The distance between the Country of Fire and the Country of Snow can be said to be quite far. There are only two routes from the Country of Fire to the Country of Snow. One is to pass through the Country of Grass and the Country of Earth, and then reach the Country of Snow.

There is another route that goes through the Country of Rain, the Country of Birds, the Country of Bears, and the Country of Ghosts, and then reaches the Country of Snow. Although the first route is indeed closer, Hatake Satoru did decisively choose the second route. After all, he can now be said to be the enemy of the Kingdom of Earth, the kind that is the enemy of all the people.

Although they didn't dare to do anything to him, Hatake Satoru didn't want to look at them when they glared at him, so he decided to take a long way. He could also watch the scenery of the ninja world along the way, take photos and check in, and keep a souvenir.

If you take the first route, it only takes half a month to reach the Snow Country according to Hatake Satoru's speed, but if you take the second route, it will take nearly a month or even a month and a half. time.

Although he might feel sorry for Jiraiya for such a long time, Hatake Satoru never knew what the emotion of shame was.

The further we walked toward the Land of Snow, the lower the temperature became. The villagers' clothing also changed from short-sleeved to long-sleeved, and finally to cotton-padded clothes. When I saw everyone wearing cotton-padded clothes and hats, , we have arrived in the Kingdom of Snow.

"It is indeed a country of snow. The temperature is really low."

Looking at the unobstructed white landscape in front of him, Hatake Satoru couldn't help but sigh at the wonders of nature. Icebergs and snow-capped mountains can be seen everywhere, but there are very few places for human habitation. This has also led to the snow country. There are also few residents.

But it is undeniable that the Snow Country is developing very well. Not only does it have its own ninjas, but it is also far ahead of the five major countries in terms of technology. If it were not located in a remote location, it might have been targeted by the five major countries.

Luckily they have a good location.

"Hi~, it's really cold."

Hatake Satoru exhaled a breath of cold air and shuddered. Even though he was already wearing thick clothes, he still couldn't resist the biting cold air.

"Hey, you guy, you're really late here."

Just as Hatake Satoru was sighing at the beautiful scenery, a voice full of resentment suddenly sounded behind Hatake Satoru, and Hatake Satoru felt the strong resentment emanating from the other party.

To be precise, there is more than one grievance, and there is another even greater grievance.

Hatake Satoru turned around and saw a figure with white hair and a yellow-haired figure, staring at Hatake Satoru angrily.

"Haha, Jiraiya, Naruto, long time no see."

Hatake Satoru laughed and said, he also knew how these two people had such resentment against him.

"It's been a long time since I saw you, but I'm curious. With your strength, you can get there in less than a day. Why did it take you more than a month?"

Jiraiya's tone seemed to be that Hatake Satoru wanted him to look good if he didn't give him a reasonable explanation.

Originally, when Jiraiya learned from Minato that Hatake Satoru was coming, he was relieved and a little lucky. With Hatake Satoru's speed, he could arrive in less than a day, two or three days. Almost all problems can be solved.

In only ten days at most, they can leave the Country of Snow and continue traveling to other countries.

However, they did not expect that since Hatake Satoru left Konoha Village, they have lost news. No matter how they contacted Hatake Satoru, they could not contact him. If they did not believe that Hatake Satoru's strength would not cause any accidents, they would I really feel like something happened to Hatake Satoru.

"Ah... well, I said I was lost. Do you believe it?"

Hatake Satoru touched the back of his head and said embarrassedly.

"What do you think?"

"Haha, okay, I won't hide it from you."

Afterwards, Hatake Satoru took out his phone and showed Jiraiya and Naruto all the photos he took of various beautiful scenery.

Originally, they were very curious when they saw this strange thing, but when they found the photo inside, they suddenly saw a black line at one end.

There are photos of Hatake Satoru sitting on a bear, there are photos of Hatake Satoru sitting on a pile of bandits, and there are only a handful of photos of beautiful scenery, and the most obvious one is the scenery of the snow country in front of them.

"You guy, you have wasted so long on such a trivial matter."

Jiraiya directly entangled Hatake Satoru and put him down on the ground. His hands and legs were wrapped around Hatake Satoru's body, as if he wanted to strangle him to death.

"Ahem, let go, let go quickly, you're going to die."

Hatake Satoru patted Jiraiya's arm repeatedly with his hand, stuck out his tongue, and said as if he was dying.

But how could Jiraiya be deceived by his little trick and used even more strength.

If it weren't for the fact that he wanted to witness the Snow God's grace, Jiraiya would have decided to leave here long ago.

"Okay, let's get down to business, Jiraiya. Is there anything unusual about the Snow God Sect in the past month?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded above Jiraiya's head, and Hatake Satoru, who was locked by him, suddenly turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

Seeing that it was the shadow clone that was locked to him, Jiraiya didn't care. When he heard the main topic, his face involuntarily became serious.

"If I hadn't heard you and Minato describe those gods as being so bad, I wouldn't have thought the other party was that bad at all, because the followers of the Snow God Sect have never done anything evil at all."

"Really? That's really unexpected."

Through his six eyes, he saw the entire environment of the Kingdom of Snow. He did not notice the scene of overwhelming resentment like when other evil gods or water gods appeared.

"Is it possible that this Snow God is really a good god?"

Now Hatake Satoru also has doubts about his guess. Although you cannot deny a group because of one thing, this group all has the same goal and should do similar things. Why is the Snow God so different? It's unusual.

"Do you know where the Snow God Sect's headquarters is?"

Hatake Satoru asked.

"Of course, don't think that I haven't done anything this month."

Having said this, Jiraiya showed a confident expression on his face. Obviously, he had already made sufficient preparations.

"Although they have arranged a lot of deceptions, in front of me, the Toad Immortal, everything seems to be in vain."


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