a new day.

Konoha Village, Hokage office.

There was an envelope spread out on the table, and the letter was in the hands of Third Generation, sent by the Cao Ying faction.

There are a lot of content in the letter, with a thousand words eloquently, but the meaning to be expressed is only centered on one point.

At this time, the door opened and two consultants walked in. Behind them, one person followed, Shimura Danzō.

"You are all here."

Third Generation put the letter down, leaned back, and picked up the pipe.

The consultant Mitokado Homura picked up the letter bluntly and scanned it quickly, his face growing gloomy.

After reading it, he slammed the letter on the table: "This Cao Ying, really takes his own mess seriously! He even dared to threaten us Konoha!"

"Is it so serious..."

Utatane Koharu also picked up the letter and looked at it. Danzo, who was standing behind her, followed.

The main thing in the letter is to say:

Xiang Rin was abducted by Orochimaru before, and is an important ninja in Cao Yin Village. Cao Yin Village attaches great importance to the safety of the ninja in the village, and Xiang Rin’s companions pray for her safe return every day...

Kuo Yin knew that Konoha had sent a team to hit Orochimaru badly, and sent congratulations. I also learned that Xiang Rin broke away from Orochimaru's control and returned to Konoha with the Konoha team... Now I hope that Konoha can let Xiang Rin go home.

Later, although Cao Ying did not write any threatening words, he mentioned that Tsuchikage had recently invited him to Iwagakure as a guest, and he was still hesitant to go.

This is almost clear: If Konoha doesn't send Xiang Rin back, then Cao Yin will get close to Rock Shinobi.

Mitokado Homura, as Konoha's consultant, would naturally get angry when he saw Kusakage write this.

In Caoyin Village, where there is a big palm, few Jōnin in the village dare to threaten Konoha?

At this time, Utatane Koharu, who put down the letter, frowned and said, "Caoyin Village is not to be afraid of, but Rock Shinobi..."

The current pattern of Ninja World seems to be the five powers fighting against each other, but in fact the first three and the second two are basically not in the same echelon.

The latter two are naturally the country of wind and water.

The country of wind Sunagakure is located in the desert, the environment is not good, and the two generations of Fengying died of unfavorable fate.

Kirigakure, the country of water, is located in an overseas island country. The village was badly damaged in the early years. In the era of "Blood Mist", even if there were talents in the village, they would kill each other to the point of no fewer than a few.

As for the top three, it is naturally fire, thunder, and earth.

Needless to say Konoha, Cloud Shinobi also does not show it, mainly the country of soil.

Iwagakure, the country of soil, and Tsuchikage in the past are very powerful. There are many Jōnin in the village and they are very militant. They often provoke wars to expand their territory and strengthen their strength.

And Rock Shinobi also values ​​the education of the next generation very much. Konoha opened a ninja school to create a "will of fire". Rock Shinobi has done what he has learned, and he also opened a ninja school, and also developed a "will of the stone".

It can be said that in terms of ideological education, Rock Shinobi has been learning Konoha and has been doing well.

This makes Konoha very afraid of Rock Shinobi, and there is a grass hidden between the two countries, so the grass is used as a "strategic buffer", no matter which side it falls to, it is very unfavorable for the other side.

"If Cao Yin falls to Rock Shinobi, our northwest border will be very dangerous." Danzo's slightly low voice sounded.

Third Generation glanced at him, took a puff of smoke, and slowly said: "You can deploy some defense troops to the northwest from the southwest border defense line."

"Drawing from the southwest..." Mitokado Homura frowned. "What about Sand Shinobi? The defense against Sand Shinobi is weakened!"

Rock Shinobi is located in the northwest, Sand Shinobi is located in the southwest... plus Mist Shinobi in the east and Cloud Shinobi in the northeast... It can be said that Konoha has the most borders to defend.

This is the disadvantage of occupying a central position. The advantage is that it has a vast land and abundant resources. The disadvantage is naturally that there are more ways to defend... If the country is strong, it will be the kingdoms of heaven and all nations. If the country weakens...there is a horde of wolves and crises. Everyone wants to bite down a piece of fat.

Under such a wide border, no matter how large the army is, sometimes it cannot be defended, and we can only try to weigh and dispatch it.

Danzo said: "Don't forget Sand Shinobi just betrayed our alliance."

Third Generation said indifferently: "Because Sand Shinobi just betrayed, I won't betray it again... Even if they want to do this, Sand Shinobi now doesn't have this ability. Now they can do nothing but recuperate."

"How can you be sure that Sand Shinobi will not take risks?"

"...The current Xinfengkage Baki, although it has a certain prestige, is still far from Fourth Kazekage. Fourth Hokage has repelled the Cloud Shinobi invasion and surrendered to the chaotic One Tail... So the whole village will follow the order. Do you think Baki Can it be done?"

Danzo was silent when he heard the words.

