"Uchiha has the Mangekyō Sharingan, and I don't know what will happen next."After watching the two leave, Hyuga Hizashi said

"That's none of our business."

Ningji also came out and smiled.

It's like this, how bad can the situation get?

The key is that the biggest opponent of Uchiha is the Konoha high-level officials, not their Hyuga clan.

In addition, it's the same sentence.

It is more in line with the interests of the Hyuga clan to have the Uchiha in the front.

And Ningci and his son can develop with peace of mind, without worrying about being targeted and tripped up by people like Sarutobi Hiruzen.

At least before the demise of Uchiha, they will not receive such treatment.

So, if he can help Uchiha, Ningci will not be stingy, because this is also the situation he wants.

Let Uchiha fight with Sarutobi Hiruzen and others.

The longer the fight lasts, the better it is for them.

No matter who wins or loses in the end, the winners are always Ningci and his father, so what else is there to worry about?.

A period of time has passed.

Nothing happened to the Uchiha clan.

Because during the last rebellion, Uchiha Fugaku showed his Mangekyō Sharingan and suppressed the clan members.

So in Uchiha Rei's opinion, it is too unsafe for them to have only one pair of Mangekyō. They must get a few more pairs.

So, he came to find Hinata Hizashi again. Otherwise, why is it said that arms race is terrible, because once you get involved, you will be trapped without knowing it. It always feels not enough.

When you come to your senses, you don't know how much you have invested.

Uchiha Rei is like this now. What he wants is not just a second pair of Mangekyō, but more.

By the way, if the price was not too high and people would really die, he would probably call all the young people in the clan over.

"Elder Lie, this is the last time. The master is unwilling to do this again because too many people died."

After making the third pair of Mangekyō for Uchiha Lie, Hyuga Hizashi said so.

This is also what Neji meant.

There are three pairs of weakened Mangekyō for the Uchiha clan to use, so that they can withstand the pressure of Sarutobi Hiruzen, that's enough.

Don't make them too strong.

Otherwise, if the Uchiha coup succeeds and becomes the fifth generation Hokage, wouldn't it be even more troublesome and nonsense.

The people of Senju Tobirama's lineage are not good to Uchiha.

But the other party is not wrong. The Uchiha people are indeed too easy to go to extremes.

Therefore, Neji can't let them climb over his head and give orders. That is absolutely wishful thinking.

"Is it really not possible?"

"Sorry, this is what the master meant."

"...Well, I'll take my leave first."

There was no other way, Uchiha Lie could only go back first.

What about using three pairs of Mangekyō to attack and snatch the master away?

Uchiha Lie had thought about it, but he was afraid that he would offend the master and he would no longer work for them, or he would do something dirty when doing things.

What Hyuga clan?

After possessing three pairs of Mangekyō, they were no longer taken seriously by Uchiha Lie. Well, he couldn't help but become inflated. He just held back and didn't do anything because he was afraid of angering the master.

Instead of that, the result is unpredictable.

It's better to maintain the status quo and use money and property to win over the master. Anyway, for them, Uchiha, after improving their strength so much, more money and property are at their fingertips.

Even those small countries can be attacked.

Are you still worried that you can't get enough funds and good things?

"Itachi, what's going on with the Uchiha recently? Do they want to go to war with the village?"

In the room, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked patiently, but looking at his frowning brows, it was obvious that he was still in a bad mood.

This was all because.

The fighting Uchiha became more rampant.

Even the Anbu ninjas he sent to monitor have disappeared recently. They must have been arrested and detained, or all killed.

Assaulting Anbu ninjas!

Let's not talk about how serious the crime is.

Isn't this a slap in his face!

Even if he wants to maintain his high-profile image, Sarutobi Hiruzen is a little irritated and wants to lose his temper.

"I'm sorry, Hokage, my father and I were excluded by those clansmen. I don't know exactly what happened."

Uchiha Itachi knelt on one knee and lowered his head and answered

"That's right."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said nothing.

The silence made the atmosphere heavy. Even

Uchiha Itachi, who had a 'big picture' in mind, couldn't help but shed two drops of sweat at this moment.

I don't know how long it took.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice sounded again.

"Itachi, can I still trust you?"


"So if the Uchiha launched a coup against Konoha, which side would you be on?"

"I....I won't let this happen, please give me some more time!" Uchiha Itachi lowered his head even lower.


He lit his pipe and took a puff.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said in a slow tone:"Itachi, I don't want to force you. Go back and think about it first, and then give me an answer in two days. Although I am old, I can still give you some time."

"Yes, thank you, Hokage!"

Uchiha Itachi thanked him solemnly.

Then, at Sarutobi Hiruzen's wave, he turned and left....

Come on, brothers, give us some money, or just leave a comment, thank you.

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