Konoha Super God Hyuga

Chapter 742 - Daredevil's deal (two more)

There are four main members of the League of Defenders: Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Jessica Jones.

The alliance formed by the four hardcores is also called the hardcore alliance.

In fact, most superheroes have painful and helpless experiences and memories. They did not stand up for fame and gain, but hope that others will not repeat the same mistakes.

At this time, a small freighter drove into the port.

The lights flicker-this is a secret sign.

The shore also responded with flashing lights.

The freighter docked.

There were several sailors on the ship, in pairs carrying boxes and disembarking from the ship.

Several off-road vehicles parked on the shore, opened the trunk, and put the boxes in.

Matthew frowned, feeling something wrong.

Hayabusa said: "If it's a small freighter, why have to use Randall's big port. Besides, even if the box is full of detergent, is it worth the big boss like Mrs. Gao to show up?"

Daredevil felt that Hayato was right, nodded and said, "Wait."

The off-road vehicle came quietly and walked quietly.

After waiting for a while, there was still no other movement.

Hayato said to Daredevil: "Are you interested in making a deal? I have a few friends who are also superheroes, but the fighting skills are a bit poor. I want to find a teacher...""Not interested!" Matthew said roughly about Hayato.

Hayato smiled and said, "Is it okay to refuse without knowing the content of the transaction? My price is very high."

"I'm not interested in making money." Matthew said sarcastically, "different from you."

He was referring to Hayato's robbery of those three gangsters. What would Matthew feel if he knew that Hayabusa used street gangsters as mobile teller machines.

"I said the price does not mean money. There are so many things that are more valuable than money in this world. For example, I can give this beautiful lady a good night's sleep."

When Hayato said this, he was facing Jessica Jones.

The others were taken aback, even Jessica herself.

The experience of being controlled by the Ziren, the physical and psychological double abuse and humiliation, and the Ziren also controlled her to hurt others-in this regard, it is similar to the experience of the Winter Soldier, although it is not his own fault to tell himself repeatedly. But the face of the purple man and the victim always appeared in Jessica's dreams, and continued to torment her.


Jessica can only use alcohol to numb herself. Ironically, the mutated body is almost immune to alcohol.

Hayato watched the reactions of others.

Luke Cage, Misty, and Iron Fist flashed in confusion, apparently unaware of Jessica's condition.

At this point, Luke and Jessica have not yet begun to roll the sheets. Otherwise, as a pillow person, it is easy to detect it. If the person sleeping next to you often wakes up in a cold sweat and screams in the middle of the night, it is not easy not to notice it.

Colleen seems to know that she and Jessica are relatively close.

And Matthew was thoughtful, probably aware of Jessica's condition.

Marvel's parallel world is messy. In a certain universe, Jessica is still Peter's high school classmate. Through the reactions of others, Hayato has a general understanding of the basic situation.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)Matthew was still hesitating, and Colleen spoke first: "I run a dojo. If you want to learn some fighting, you can go to my dojo..."

Hayato looked at Colleen with a weird look: "You don't know yet..."

"Know what?" Colleen was even more confused.

Hayato said to Matthew: "Look! I have one more price tag."

Matthew didn't know what the new price of Hayabusa was, but it must have something to do with Colleen. The question is, how does Hayato know these secrets, just as Hayato knows his true identity.

As a result, Matthew's face became even more gloomy, just concealed under the mask.

"Really?" Jessica asked tremblingly, like a drowning person trying to hold the straw.

God knows when she will collapse...

"Children are not deceived."

Matthew said in a deep voice: "We only met you once before, and didn't even know your name. Why should we trust you?"

Hayato touched his chin: "Can S.H.I.E.L.D. guarantee work?"

Matthew shook his head: "No, who knows if it is the remnant of Hydra."

The strength of S.H.I.E.L.D. is steadily recovering, but its credit is still lingering at the bottom.

"Spider-Man’s friends, Iron Man’s friends, is that enough? Not enough is no way, but I remind you that you are taking advantage of this deal, because you are not the only master of fighting, but you can help Jessica. There are not many people, it is estimated that there are only 20 or 30, and half of them are villains, and the rest may be some silly old guys, who don't think I'm so easy to talk."

Listening to Hayato's words, even if he still thinks this person is suspicious and hateful, he has no room to refuse directly. Because it's not only about yourself, but as a superhero, you must make sacrifices.If you think about it, you can understand why a superhero needs a mask. The protagonist of the novel always comes from the starting point orphanage, because the biggest weakness of a person is often not on himself, but on people close to him.

Superheroes, like emperors, are destined to be alone.

Therefore, Hayato is not a superhero.

Not afraid of bleeding, afraid of tiredness.

"Furthermore, when you teach martial arts, you don't throw away your martial arts, it's equivalent to a computer copy. The most important thing is, don't you think I am suspicious? Now give you a chance to observe me up close and make judgments. What are you waiting for?"

Hayato's words became the last weight of Tianping's tilt. Matthew finally agreed, but asked with a wry smile: "I don't understand why you should choose me, but you are not afraid that I will not work hard, or even directly teach the wrong things."

"Hehe, that's not your Daredevil style." Hayato said with a smile.

"What style?"

"Either you don’t agree, and if you agree, you will do your best. Especially if you find that you are teaching a few young teenagers who want to help others, you will not only teach, but you will also take out the things at the bottom of the box so that they can do their best. Possibly, you can survive the next heroic career."

There is an old saying in the celestial dynasty that can be described-so a gentleman can be deceived, but it is difficult to be wrong.

Translated into Hayato, I just use you to be a good person...

The freighter docked on the shore was quiet for a while, then slowly left the shore.

After waiting for a while, another freighter and off-road vehicle repeated the same operation.

"It's still a bait." Hayato pressed the people who were preparing to act. "The more cautious, the more important the cargo this time. As long as Mrs. Gao does not show up, it is the bait."

Matthew hesitated for a moment, and decided to follow Hayato's advice.

Hayato glanced at his anxious iron fist and said, "Is it very angry that my house's things have been used as a transit point for dirty trades. It is right to be angry, what are you going to do?"

Danny gritted his teeth and said, "I won't let these people go, absolutely!"

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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