"Father, I have a ninjutsu for you"

"What ninjutsu?"

"It is the evolution of the White Eyes"


Neji didn't say much, raised his hand and touched his temple.

He directly used the mental power transfer method he developed to pass on his other Byakugan evolution method to Hizashi.

The advantage of using this method to transmit information is that Neji can apply a mental seal to prevent accidental leakage of the secret technique.

Whether someone checks Hizashi's memory or he tells others, it is impossible to do so. He can only use it himself.

"What a powerful secret technique!"

After a long while, Hyuga Hiashi came back to his senses and couldn't help but sigh.

Because in his opinion, the secret technique developed by Neji was simply fantastic.

It could actually actively purify one's own blood power and then promote the evolution of the Byakugan. This was no less important to the Hyuga clan than the Byakugan itself. It was too precious!

"No matter how powerful the technique is, it can only be used on humans. Dad, please try the effect first. If you have any questions, please tell me in time."


Hinata almost nodded in agreement.

"By the way, how is the little girl Yakumo doing?"

"It's almost solved, not a big problem."

Inner demons are, to put it bluntly, the product of mental power.

There were indeed not many ways to solve them before.

But for Neji, who has improved his mental power and fused the White Sharingan, and whose mental power is so strong that it can almost materialize, it is not a big deal.

As long as he wants, there is no way he can't solve it.

The next day,

Neji came to school and saw Naruto, Sasuke and his gang of little strong men.

"Brother Ningci!"


"I want to challenge you!"


"They say you are the top student and very powerful. If I beat you, wouldn't that prove that I am stronger?"

This is really Naruto-like.

"What if you lose?"

"this.....I will not lose!"

Naruto hesitated for just a second, and then said confidently.

It can also be said to be mysterious self-confidence.

Neci shook his head, and then said:"Naruto, I can let you see the gap between us, but only this time. If you want to challenge me again in the future, you'd better wait until you defeat the people in your class first."

"So you agree?"

Naruto doesn't care about that.

"To make you give up, come on."

Anyway, this is in the school district, Ningci directly beckoned

"Don't underestimate me, watch out!"

Faced with Neci's contempt, Naruto was also very angry, raised his fist and rushed over.

As for Neci, he didn't move at all, letting Naruto's fist hit him.

Just a swipe.

As if being pulled by an invisible force, Naruto's fist rubbed Neci's clothes and slid down.

He was also carried away and fell to the ground with a thud.

"What happened?"

Naruto was lying on the ground, stunned. He was thrown down, and he didn't know why. He couldn't think straight.

And the surrounding people who witnessed this scene changed their faces.

Because they didn't understand how Naruto fell down, and the key point was that they didn't see Neji do anything.

Especially Sasuke.

He just became the first in the class, and now he is full of confidence. He thinks that these people in the school are too weak.

But now, his face is solemn, and his brows are frowned.

"Brother Ningci.

Hinata was among them.

But unlike the others, this girl was shy but also full of admiration, and her two little hands couldn't help but entangled with each other.

"Are you coming again?"

After brushing off the non-existent dust on his body, Neji said calmly.

"Damn it, I haven't lost yet!"

Naruto gritted his teeth and got up, attacking Neji again.


He landed face first on the ground with a thud.

The result he enjoyed was no different from before.

"Come again!"


"I don’t believe it!"




Even though he was very resilient and had a character that never gave up, he was thrown out so many times that he couldn't hit Neji.

This made Naruto almost doubt his life.

The key was that he couldn't even understand the opponent's moves, let alone crack them. The harder he hit, the harder he fell.

This was really too torturous!

"Are you coming again?"

Ningci continued to ask


Naruto was speechless.

What else could he say? The gap was so big that his mentality was broken.

Seeing this

, Neji didn't say anything more and planned to go to his classroom.

However, he had just taken a few steps when he was blocked by another person.

"Are you going to challenge me too?"

Sasuke paused and blushed before saying,"No, I want to know what move you used just now."

"Soft Fist: Eighteen Falls"


"You're welcome."

After that, Neji passed by Sasuke and went to his own class.

"Did you create your own boxing style? He is indeed a genius."

In the Hokage's office, watching the battle between Naruto and Neji through the crystal ball, Sarutobi Hiruzen lit his pipe and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

In fact, he has been paying attention to Neji for a long time.

First, the name of Neji's genius spread from the Hyuga family a few years ago.

He started practicing martial arts at the age of two and a half.

At the age of three and a half, he learned the Eight Diagrams Sixty-four Palms in the soft boxing style.

At the age of four, he opened his Byakugan.

At the age of five, he practiced the Hundred and Twenty-Eight Palms.

Such talent cannot be concealed even in Konoha, where there are many talented people.

Another reason is that Neji and Naruto have met several times.

With good talent and a connection with the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, Sarutobi Hiruzen will naturally pay more attention to him and monitor him from time to time.

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