"Gaara, you have just recovered a bit, don't force yourself too much."

In the training ground, looking at Gaara sweating profusely, Temari couldn't help but persuade.

Gaara nodded, but her body movements were non-stop, still doing various high-intensity physical training.

After he was resurrected by a thousand-generation mother-in-law using secret techniques, in order to recover his physical condition as soon as possible, he worked overtime every day to train and remove government affairs, almost squeezing his time to Ultimate.

This intensity made many Sand Shinobi worried, and Temari could only persuade him personally.

Temari is here, but there is nothing he can do.

She knew that Gaara did not do this for himself, but to have the power to protect the village.

Especially after losing Shouhe, one's own power becomes more important.

After a while, Gaara stopped, wiped her sweat, and asked, "Has all the proposed documents been sent out?"

"It's all sent out." Temari paused, "Just, will other villages respond?"

"do not know."

The proposed document was written by Gaara.

There is only one content proposal, which is to propose that all villages in the Ninja world form a coalition army to jointly fight against the Akatsuki organization.

This proposal is definitely not just because he was taken away. Not for personal revenge. It's really for the entire Shinobi world.

Since Gaara's resurrection, the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that Akatsuki's purpose makes him creepy.

This organization acts in a fierce style, and it doesn’t matter if its members kill people, destroying a city or a country...So what will happen to such a group of people and let them get all the nine-tailed beasts?

Gaara doesn't think they just want to collect and play.

Assuming that the power of the tail beast is really the Master of this organization, then all the villages may not escape... Gaara therefore made a proposal, hoping that everyone will unite.

As for whether anyone is willing to respond to him, he is not sure, he can only do his best to obey his fate.

"It's hard to tell other villages. Konoha may have intentions." Gaara thought for a while and said, "The'Nine Tails' in their village are very important. They definitely don't want to be taken away by Akatsuki."

"Konoha...huh, that guy..."

When Konoha is mentioned, Temari thinks of Neji. She was very upset thinking of Neji.

The mission of rescuing Gaara was half done, but the guy gave up and walked away with another guy named Tenten. What is this called?

Later, the enemy encountered obstacles, which led to the failure of the rescue... But, Temari thought, if Neji did not leave, he could defeat the enemy with his strength.

If that's the case, maybe Gaara can be rescued, and there is no need for a thousand-generation mother-in-law to sacrifice herself...

"Temari, don't say anything like this in the future." Gaara stopped.


"I believe he has his own reasons. Besides, Konoha is willing to send someone, Sand Shinobi is already very grateful."


This is also true. Sand Shinobi didn't just ask Konoha for help at the time, but Konoha only came.

"Master Fengying, Temari!"

Kankuro ran from a distance at this moment, still holding a letter in his hand.

"Master Fengying, this is a letter from Hokage."


Gaara took it and opened it to take a look.

Both of them looked curious and didn't know what was in the letter.

For a moment, Gaara looked away from the letter and told them: "It's an invitation letter. Hokage would like to invite me to Konoha to talk."

"Please go there?!" Kankuro was slightly startled, "You haven't fully recovered your body now, so you won't..."

"Nothing, is it dangerous."

"...That won't be enough."

Kankuro shook his head. If Konoha was going to fall into the hole, he would be able to do it as early as Gaara was caught, and he wouldn't move again at this time.

"Never mind, I'll take a trip." Gaara put the letter away. "It just so happens that I also want to meet Neji by the way. Kirigakure previously criticized Konoha for Neji and Three Tails. This made me very concerned. Maybe... He already knew Akatsuki's plan for the tail beast."


In a small town teahouse not far from Konoha Village, Neji is sitting in the corner, holding a cup of jasmine tea in his hand.

He is waiting for someone.

About a quarter of an hour later, a person came in from the door, looked around, walked towards Neji, and sat down opposite him.

"Meet again, Neji brother."

"have not seen you for a long time."

Looking at the boy's face opposite, Neji smiled slightly.

"How is it, how are you doing, Ishikawa."

"Very good, you know how ruddy my face is!"

"It really is."

Ishikawa is an old acquaintance of Neji. Although the two have not been together for a long time, they met early.

It's been more than three or four years since we met for the first time.

Of course, compared with the old friendship, this young man exists as an "intermediate bridge", responsible for the communication between Neji and Konan.

Since the last meeting, Konan has asked Ishikawa and Neji to establish a secret connection. However, since Danzo's death, this connection has never been activated.

Today Neji received the letter by surprise.

"Stop gossip." Neji asked, "Your angel, what can you do with me."

Having said that, Neji guessed in his heart that the eight-nine-nine-nine-tenth was about the tail beast.

