Relying on the Soul Transfer Technique.

Neji can separate his consciousness, or even his soul, from his body and transfer it to other creatures or objects.

The clone is even simpler.

Because they are connected.

So no matter how far the distance is, as long as Neji wants, he can transfer his consciousness, just like driving a Gundam.

Control his clone to carry out activities.

This is a very simple thing for him and not difficult to do.


Several little strong men were admitted to the hospital.

Naruto, Choji, Inuzuka Kiba, Shikamaru and Rock Lee.

In order to chase Sasuke, this group of people were injured, and the most serious Choji was in a coma for several days before waking up.

This also made Naruto feel very guilty, and he spoke less.

Neji explained the whereabouts of Kimimaro and said that he was rescued by someone, and no one would bother him.

After that, he also went to the hospital to visit several little strong men and personally treated Choji's body.


The same thing.

Neji is not stingy in giving help when it's convenient, but it's unrealistic to expect him to do everything.

"Your medical ninjutsu is pretty good, who did you learn it from?"

Tsunade was also in the hospital and happened to see Ningci treating Dingci.

"I have only learned a little bit by myself, so I won't embarrass myself in front of Tsunade-sama."

Putting down the things in his hands, Neji smiled slightly.

"Palm Immortal Technique is not just a superficial skill, it is already a very advanced medical ninjutsu. If you learned all this by yourself, it only shows that you are a genius among geniuses."

Tsunade praised directly.

""Lady Tsunade, you are too kind."

Neji was still very modest and was going to show off in this regard.

The key was that there was no need.

Tsunade was not a little girl, and even if he had that kind of idea about her, he didn't have to use such a 1ow method to tease her.

But this was also a right and wrong thing.

The more modest Neji was, the more Tsunade felt that he was different from other young men, and quite interesting.

The conversation became more interesting.

Tsunade said again:"Besides the Palm Fairy Technique, do you know any other medical ninjutsu?"

"Detoxification, scalpel, that's all."

"That's pretty good. At your age, many people still don't know what medical ninjutsu is. Come on, show me how to do it."It was just a sudden impulse.

Without giving Neji a chance to refuse, Tsunade pulled him away.

This is really......

He wanted to stop showing off but was not allowed to.

Neji had no choice but to follow Tsunade and go to other wards to treat a few injured people.

He used all the detoxification techniques and scalpels.

In the end, Tsunade wanted to accept him as a disciple.

Of course.

Neji would definitely not agree.

The point is that his current medical level is higher than Tsunade's, and he doesn't care about the ninjutsu developed by Tsunade. What's the point of worshipping a teacher?

Wouldn't that make himself uncomfortable?

"Sorry, Master Tsunade, I am only temporarily interested in medical ninjutsu and have no intention of making it my main focus."

"That doesn't matter. I can teach you something else. You've heard of the Strange Power Fist, right? As long as you're willing to become my disciple, I'll teach you this, how about that?"

Tsunade said patiently, and she was determined not to give up until she achieved her goal.

The main reason was that Neji was too talented.

He was the best one she had seen in all these years. He was much better than Shizune.

If she couldn't accept him as her disciple, she would find drinking boring.

Damn it.

Was she really going to force herself to become a traitor to her master?

Neji was speechless.

"Lady Tsunade, I think we should just forget it."

"Why are you so stubborn? Don't you know how many people out there want to be my apprentices, and I didn't accept any of them?"

"Feel sorry...."

"No, no, I must accept you as my disciple. Let's do this. Tomorrow I will go to the Hyuga clan and discuss this matter with your father. You don't have to agree to it."

What? Are you still trying to force a sale?

Neji was speechless again and really wanted to roll his eyes. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The key is that repeated refusals didn't work. Tsunade wanted to bypass him and talk to Hyuga Hizashi.

What else could he say? He just shut up.

The next day.

Tsunade really came to the door.

She talked to Hyuga Hizashi for a long time.

After she left.

Neji and Hyuga Hizashi, father and son, also sat down and looked at each other, feeling quite helpless.

"Haha, this is a good thing, so you don't have to look so gloomy."

Hinata Hizashi livened up the atmosphere

"Having multiple teachers to supervise me for no reason, how can this be considered a good thing?" Neji said expressionlessly.

"At least she doesn't have any bad intentions."

"This is"

"Another thing is, having a Hokage as your teacher will make things much easier for you in the future, which is also a benefit."

"Well, I guess so."

Ningji nodded.[]

After all, he doesn't rely on others to live, and he can develop with his own abilities, so it can only be regarded as reluctant.

Of course.

That's right.

There is no harm in having a Hokage as a teacher.

So, since I can't refuse......

The main thing is that there is no conflict with Tsunade, so there is no need to make it too awkward.

Neji and Hyuga Hizashi both have this mentality, so they chose to accept it when it was difficult to refuse.

It's no big deal.

In addition, it can also make Tsunade quiet down.

Otherwise, she will refuse to leave, what can I do?

"Okay, things have come to this, you should be more open-minded. Besides, Tsunade's strength is not weak, and she has developed so many ninjutsu. Plus the precious books and materials left by the Senju clan, you have gained something anyway."


Neji also thought of this, and suddenly he didn't find it so difficult to accept.

Tsunade's things don't matter.

The key is the inheritance of the Senju clan, which is the point.

If it weren't for Hinata Hizashi's reminder, he would have almost forgotten such an important thing. Is he really inflated?

Because his strength has increased too quickly, and he has developed more and more ninjutsu, he has become a little carried away and forgot his original intention.

What is the essence of his super comprehension?


Use a fulcrum to pry more things.

So the accumulation of knowledge is the key, and everything else is secondary.

"Well, father, you are right, I know what to do now."Ningji accepted it humbly and smiled.

"Is that right?"

Seeing that Neji had come to his senses, Hyuga Hizashi also laughed.

Some time passed.

Tsunade didn't teach Neji anything.

It was mainly because she was too busy.

Although the attack by Orochimaru was over, it also left many traumas in Konoha.

Not to mention that Neji was still playing tricks in it, letting the Uchiha puppets destroy more than half of the buildings.

Even though he later set up a real estate company and kept building and selling houses, it was difficult to satisfy everyone in a short period of time.

Here are 100 chapters.

It's the beginning of the month, let's spend some money brothers..

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