A large amount of thunder and lightning suddenly flashed across Ai's body, and then his whole figure seemed to turn into a bolt of lightning at this moment, and he quickly rushed towards several people.

But now they don't dare to look back and do this kind of behavior of slowing down.

"Tsk, after all, it's not that easy to escape."

Satoru said unhappily, they had already detonated the detonating talisman at the furthest place, but they didn't expect that they would be caught up so quickly.

"You go first, I will take the rear."

After saying that, Wu turned around and stopped.

When he turned his back to Ai just now, he had already seen how fast the opponent was.

Now that Satoru had only stopped for less than three seconds, Ai had already rushed in front of Satoru, raised his fist, and struck directly at Satoru's face, seemingly not intending to give Satoru any chance to breathe.

"To allow such a brat to perform such a task, it seems that Konoha is really ruined."

Ai still had this in mind when attacking Satoru.

But in the next second, something that Ai could not understand happened in front of him. Ai's eyes widened in shock at this scene, and he found that his fist could not touch Satoru's body.

"Can't touch it? My fist seems to be blocked."

"It can't be said that it was blocked. It can only be said that the closer it gets to me, the greater the resistance."

Satoru seemed to see what Ai was thinking, and then explained his abilities. When the Third Ninja War began, Satoru had already expected that his abilities would definitely be exposed.

Upon hearing this, Ai quickly retreated a large distance and looked at Satoru warily. He found that this kid was not as simple as he seemed.

"Want to use yourself to buy them time to escape?"

Ai understood Satoru's intention at a glance.

"That's right."

As he spoke, Satoru took off his blindfold. Although the blindfold could not block his sight, when he got serious, he still liked to take off his blindfold, because for him, the blindfold was given to him by himself. seal.

"These eyes? Is it the limit of blood successors? It's not the Byakugan, nor the Sharingan. It seems that Konoha is indeed a place where talents are born, and a new limit of blood successors has appeared."

Ai Ziran noticed the difference in Wu's eyes, and felt a little jealous and a little envious in his heart. Although the Kumo ninjas also had blood inheritance limits, they were too few.

Unlike Konoha, where there are two major clans with blood successor limits, now a new blood successor limiter has appeared.

"Then let me see what your Blood Succession Limit is capable of."

Having said that, Ai rushed towards Wu again, as fast as a bolt of lightning, and appeared in front of Wu in the blink of an eye. The speed of his punch was also extremely fast, but the result was still the same as last time. When his fist was about to touch Wu, When , it seemed to be blocked by something again.

He could feel that he was getting closer and closer to the other person, but at the same time, he seemed to be getting further and further away.

"Is this the limit of your blood inheritance ability? This is simply absolute defense."

Ai's heart sank a little, and at the same time he had already made up his mind that he would never let this kid leave alive, because he was not sure whether the opponent's blood inheritance limit was capable of growth. If it could really become stronger, then When this kid grows up, he will definitely be a powerful trouble for the Cloud Ninjas.

"You could say that."

"Then let's see how long you can hold on to this bloody limit."

Then, Ai 2 launched a crazy attack on Wu, from the front, behind, left, and above, but Wu just stood there, unable to move. In just a few seconds, Ai had already attacked Wu countless times. , but failed every time.

"How can it be?"

Ai couldn't help but be shocked in his heart. The use of each blood successor boundary has its limit, and it consumes chakra. It stands to reason that the more powerful the blood successor boundary is, the more chakra it consumes.

Therefore, Ai felt that a perverted blood successor like Satoru would definitely consume a lot of chakra, but now, there was no way to see the tired look on Satoru's body.

"But your blood inheritance limit also has a weakness, that is, there is no way to launch an attack."

"So, what do you want to do?"

Satoru's eyes narrowed.

"If you only defend but not attack, there is no way to hold me back."

After saying that, Ai turned into a bolt of lightning and flew past Satoru.

"Spell, 'Cang'."

Ai felt a huge sense of crisis in his heart instantly, and then forced his body to stop, and a deep pit instantly appeared in front of him.

If he had taken another step forward just now, he might have been absorbed by 'Cang'.

"I hope you don't act so recklessly."

The next second, Satoru appeared directly in front of Ai and said.


Ai opened his eyes wide and looked at Wu in disbelief. He didn't realize when Wu appeared at all. This can only explain two situations. The first is that Wu's speed has exceeded the limit of her sight. The second is that Wu's speed has exceeded the limit of her sight. The second type is space ninjutsu.

It's okay if it's the second type, but Ai can't accept the first type. He doesn't believe that in the entire ninja world, there is someone who can surpass him in speed.

"Since you want me to launch an attack, then be prepared to do XZ."

Wu stretched out his palm to Ai, and that strong sense of crisis emerged in Ai's heart again. Sure enough, he moved his position. Sure enough, the next second, where Ai was standing, a deep pit appeared under his feet. .

But Satoru's attack was not over. Wherever Ai passed by, there were traces of Cang on the ground, but Ai dodged every one of them.

"What kind of attack is this?"

Now Ai feels more and more that Wu cannot stay and must be dealt with, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"I really hate fast ninjas like you."

Satoru said helplessly, although 'Cang' was released very quickly, some ninjas who were fast enough could completely avoid it.

However, it is not Ai's character to stand and be beaten. He is constantly moving closer to Satoru and will punch him when he seizes the opportunity. He feels that there will always be a time when he will catch Satoru's flaw.

But the thought was beautiful, but the reality was skinny. After fighting for such a long time, he didn't even touch the corner of Wu's clothes. This could be said to be the most painful beating Ai had ever received.

"Well, it should be almost time. They should have gone far."

Satoru silently estimated the time in his heart. He had been holding Ai for almost ten minutes. These ten minutes were enough for them to cover quite a distance.

"I won't play with you this time. We'll see you next time."


Ai immediately understood what Satoru meant and yelled, but how could Satoru listen to him.

He moved instantly and disappeared in front of Ai.

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