Ishikawa said, "It's nothing, just let me bring you a message for Neji."


"Leave Konoha in a few days." Ishikawa said lightly.

Neji took a sip of tea calmly: "Leaving Konoha, this is my home. Where do I go when I leave home."

"With your strength, Neji brother, you can't settle down wherever you go." Ishikawa couldn't help but said, "No, it's OK to come to Rain Shinobi."

"Haha. Rain Shinobi, are you sure your "god" can tolerate me."


Ishikawa's expression froze and did not answer.

Neji took another sip of tea.

He probably understood what Konan asked Ishikawa to bring him.

There is only one reason for leaving Konoha, and that is that Konoha may be in danger.

This danger, to the extent that Neji needs to leave, can only be Nagato's decision to attack Konoha.

Under the covering of the nest, are there any eggs?

It was for his sake that he was told to leave early, so as to save time when he was too late and was affected.

Looking at it this way, Neji should thank Konan. As a member of Akatsuki's organization, she could do this for him.

"Brother Neji, Lord Angel asked me to bring this sentence to you for your sake. Not only adults, but also us. You saved a lot of our people in the first place, and we are still very grateful. So, you listen to it. Persuade."

"Ishikawa, I ask you. Do you think life is really good now."


"As far as I know, the overall living conditions of Rain Shinobi Village are not particularly good." Neji said, "The geographical location is average, and with the policy of blocking the village, foreign merchants cannot enter, and the whole village has almost no mobility. ."

Neji is telling the truth, because of Nagato's "Rain Tiger Free Technique", it is difficult for spies from outside villages to enter Rain Shinobi. But without entering the village, the overall living conditions of the village can be judged based on the flow of commerce and trade.

Rain Shinobi, which implements a blockade policy, has very little commercial trade. In addition, the village rains all the year round, and agriculture is also extremely difficult to develop. The economic income of the entire village is almost concentrated on commissions.

Including part of the income of the Xiao organization, it must also be used to subsidize the village.

In such an environment, coupled with the perennial high-handed arrest policy for the remnants of the Semi-Tibetan Party, the living conditions of the entire village are really not good.

People are not even as good as the Hanzang period.

Although Ishikawa had the intention to refute, he couldn't say it under Neji's gaze.

After a while, he could only say: "It's just like this now. It will be better later."


Neji drank the tea silently, got up and said, "Okay, Ishikawa, you can go back. Thank you angels for me and you."

Ishikawa frowned: "So, you still don't want to leave?"

"I can't leave, it's all the same." This was Neji's last words to Ishikawa. Ishikawa didn't know what it meant until he left.

He didn't understand, but Konan should understand.

Neji watched Ishikawa leave and said silently: "Nagato did not attack the village, but for the tail beast. If he is sure that the two tails and Three Tails are related to me... Then, am I in Konoha, he Will come to me."

Because of this, it doesn't matter whether you leave Konoha or not.

From Neji's point of view, it is more profitable to stay in Konoha. Because in this way, the whole village can work hard to deal with Nagato... If he leaves, he will deal with it alone.

That is very dangerous.

Today’s Nagato is definitely the ceiling-level combat power of Akatsuki.

Even Uchiha Obito, who has been behind the scenes, is no match for Nagato.

His abilities may come and go freely, but the win rate against Nagato is extremely low.

This can be seen from his confrontation with Konan. Even Konan almost pushed him into desperation, and had to pay the price of one eye to use Izanagi...not to mention Nagato?

Konan knows Kamui's weaknesses, doesn't Nagato know? Maybe this weakness was discovered by the two who worked together to deal with Obito when they broke up.

If Nagato didn't consume too much when attacking Konoha and finally died. If he were to collect all-tailed beasts, and finally break with Obito, it would be hard to say who would be the best.

Because of this, Neji is not willing to fight Nagato really hard now. And he doesn't know where the gains from such a desperate effort are?

Fighting hard and fighting hard and making others cheaper after the fight is not a brain disease.

However, if Nagato wants to deal with Konoha, this matter still needs to be dealt with. The meaning from Konan should not be within a few days.

"It is estimated that Nagato wants to catch Nine Tails mainly, and catch me by the way. If you get the second tail or Three Tails news from me, it will be a big profit... At the same time, Four Tails Five Tails, There will definitely be people from Akatsuki's organization."

Neji's eyes flickered, thinking that he would start early.

Now that Nagato is going to be real with him, he doesn't need to hide it anymore.

"It's just right." Neji remembered the three-day appointment with Sasuke, "Take this kid...If you run into Uchiha Itachi, I'll get rid of him by the way."

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