Konoha Super God Hyuga

Chapter 716 - (One more)

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Speaking of this level, there is no suspense in the battle. ,

The masters play against each other, and the numbers are superior.

Ninjutsu restraint.

How to lose?

The oily body created from the ghost lamp and the moon has never exploded. As soon as the temperature rises, the white will cool the water vapor.

and so.

The oily water body swells for a while, and shrinks for a while, like a rubber man.

And in a cold environment, the oil will freeze.

The agility of Yushui's body was greatly reduced, and the threat was basically lost, and he became the mascot of the battlefield.

The two stunts have no effect, and the strength of Ghost Lantern Magic Moon has dropped a lot, but the experience and basic skills are still there. Therefore, the three of Terumi Mei were not careless.

After a while, Changjuro used the slash of the flounder to push back the ghost lantern magic moon.

When the ghost lantern fell on the moon, I found it stepped on a puddle of water.

The water escape used to clear the big clams just now?

Before he could react, the water turned into ice, covering the ankle of Ghost Lantern Huanyue.


Guideng Huan Yue looked up, just in time to see Terumi Ming's ninjutsu ready. He smiled slightly, "Good job!"

The melted viscous mucus covered the Ghost Lantern Moon on its head, covering it, and then quickly hardened.

"Seal class! What about people!"

Terumi Ming did not feel the joy of victory, but was a little irritable.Such an enemy is not what she wants.

"I'll come, Master Shuiying." Bai said softly, "I think this is the ending that the ancestors expected."

Terumi Ming flexed her fingers and flicked Shiro's forehead, "Boy, it's not your turn to comfort me."

In the past, the blood fog had seen too many excessive killings, but it was just a little emotional.

"Let's go, the war is not over yet."

Terumi Ming regained the momentum of Shui Ying with his hands on his hips.

Chojuro secretly gave Shiro a thumbs up.


In front of Rasa is Gaara, Kankuro and Temari.

As a fourth-generation Fengying, Luo Sha barely passed the pass, but from the results, she made many wrong decisions.

Gaara, the country of the wind has cut budgets, the temptation of Oshemaru, the attitude towards Konoha...Rosa is too anxious, and this anxiety stems from lack of self-confidence.

Isn't Luo Sha very strong ~ the strong will not be confident?

of course!

The strong are also human.

Self-doubt is human nature.

It's just that different people will react differently.

Hayato also doubted the authenticity of the entire world...

"you guys……"

Looking at the third sibling, Luo Sha felt a bit of guilt in an instant.

I won't say anything to Gaara, but Father Scum.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)After Gallura's death, his opponents Ju and Kankuro gradually fell into the cold, losing the gentleness that a father should have.

Squirming her lips, Luo Sha still said, "Gaara, you shouldn't be on the battlefield. If Shouhe runs away, it will cause more trouble."

Gaara hadn't spoken yet, Temari said: "My father doesn't know yet, Shouzuru has already withdrawn from Gaara's body, Gaara is no longer Renjuli."


Luo Sha was stunned, the tail beast pulled away from the human pillar, and the human pillar would die. This was common sense.

Temari knew what Luo Sha meant. She said, "Master Chiyo sacrificed herself and saved Gaara with reincarnated ninjutsu."

"That old lady Chiyo..."

Elosa's knowledge of Chiyo had never expected this old woman to do such a thing.

"It seems that the village has changed a lot during this time, and you have also experienced a lot." Luo Sha said, "Am I wrong?"

The third sister and brother were silent.

In their opinion, Luosha is undoubtedly wrong, but they can't hate it.

Rosha told the story of his ordering Yasha Maru to test Gaara.

"I know." Gaara said.

"you know?"

Luo Sha gave a verbal order to Yasha Wan, which was not recorded and could not be found.

"After getting rid of the hatred, thinking and feeling more calmly, you can understand the true feelings of Yasha Maru, this kind of emotion from the heart will not be false. Just like I can feel the wish of my mother Chaklari to guard." Ai Luo said.

"You... have far exceeded my expectations, and have surpassed me." Luo Sha said: "Seal me, I am tired of being reincarnated again and again."

"As you wish, my father," Gaara said.

Gaara and Luosha are almost the same in strength and similar in attributes.

After Temari and Kankuro joined, Tenpian tilted and the situation fell to Gaara's side.Kanjiuro controls the "scorpion" to advance, various hidden weapons and poisonous fog.

The wind of Temari blocked the attack of the gold dust and blew the sand of Gaara into a mist, filling the field of vision.

Under the successive attacks of the third elder brother, Luo Sha was grasped by Sha's hand.

If it was Gaara from the past, I would have a sand-binding pygmy, bursting with blood plasma, it would be cool.

Kanjirou controlled the steel cable in the abdomen of the scorpion and bound the Luosha layer by layer to prevent Luosha from breaking free.

At this time, the diffuse sand dust adsorbed on Luo Sha's body, more and more, forming a pyramid-shaped sand pile.

Great burial in the sand desert!

So far, the four shadows reincarnated from the dirty soil, three were sealed, and only three generations of Raiking remained.


The cemetery of the mountain.

In the cave.

"I didn't expect to find the door so soon." Dou saw the Uchiha brothers coming in side by side.

Just now, three more chess pieces were sealed.

But it doesn't matter. If the chess piece is damaged, it can be refilled. It is not a pity to buy as many as you need.

"If you want to directly control the filthy reincarnation body, you must directly enter the chakra. When you are under your control, you can know where you are generally by perceiving backwards. It is only a matter of time to find you. However-there are excellent ones here. Perceiving the ninja, I found you directly, a lot less time than expected." Itachi said.

"It's really Itachi." Dou said, "I didn't expect to use illusion to crack the reincarnation of the dirty soil. I didn't expect it. However, let me remind you that even if I die, the reincarnation of the dirty soil will not be automatically resolved. Use another other god on Nagato's body, otherwise it can be used to control me. Now...what will you do?"

"Any technique has weaknesses to be found, and the reincarnation of the dirty soil is no exception."

"Really, maybe. But I am the one who reincarnated using the dirty soil, so it is invincible." He laughed wildly, "I have surpassed Oshemaru. I am the closest existence to the Six Dao immortals in this world. Okay, whether Hayato or your brothers, will all be my defeated men."

Hood pulled his hood down, "A conspirator like me is not used to being stared at like this. Ha ha... In this way, your proud illusion skills will have no room for use."

As he said, a few pythons stretched out behind Duo, voicing the letter, perceiving the surrounding environment.

This kind of thinking is still too naive, it can only be said that he does not have a thorough understanding of Uchiha's pupil technique.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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