Konoha, starting with the fusion of Gojo Satoru

Chapter 54: Dispatch to other battlefields

Not long after, they received another order from Orochimaru, ordering them to withdraw directly now. Now they have no way to carry out the mission of destroying the Thunder Moon Bridge because it has been directly destroyed by the Eight-Tails.

"If we want to avoid being discovered by the Cloud Ninjas, then we can only leave from Tian Country. However, this may waste some more time, but at least the safety can be improved to a certain extent."

Nara Zenwei said that although the Kingdom of the Moon and the Kingdom of Tian are not bordering, they can go to the Kingdom of Tian by boat. If that doesn't work, they can only run across the sea.

After Nara Zenue expressed his opinion, he looked at Satoru, as if waiting for Satoru to make a decision.

"Okay then, let's take a detour directly to Tian Country, and then return to Tang Country from Tian Country."

Hatake Satoru thought about it and found that there was nothing wrong with this plan. The only shortcoming was that it took a long time.

And the frontline troops of the Kumo ninja will definitely strengthen their patrols. They have done such a big thing. Although the crisis at the Thunder Moon Bridge has been resolved, it is absolutely impossible for them to let go of Satoru and his party.

"Let's go now."


When dusk fell, a few people took advantage of the darkness as cover and ran all the way to the border of the Moon Kingdom. Then they quickly made a raft and left the Moon Kingdom directly.

After three days, everyone returned to the land of Yuno Country and successfully returned to Konoha's position. Although it was only a few days, for Ikki and the others, it was no less than returning from the Hell Gate. Walked around and came back.

"I have also heard about your deeds in the report. You did a good job. You were able to stop Ai from Yun Ninja Village by yourself. It seems that your strength is stronger than we expected."

After seeing Orochimaru, Orochimaru praised Satoru directly, while his inner curiosity about Satoru became more and more intense.

He naturally knew what the title 'Ai' meant to Yun Ninja, and he also knew what could inherit the title of 'Ai', so he was surprised that Satoru could come back from the other party's hands.

"But the mission still failed."

"It's enough. You have destroyed the Thunder Moon Bridge once. The S-level mission has been completed. But what follows is a long and protracted battle with Kumo Ninja. This battle will take at least a year. When it’s over, you can mentally prepare yourself for hardship.”

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru."

"And you have been more careful recently. According to reports from the people we have placed on the Cloud Ninja side, all the Cloud Ninjas must pay special attention to a white-haired kid wearing an eyepatch in Konoha. That person must be you. Be ready at any time. Be vigilant to prevent being assassinated."

"Yes, I will pay attention."

During the war, it was very common to assassinate the main local combat forces. Konoha would also carry out beheading missions on enemy ninja villages from time to time, but they were rarely successful, and most of them ended up losing money. The lady lost her troops again.

Of course, this is almost the same situation when other ninja villages perform such beheading missions.

For example, if Kumo Ninja wants to carry out the task of beheading Orochimaru, he must not only break through Konoha's heavy defense lines, but also pay attention to the people around him. He must also have good strength and be able to kill with one strike. Otherwise, if it causes a stir, then The only option is to commit suicide.

"Okay, you go down and rest."


When Satoru walked out of the camp, a group of people immediately gathered around him, including Satoru's former teachers and team members, as well as the team members who performed this mission.

"Satoru, you guy, it's great that you can come back safely."

Mahiro hugged Satoru and said with a choked tone. When he knew that Satoru was going to carry out such a dangerous mission, he was really afraid that he would lose another teammate.

"Haha, but I still think it's better if you let me go. Your actions will make others misunderstand my sexual orientation."

Wu's words instantly broke the touching atmosphere.

"You guy, my sexual orientation is also normal."

However, after Satoru's joke, the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

"Congratulations, Satoru, for completing your first S-level mission in your life, but this is just the beginning. Don't be arrogant just because of this mission."

Teacher Nakajima reminded Satoru.

"I understand, Nakajima-sensei."

"But it'll be good to come back safely."

Nakajima showed a pleased expression on his face and patted Satoru on the shoulder. Being able to have a student like Satoru can be said to be the luckiest thing in his life.

The war is still going on, and there will be ninja casualties on both sides every day. Although they are fighting every day, there has never been a large-scale conflict.

In this way, this small-scale conflict continued for more than a year. In this period of more than a year, no one knows how many cloud ninjas died in the hands of Wu.

Those cloud ninjas also understood what they meant by the white-haired brat wearing an eyepatch. He was simply a demon that roamed every corner of the battlefield and killed people without batting an eyelid.

Now, among the cloud ninjas, Satoru has a very famous name, the white devil.

Whenever you encounter a white demon, if there are not five jounin in the team, retreat immediately.

Of course, this does not mean that having five jounin-level combat capabilities can defeat Satoru, but that five jonins can barely guarantee their own safety by cooperating with each other.

And even if they retreat, it depends on whether Satoru is in a good mood. If he is in a good mood, he may let them go. If he is not in a good mood, then even if the other party has plans to retreat, he will not have a chance to retreat.

Now Satoru is regarded as a hero in the minds of these Konoha ninjas. Many ninjas have been saved by Satoru. It can be said that if Satoru had not been there, there would definitely be greater casualties on their side.

"Captain Hatake, Lord Orochimaru summons you to come over."

"okay, I get it."

Although Satoru has not yet mastered the reversal of the technique, he feels that it is not that long before he masters the reversal of the technique.

"Lord Orochimaru, are you looking for me?"

"Well, the village has decided to send you to other battlefields. Now the cloud ninjas no longer focus on us as their main target, so staying here is a waste of your combat power."

"Other battlefields? Where? Sand ninja or earth ninja?"

If possible, Satoru still hopes to go to the earth ninja side, because his brother Kakashi is on the battlefield there. During this year, Satoru also heard some news about Kakashi, He has also made outstanding military exploits and may soon be promoted to Jonin.


Orochimaru shook his head.

"It's the Mist Ninja. The Mist Ninja have been very dishonest recently. From time to time, they will make sneak attacks on our border. Since it's not a large-scale attack, the village decided to send you to guard it."

"Mist ninja? I understand. When will we set off?"


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