"Speaking of which, you quickly sewed my body together. You keep holding me like this, which makes me feel very awkward."

Hidan struggled in Kakuzu's arms and said.

"We'll wait until we get to a safe place. If you continue to struggle, I'll just throw you here and leave you alone."

Hearing Kakuzu's threatening words, Hidan immediately calmed down. If he was really thrown here, even a ferocious beast might eat him.

At that time, no matter how powerful his immortal body is, he will not be able to resurrect after turning into a pile of feces.

"Then you have to run faster."

This was Hidan's last struggle in Kakuzu's arms to show his unyielding will as a strong man.

Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion, who were fighting Hatake Satoru, had their eyes widened in disbelief, because the opponent actually appeared in front of them unharmed. Who could survive such a strong attack without being hurt? , they also met for the first time.

Whether before joining the Akatsuki organization or after joining the Akatsuki organization, the two of them have encountered very powerful opponents, but no opponent can be as perverted as this person.

Although every member of the Akatsuki organization can be described as a pervert, Hatake Satoru is definitely the most perverted among the many perverts.

"Although the power of your attacks is quite powerful, unfortunately, your attacks have no effect on me at all. What are you going to do next?"

Hatake Satoru tilted his head and smiled and said to the two of them. He was also curious whether the two people who had resolutely attacked him just now would continue to attack him after knowing that their attacks were useless.

"What kind of monster is this guy?"

Deidara's body involuntarily took a step back, which was a manifestation of his fear of food.

"Brother Scorpion, otherwise we'd better run away. The two of us are no match for him at all."

Deidara suggested in a low voice.

The Red Sand Scorpion, who had calmed down at this time, also had such a plan. Although he wanted to avenge his parents, he would not be stupid enough to risk his own life.


Hearing Scorpion's affirmative answer, Deidara didn't waste any time. The clay instantly formed a giant bird. The two of them jumped directly on top of the giant bird and flew into the distance.

"You let my prey go, do you think I will let you two leave?"

Just when the giant white bird took off, a voice suddenly reached the ears of the two people. Hatake Satoru appeared on top of the giant bird at some point, staring at the two people with a playful smile. .


Both of them were shocked by the sudden appearance of Hatake Satoru. They didn't see Hatake Satoru move in their direction at all just now.

"But I have expected this to happen, so are you going to keep us, or are you going to protect those two people?"

I saw a white dot falling from the giant bird's body, and then as Didara formed a seal, the inconspicuous little dot instantly turned into a huge white puppet, and from the body of this puppet Judging from the chakra it contains, if this doll explodes, everything within a kilometer radius may be razed to the ground.

At this time, Jiraiya and Naruto also noticed the huge doll falling from their heads, and their faces instantly turned pale. From observing Deidara's battle just now, they already knew what the function of this doll was. It was so big. If something explodes, Jiraiya himself is not sure that he will survive, let alone Naruto next to him. Unless Naruto can burst out the Nine-Tails' chakra, in this case, they might still be able to survive. A glimmer of life.

Seeing this scene, Hatake Satoru's face instantly turned gloomy. Without even thinking, Hatake Satoru directly chose Jiraiya's life.

The entire figure teleported directly in front of Jiraiya and Naruto.

Seeing the appearance of Hatake Satoru, the two of them immediately relaxed with their throats raised. Just looking at Hatake Satoru's back gave them a strong sense of security, as reliable as a mountain. .

"Stand behind me obediently and don't move."

Hatake Satoru's voice rang in Jiraiya and Naruto's ears.


The two of them tightly held the corners of Hatake Satoru's clothes and hid behind him.

I saw Satoru raised his two hands and pointed them at the white puppet. Suddenly, a dazzling white light suddenly flashed on the puppet's body. Then the white light became brighter and brighter, and then there was a 'boom', and the thought of the voice , directly made Jiraiya and Naruto feel a tinnitus.

The terrifying explosion swallowed up the three of them in an instant. Deidara and Scorpion left immediately after taking a look from a distance.

They simply didn't dare to see the outcome of the explosion. If Hatake Satoru was still safe, they would be in danger.

Kakuzu, who was escaping, also felt a slight vibration from the ground.

"Is this an earthquake? No, this is Deidara's ninjutsu."

After just thinking for a second, Kakuzu understood the cause of this vibration.

"With an explosion of this magnitude, it seems that those two guys are preparing to escape."

After another second of analysis, Kakuzu was able to understand the reason why Deidara's use exploded so violently.

He didn't think Deidara would use such a strong explosion in a normal battle. After all, an explosion of this size could easily hurt him accidentally, not to mention there was a scorpion next to him.

Even if Scorpion's body was hidden in the puppet, this explosion would be enough to seriously injure him.

Sure enough, just as Kakuzu analyzed, after about a few minutes, a black shadow flashed over Kakuzu's head. Although it was very fast, Kakuzu could see clearly what it was.

It was Deidara's big bird. Needless to say, Deidara and Scorpion must be standing on it.

Kakuzu didn't blame Deidara for not pulling him along, after all, they were the ones who abandoned Deidara and the others first.

The explosion lasted for nearly five minutes. After the explosion disappeared, only the ground under their feet, Hatake Satoru and Jiraiya, was intact. A very smooth deep pit had appeared on the rest of the ground, and As far as their eyes could see, there was almost no green left.

All the trees were burned in the explosion just now. Although this blow was not Deidara's strongest explosion, it was enough to rank in the top five.

"What a terrible monster."

Jiraiya swallowed and said to himself that this was the first time he had seen an explosion of this scale.


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