all the same, get out of here."

Dongtang's eyes widened, the whites of his eyes were already filled with bloodshot eyes, and veins were popping out even in Sun Snow Mountain.

"We must kill him."

When Kamo Kenki stumbled into the east hall, he spoke.

"It depends on the knotweed, don't boss me around."

Dongtang said with a smile on his lips.

"What are these people doing?"

Standing on the tree, Huzhang thought inexplicably that the target of these people just now was still him. Unexpectedly, internal strife broke out in the blink of an eye.

"I'm not the kind of vulgar man who would hold back his best friends."

I saw Dongtang assuming an offensive posture, looking at the knotweed with excitement and saying.

Everyone else from the Kyoto school left, and then only Kozune and Todo were left on the field.

The principal of Leyan Temple, who was watching this scene in the key control room, widened his eyes in disbelief and stared closely at the figure in the main hall in the picture.

"Hahaha, Principal of Leyan Temple, it seems your plan has failed."

Gojo Satoru laughed and said that when he saw Knotweed being besieged by all the students in Kyoto, he had already made plans to break the rules of the exchange meeting and rescued Knotweed. Unexpectedly, he found a Todo like this in Kyoto. changes.

But when thinking about Todo's character, Gojo Satoru felt that this was a normal thing.

"Tongtang, you bastard."

The principal of Leyan Temple said in a very deep voice.

"Come on, dear friend, it's just the two of us here now, let's get started."

Dongtang hooked his hand at the knotweed and said.

"And I feel that your body can also explode with more powerful power. Use it and let me see how powerful my best friend is."

Dongtang said with excitement.

“Then as you wish.

Eight gates of Dunjia, the third gate, the gate of life, is open. "

A green energy burst out directly from the body of the knotweed with a terrifying momentum. Seeing this scene, the principal of Leyan Temple and the singer in the monitoring room showed shocked expressions on their faces. .

Although they were not present at the scene, they could still feel how powerful this force was from the images transmitted from the monitoring room.

"What kind of spell is this?"

Ange asked with a look of disbelief.

"This is a secret."

Gojo Satoru shook his finger and said with an expression that wanted to be beaten.


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