"White devil, Hatake Satoru, right?"

One of them walked up to Hatake Satoru and said.

"That's right, it's me. What can you do for me?"

By looking at the attire of these people, Satoru already knew what they were doing. There was a long line on the forehead protector they were carrying, rebel ninjas, and a few samurai with swords. Being able to gather so many There is only one organization that is very rebellious and that is the black market.

"It's nothing, I just want to use your approval to let us brothers have a good time."

"Oh, really? You bunch of salted fishes just want to come and take my head."

"Salted fish? You bastard, how dare you look down on us."

"No, I should be the one who is looked down upon."

The expression on Satoru's face changed instantly. The smile just now disappeared and was replaced by a very cold expression.

"Spell, Cang."

As Satoru's voice fell, a large pit appeared on the ground instantly. The scope of this pit directly covered everyone. The people who were clamoring in front of him just now were gone, and only the remains on the ground were left. The blood stains prove that they have been here.

Jiraiya, who was observing from a distance, was also shocked when he saw this scene. Although he also knew that those who came were just a group of miscellaneous fish, and he could easily deal with them, but the move just now was completely He has never seen it before.

Although he had already heard something about Hatake Satoru's ability to inherit the blood limit, this was the first time he had seen the specific ability.

Naturally, Satoru also discovered Jiraiya's prying, but he had no intention of hiding anything. After all, some things had already been exposed.

At this moment, an arm connected with a black line attacked directly from behind Hatake Satoru, but stopped when the opponent's fist was about to touch Satoru.

"It seems like a big guy is here this time."

Satoru turned around, and finally a smile appeared on his face, because he had recognized who the person was, from the perspective of the Akatsuki organization, but looking at it now, it seemed that he had not joined Akatsuki yet.

"Oh? Interesting ability, it actually blocked my attack."

At this time, a man wearing a mask and a black robe walked out of the woods behind him, his tone seemed to contain praise for Satoru.

"Who are you? Among the rebellious ninjas in Taki Ninja Village, I don't remember that there is a person like you."

"My name is Kakuzu, and I was the first Hokage who assassinated Konoha."


When Jiraiya heard this in the dark, he was immediately shocked. If what the other party said was true and he really assassinated the first Hokage, wouldn't this guy have lived for more than a hundred years?

"Assassinate the First Hokage? Could it be that he threw a kunai eight hundred meters away?"

"You bastard."

Kakuzu said angrily, and he naturally heard the mocking tone in Satoru's tone.

"I want your heart."

At this time, Kakuzu stretched out two hands at the same time, and his fists turned black, and the two black fists shot directly at Satoru.


Seeing the menacing fists and Satoru who didn't make the slightest dodge, Jiraiya couldn't help but shout.

He could already see the power of that fist. Even if he was punched, he would be seriously injured.

But the next scene shocked the two of them again. Just when Kakuzu's fist was about to touch Satoru's body, he suddenly stopped.

"It's useless. You can't touch me with your attacks."

"Not always."

Then, Kakuzu's arm passed directly through Satoru's side, and then wrapped around him.

"That's it, kid."

Kakuzu directly picked up Satoru, and then fell heavily to the ground with a 'pop'. A huge burst of smoke directly blocked the sight of the two people.

"Is this all the person who assassinated the First Hokage could do?"

Satoru's voice suddenly came out from the smoke. After the smoke dissipated, Satoru appeared in front of the two people intact.

"How is it possible? Why is this happening?"

Kakuzu said in disbelief.

"Otherwise, why do you think I was offered a reward of 50 million taels?"

The next second, Satoru's body appeared directly in front of Kakuzu. The black flash condensed in his hand and punched him directly. The extremely fast movement speed and attack speed gave Kakuzu no time to react. A single punch penetrated Angle's body.

Jiraiya, who saw this scene from the side, immediately shuddered.

"This guy's power seems to be more terrifying than Tsunade's."

A stream of blood spurted out directly from Angle's mouth, but when his blood was about to fall on Wu's body, the same thing happened, as if it was blocked by an invisible barrier.

"It's not over yet."

Hearing Satoru's words, Kakuzu immediately retreated, but Satoru followed suit.

People like Kakuzu, who sewed other people's hearts to gain immortality, have long been unable to exercise their bodies, and because of the sutures on their bodies, their bodies are also very fragile. This is why Satoru can penetrate his body with one punch. reason.

"Wind Escape·Press Harm."

Looking at Satoru who was so close, Kakuzu opened his mouth, and the terrifying wind pressure instantly sprayed out from Kakuzu's mouth.

But Satoru didn't even dodge, and punched directly through the opponent's heart.

Shadow levels are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, and they also have areas in which they are good and bad, and Angle just happened to meet the kind of person he is not good at.

His earth escape defense was useless in front of Satoru's fist.

"Well done, Satoru."

At this time, Jiraiya jumped out again. After all, normal people thought that after piercing the heart, he should be dead.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong."

Before Jiraiya could finish speaking, Satoru dragged Jiraiya backwards, and where the two of them had been standing, black lines suddenly emerged from the ground.

And Angle slowly stood up.

"Let me go, what kind of monster is this?"

Jiraiya said in shock, this was the first time Jiraiya had seen someone who could pierce the heart and still survive.

"How else do you think he survived from the time of the First Hokage to now."

"He really is a monster."

The look on Jiraiya's face changed.

"I didn't expect that I couldn't avoid such trouble."

Jiraiya was already ready for the battle. He originally wanted to come out when the battle was over or when Satoru couldn't hold on anymore, but unexpectedly, he came out early.

"Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas."

Kakuzu immediately recognized Jiraiya's identity.

At this time, he had already given up. One Hatake Satoru had already left him helpless. If another Sannin came, then he might really have to stay here today.

"Composite Ninja Technique: Flame Wind and Waves."

I saw two masks suddenly flying out of Kakuzu's body, one opened his mouth and spit out flames, and the other spit out hurricanes.

With the increase of the hurricane, the power and scope of the flames were directly increased. Suddenly, a sea of ​​​​fire appeared directly in front of the two people.


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