Konoha Super God Hyuga

Chapter 718 - (One more)

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Yuto covered Kotaro's head and sewed it with thread.

Bad technique, Frankenstein's style.

"Don't take out the mini bomb?" Hayato said.

"Do you want to take it out?" Yuto asked Kotaro.

Kotaro shook his head quickly.

He also wanted to take out the mini-bomb. The question is, wouldn't this be the case again. He would rather die than have such a bad experience again.

Besides, he couldn't believe in Yuren's methods.

Maybe the bomb is taken out, and his brain has become the same as having been blown by a bomb.

"What about this person?" Yuren asked Hayato his opinion.

"You decide for yourself, the person you brought back, ask me|why?"

"Is it okay to show respect for you?" Yuto smiled at Kotaro. "If you can survive, it depends on your luck."

Very gentle and friendly smile, but Kotaro was all hairy.

When he encountered Yuren on the battlefield not long ago, this easy-going teenager also laughed like that.

He has a very bad premonition.

However, Kotaro knew that the resistance was useless, and that the struggle was futile, and he could only resign himself to fate.

Yuto reached out and put his hand on Kotaro's shoulder.

call out!

Kotaro disappeared without a trace.

"Where did it go?" Hayato asked.

"Random transmission, you ask me who I will go."

Hayato paid a silent tribute to Kotaro.

Random teleportation is no safer than the technique of sending from heaven.

The risk of the gift of heaven lies in the harm to the body of the teleported person. Either the resilience is as strong as Tsunade, or the defense is as strong as the fourth-generation Raikage, or the end will only be slashed in the process of teleportation.The risk of random transmission lies in the uncertainty of the purpose of the transmission. It may be 10,000 meters in the deep sea, tens of centimeters of steel can be pressed into thin sheets for you, let alone people. It may be in the lava in the center of the earth, or above the clouds...If you have bad luck, the chance of surviving is zero.

Kotaro had bad luck and was found by Yuto.

It may be the worst, not worse-he was teleported to the middle of a bunch of Bai Jue, there were hundreds of them.

Faced with the abrupt appearance, Bai Jue, who had been messy, suddenly calmed down.

Hundreds of pairs stared at Kotaro with malicious eyes.

"I said I'm not a ninja, do you believe it?" Kotaro asked tentatively.

He didn't believe it himself.


Damn fate, why bother to a little bit like this...

the other side.

Yu Ren said, "I'll find the person with the shell."

Hayato said in a strange way: "Isn't there something to be found out of the interrogation? How to find it?"

Yu Ren said: "The mini-bomb is not only to prevent leaks, but also to detonate actively. Since it can detonate, there are receivers and transmitters. I just sensed the coordinates in reverse."

Why set up an active detonation function?

Even if you don't trust people, you still like to play with the lives of your subordinates.


Stealing chickens won't make you lose your rice. You are caught by your feet.

"Go, I'm about to leave, Uchiha Madara is almost in place, I'll go to meet him for a while," Hayato said.

"Yeah." Yuren said suddenly, "Then you should be careful."

"Aren't you worried that I won't be able to beat the spot."

Yu Ren Bai gave him a glance, and then carefully glanced at Salolo.

Hayato understood what Yuto meant in an instant.

What do you mean?

The meaning is to be careful, don't kill Madara by wrong hand, how can the big Tongmu Huiye come back to life!(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)Well, that's what it means.

Yuto doesn't think Hayato will lose to Uchiha Madara.

Is it swelling?

Do not!

It should be said to be self-confidence.

If even Madara doesn't have the confidence to win, then facing Datongmu Kaguya, it's better to kneel directly.

Others don't know Hayato's strength, will Yuren not know?

Sha Luo Luo gave them a white glance.

Hayato said in embarrassment, "I have said everything to Salolo."

Yu Ren was taken aback, "Including the girls who are ambiguous with you?"

After that, Yuto slipped away using time and space ninjutsu.

Deliberate, absolutely deliberate!

You guys, bastard!

Forget the ambiguity, forget it for girls, why use "men"!

Salolo's eyes are so dangerous...

Hayato waved his hands again and again, "The slander is absolutely naked."

Sharono smiled and clasped his fingers with the Hayato.

Suddenly being so "compassionate", it feels even more terrifying...

Hey, what's going on? Is it because you have awakened your abused physique?


In a square space.

Three men in black hoods.

A middle-aged man was sitting at the table, head down, a cloud of black mist on his fingertips. His expression is a little sad, his eyes are loose and out of focus.

A one-eyed old man sat on the sofa, looking very impatient.There is also a blonde girl, who is leaning against the wall, holding her breasts in her hands, with a look of "don't come near any stranger".

"How long will you have to wait?" the one-eyed old man said impatiently. "The old man doesn't want to wait for a moment. It's not the style of an old man to look like a tortoise!"

"No way, this is the command of the leader." The middle-aged man said slowly, still focusing on the black mist at his fingertips.

"No matter, I want to go out and have a look." The one-eyed old man stood up, "Bo Luo, don't you want to go out with me?"

"Want..." Boluo glanced at the one-eyed old man, his fingertips swayed.

The black mist disappeared.

"But when I want to return, I don't want to disobey the leader's order. My goal has not been achieved, and I want to live longer." Boluo smiled.

It's better not to laugh.

The smile was like crying.

"After all, we are not irreplaceable. No, to be precise, there are many people who can replace us." Boluo said, "If you really want to go out, go out, maybe I will be the one who cleans you up. "

It is true that the one-eyed old man wants to go out, but not to the extent that he has to go out.

This is mainly because I want to bring middle-aged people and girls together.

The law does not blame the public~ This kind of thinking is an unspoken rule in any world.

It's a pity that Boluo didn't think so. Three-legged toads are hard to find, and there are many people with two legs. If he dares to bet, as long as he violates the leader's order, he will be dealt with without hesitation.

Boluo's attitude embarrassed the one-eyed old man.

If you don't go out with me, stop me.

The one-eyed old man glanced at the blonde girl.

Boluo smiled and said, "Diruda is more anxious than you. But she is not stupid."

"Shut up!" The blond girl named Diluda said gruffly.

Boluo didn't care about Dilluda's attitude.

In terms of strength, he is the strongest of the three. This is the tolerance of the strong to the weak.

There is no need, he will not do anything to other people.

If necessary, he will never show mercy.

The people who join the shell are not to love each other, but a group of people with their own purposes to get together.

From this point of view, they are the same as Akatsuki's core members, a mass of scattered sand, gathered together by the leader's personal prestige.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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