But Ningci didn't care about that.

The winners are the kings and the losers are the bandits. There is nothing to say.

The so-called means are just the process of achieving the goal, so it doesn't matter how to subdue the opponent. History will only be written by the winner.

Taking advantage of Xia Rixing's distraction, he made a decisive move, and dispersed the opponent's wild boar in just one blow, and then approached the opponent in an instant.

With one palm, Xia Rixing was imprisoned in the air.

"you....What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Xia Rixing was also surprised that she couldn't move at all.

This is of course a stronger version of the confinement technique that was improved and sublimated from the confinement technique of the Kusagakure Village.

Ningci divided it into three stages.

The first stage is to confine the body's movements.

The principle is also very simple, which is to use chakra to lock the opponent's bones, joints and nervous system.

The second stage is to confine chakra and mental power.

This involves sealing techniques.

The third stage is to confine the soul, and the sealing techniques used are more complex and diverse, which are not understood by ordinary people.

It's just that

I won't explain these things to outsiders this time.

"How can a prisoner have so many questions? Now it's my turn to speak and you answer."

"What do you want to ask?"

"Don't get me wrong, you have no secrets from me. If there is anything I can ask, it's to see if you still want your son to live."


Xia Rixing found that she really underestimated the shamelessness of Neci.

But what can she do!

In order to let her son survive, she could only bow her head and surrender, and let it go.

She thought that this little devil Neci would do something to her.

But that can only be said that she thought too much.

The key is how old is Neci, he can't pull the cart now. He will be taken away by the beast.

He took Xia Rixing to the Kusagakure Village and asked him to help deal with some things here.

As for whether Xia Rixing will go to the Star Village and take her son away after Ningci left.

How is that possible. She underestimated Neci's means too much.

Not only did he put a ban on Xia Rixing, he could also locate her wherever she went. Another thing is that even if Xia Rixing went to the Star Village, she couldn't take her son away.

Because in order to ensure the safety of the military factory, Ningci also put a ban on those people in the Star Village, so that they can only move within a limited range.

Once they leave the Star Village too far, there is only one result, and that is to explode and die.


Seeing Ningci coming, the two Hyuga clan members saluted hurriedly.

"Get up, where is Kimimaro?"

"In the hospital"

"Take me there."

"Yes!" When Neji arrived at the hospital, he saw Kimimaro.

The boy was in good condition. He could eat, sleep and run. He was not lying in bed.

After all, he was still young, and his blood disease was not as serious as it would be a few years later.

"Ms. Ling Mei"

"I'm here, sir."

Uzumaki Suzumi came over quickly.

Although she didn't have much combat ability, she was a member of the Uzumaki clan after all, so her chakra capacity was still very large.

In addition, her physique was special, so her chakra alone had a healing effect.

So Neji arranged for her to be the vice president of the Kusagakure Village Hospital.

"Give me his information"


After taking the information handed over by Uzumaki Suzumi, Neji read it and then examined Kimimaro himself.

During this process,

Kimimaro also looked at Neji curiously, not knowing what he was thinking.

The key point is that he heard Orochimaru say that he had found a medical master to treat him, but at Neji's age, it didn't seem like that.

"not understand?"

"Yes, there are some"

"Just hold it in, don't move."


Let's not talk about Kimimaro's speechlessness.

Neji doesn't like to explain to others.

In his eyes, Kimimaro is just a tool and experimental material, so why say so much. Just lie down and be studied.

A shot of special anesthetic made Kimimaro fall into a coma.

As for Neji, he also let go and studied.

After a few hours, he almost figured out the situation of the Corpse Bones Bloodline Limit and why Kimimaro had this disease.

In simple terms, it is congenital deficiency and overdrawn vitality.

Let's talk about congenital deficiency first.

This is not to say that Kimimaro is a premature baby.

It means that he did not absorb enough nutrients when he was in the womb, resulting in the underdeveloped bloodline ability.

It means that his talent is too good, and his mother's physique is too ordinary, and she can't supply him with too much energy.

Zigui's family is poor, and the land is not good, so naturally he can't raise a real dragon.

In addition, the Corpse Bones Bloodline is an ability that consumes a lot of vitality.

Because bone cells have to divide all the time, destroying their own bodies, and cells have limits. Without a strong vitality to replenish, how can they withstand it?

Collapse and death.

It is only a matter of time.

It can be said that even if Neji replenished his vitality, as long as he did not give him the secret technique to plunder his vitality.

It only delayed Kimimaro's collapse time, but could not save him.

The income is not enough to make ends meet.

If you only consume and don't replenish, no matter how much gold you have, it will eventually run out.


If the organs of the White Zetsu clone were transplanted, perhaps he could live longer and his strength would be greatly improved.

Ningci touched his chin and quickly thought of this.

Of course.

Whether to do it or not depends on Orochimaru's intention. He will not rush around for Kimimaro and catch any White Zetsu.

After all, this is not his little brother.

"Notify Orochimaru and ask him to come to Kusagakure Village"


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