"This is really hard to explain to you."

"Very complicated?"

"It's not that it's complicated, it's that they don't understand the whole situation, and they probably can't consider the problem from my perspective."

"That's true, everyone has different ideas."

Yuhi Kurenai nodded, agreeing with what Neji said.

After all, she was also a teacher, and with Yakumo's situation, she was not unaware of the importance of empathy. They bypassed this topic and talked about other things.

At the same time, Yuhi Kurenai simply packed some of her personal belongings, and then took them with Neji to the Hyuga clan.

On the other side,

Konan and Nagato also returned to the Hidden Rain Village.

On the way, the two of them talked a lot.

The main topic was still around Neji.

""Nagato, did that boy named Neji really let us go?" Konan still didn't dare to believe it.

Because the Akatsuki organization had experienced too many conspiracies and tricks, and had been deceived too badly, when had they ever encountered such an easy-going enemy?

He let us go just like that, as if it was just a game of house.


"But you killed so many of them, doesn't he want revenge?"

Nagato was silent when he heard this.

Because this was also the point he couldn't figure out.

After a while, Nagato spoke again:"But this is the fact, he didn't follow us, could he have other purposes?"

"No matter what, let's be careful and go back in a detour so that he can't find your real body."Xiao Nan said


Nagato nodded.

There was a period of silence.

When they were about to leave the Land of Fire, Nagato said again:"I think he must have discovered my true form a long time ago."


Xiaonan was stunned for a moment, then asked,"Is this true? Do you have any new discoveries?""

"Take a look at this."

Nagato pointed at the device he was riding. Konan turned his head and saw that there was a new pattern mark on the edge of the device.

"What is this?"

Opening his eyes wide, Xiaonan said again:"When did this happen? I didn't notice it at all!"

Nagato wanted to say that he didn't either.

But in order to comfort Xiaonan and let her not worry so much.

Nagato could only say:"Those are not important. There was an opportunity to take action, but he didn't kill us. Isn't that enough?"

"You mean he means no harm to us?"

"Um"(bjab)"So what exactly does he want to do? Since he doesn't want to kill us, is he like Uchiha Madara, trying to use us to do something?"

I have to say.

The girl's intuition is sharp, and Xiaonan really guessed it right.

It's just that there is too little useful information.

She and Nagato can't be sure.


Nagato wanted to say that no matter what kind of conspiracy the enemy had, it would not be easy to use him. They were just calculating against each other.

Who would live and who would die would not be known until the end.

But before he could say these words,

Nagato suddenly felt unwell and suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood, staining his chest red.

""Nagato, how are you?"

Konan hurriedly stepped forward and asked, his eyes full of concern.

"It's okay, just a mouthful of blood clots, go back and recuperate and it will be fine."

Nagato said with a smile.

But it's not that simple.

Konan knew very well that Nagato had overdrawn too much vitality, causing his body to be extremely weak and almost unable to support.

But there was nothing she could do.

She had persuaded Nagato many times to leave this device that would consume a lot of his chakra and vitality. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) and not to control the Outer Path Statue.

Unfortunately, Nagato just didn't listen and rejected them all.

"Nagato, you......"

"No need to say more, Xiaonan, I know my body well, and I can still hold on for a while"

"How long can I hold on? Have you ever thought about what I would do if you were gone too?"[]

After holding back her emotions for a long time,

Konan finally exploded at this moment.

Because she really didn't want to watch Nagato consume herself like this, and she was also afraid of losing him, her last relative.


I didn't expect Konan to get angry.

Ever since Yahiko's death, Nagato, who had always maintained a strong state, couldn't say anything harsh at this moment.

After another moment of silence, he spoke again:"If I die, bury me and Yahiko together, then leave everything behind and start your new life."

"Do you think this is possible?"

"Why not?"

Looking into Konan's eyes, Nagato said:"Konan, it is me who wants to carry Yahiko's wish, not you. I know what you want, but unfortunately I can't give it to you. So after I die, you can put down these shackles and pursue what you want. Isn't that good?"

""Good, very good!"

Unfortunately, that was impossible.

Konan turned her head away, tears sliding down her face.

In the final analysis,

Konan valued family affection too much.

Because she had lost it before, she cherished it even more.

She wanted her to abandon the dream of Nagato and Yahiko and find a new life alone. That was something she dared to think about but could not do.

In fact, Nagato also understood this.

After all, they had been together for too long, and he knew Konan and Yahiko better than himself.

So he had to think of another way.

Somehow, Nagato thought of Neji.

The only boy who defeated him but did not kill him. He returned all the way to the Hidden Rain Village.

In the following time,

Nagato and Konan did not say anything.

Because they knew that they could not persuade each other, and it would be useless to say anything.

In a blink of an eye, a few days passed.

Konoha also began the reconstruction work.

After discussion, the Hyuga family turned the tide and took out a big A large amount of funds were loaned to Konoha, and people contributed to support the project.

The bank provided the money.

The construction company provided the people.

In addition, a large number of craftsmen were hired, and the villagers of Konoha were also involved.

So the reconstruction work was carried out very quickly.

First, the ruins were shoveled away and transported out.

Then a large amount of soil was transported back to fill the huge pit, and the planned housing facilities were built at the original address.

Residential buildings are the top priority. After all, we can't have no place to sleep and let people lie on the street every night.


The Hyuga clan's construction team is really not a boast.

Because Neji stuffed some of the less outstanding Wood Release clones into this team, with them, how can the construction of the house not be fast? It's not an exaggeration to say that it's different every day.

In addition, Konoha's ninjas are also helping.

Tens of thousands of people working together, not to mention how spectacular the scene is, at least it really speeds up..

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