Third Generation is right. Baki's ability to be a wind shadow is also related to the fact that no one currently uses Sand Shinobi...not to say that Baki has made great contributions. This kind of "shadow", compared with the "shadow" that rose during the war, has almost a world of difference in appeal.

Both Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu agreed with the Third Generation idea. The latter said: "We are also at fault in this matter. That whirlpool girl is a Kusakura ninja. Kusakado dignitaries are actually reasonable."

"Uzumaki people are extremely rare now, and it is good for the village if we stay." Mitokado Homura retorted, "Besides, we rescued the original person. When the girl was robbed by Orochimaru, why didn't Cao Yin go to the Orochimaru dignitaries?"


Utatane Koharu turned over Byakugan helplessly, too lazy to answer.

Danzo stood behind, mainly staring at Third Generation. Seeing that Third Generation was silent, he threw out another thing.

"Maybe you don't know yet." He said, "Neji caused a mess in Caoin last night."


"What did Hyuga Neji do?"

Neither of the consultants looked good at mentioning the name.

They like capable people, but they don't like people who have been able to work with the village... Neji is undoubtedly one of them, and it is still a headache.

Danzo whispered: "According to the information I got, Cao Yin killed more than 20 ninjas last night, all of them were killed by Kuuna... After that, Cao Yin found a hidden weapon in the deceased, one of them There is a mark on the hidden weapon."

"What mark?" Third Generation asked.

"Konoha Shinobi shop mark."


"Kao Yin hasn't checked it out yet. When he recognizes it, he will definitely lose his temper at Konoha. Master Hokage, you send Neji to do a reconnaissance mission. He is so lawless to kill and destroy the friendly relationship between the two countries. You really don't intend to. Tube?"


"This Neji..."

When the two consultants heard this, they were first shocked.

Going to kill ninjas in hidden villages in other countries is no different from a military invasion. When Neji does this, once the identity is determined, the two countries will almost fall into a wartime state.


Mitokado Homura slammed his fist on the desk and roared: "Danzo is right, this kid is a bit too lawless! Hiruzen, you have to do something!"

Utatane Koharu also said: "Now he should be called back to the village immediately and asked about the situation!"

Danzo's tone was cold: "Master Hokage, if you can't control this kid, just leave it to me and I'll take care of him."

In the eyes of a few people, Neji caused a catastrophe this time.

Going to kill people in the friendly village of Guoyin, and killing so many at a time, it would be considered brave if there were no traces left after the killing... The result was that evidence that people could trace was left behind, which caused huge trouble to the village.

Such a ninja is a typical thorny head. If you continue to let it go, it will only become more and more extraordinary.

Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu have long been unfamiliar with Neji, and they chose to stand by Danzo this time.

The three of them condescendingly looked at the seated Third Generation, waiting for him to express his attitude.

The Third Generation was silent for a moment, and said, "The matter has not been completely clarified, so don't rush to make judgments. Call people back first... Danzo, your tip is so fast, it means there is someone in the grass. Then, you can provide Neji. Is your current location?"

Danzo heard the words, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face.

"...No, that kid has Byakugan, which is difficult to track. Once found, it's hard to deal with."

The root member planted in Cao Yinli is not strong, if he is sent to follow Neji, it is purely seeking death.

Danzo knew it would be okay if it was in the village. But if outside the village, Neji's cruel boy meets the stalker, it is estimated that no matter who it is, he will have to kill first.

"If this is the case, wait for him to come back." Third Generation issued an eviction order, "Well, let's go to work first, I also have government affairs."

The three looked at each other and left the office.

Before leaving, Utatane Koharu called Danzo: "Danzo, although I am uncomfortable with some of your practices, I have to say that sometimes it is really not good for the village to not take strong measures."

Danzo nodded slightly, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes: "The big tree supporting Konoha in the dark... is the root of me who is deeply rooted in the earth. There are some things, as long as it is good for the village, I will do it anyway. Do it."


"Sit down, it's time to sail!"

The voice of the boatman was sent to various places on the ship by the sea breeze. Some of the passengers talked and laughed, some sorted the goods, some held papers and pens to settle the accounts, and some dozed off with their heads in their hands.

A young man carried a wooden box with a hip flask and sold it on the ship, from the bow to the stern.

"Hello!" The youth reached the stern corner, and several people were sitting here. The head is a teenager wearing sunglasses.

"Would you like sweet wine? It's a specialty of a small village in the country! It's cheap and delicious!"

"No, thank you." Sunglasses boy said.

"You can taste it for free!"

Seeing the young man shook his head again, the young man turned and left. He was still wondering: The sun hasn't risen this morning, there is no sunshine, what sunglasses to wear.

After the youth walked away, the girl next to the teenager with sunglasses poked the boy's arm: "Neji, have you ever drunk sweet wine?"

The boy with sunglasses is Neji. Wearing sunglasses has nothing to do with being afraid of light. It is purely to block Byakugan... After all, the destination of this ship is the country of water.

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