"We are all classmates, why are you being so polite? Eat quickly. If it’s not enough, you can bake more."

"Oh, okay."

Scratching his head, Naruto came over and helped grill things while eating the skewers.

"Choji, get me a bag of potato chips"

"What flavor do you want?"

"Chili Bar"


Choji was not stingy and gave Neji a bag.

Since Neji paid for the meat, he still knew how to be grateful.

"Shikamaru, can you sleep in the middle of winter?"

"Well...Are you sleepy?"

"Be careful or you'll freeze to death"



Many guys laughed unscrupulously, among which Naruto and Inuzuka Kiba laughed the loudest.

In fact, Neji didn't have any aversion to these little strong men, even Sasuke.

Because they didn't have the intention to harm others.

Even Sasuke, this guy has a good heart.

In the later period, he did so many things for revenge.

If it were Neji, in order to avenge his family, he would not only kill people, but he would dare to expose it.

In his eyes, Sasuke's behavior is simply child's play, not that serious.

In comparison.

Neji's feeling towards Sasuke is better than Naruto's.

How to say?

Sasuke has a reason to become bad. Naruto has been good all the way, but he is too good. He can forgive anyone, even those vicious villains who have killed countless people.

This is what Neji can't accept.

Because what he wants is to be happy with the revenge, Ding is Ding Mao Mao, and he can't forgive the bad guy just because he did a good thing.

That's not only sorry for the dead, it's just nonsense.

There is another aspect.

Naruto is just a big talker.

In the anime, he promised so many people and so many things, but did he finally do them?

Did the Land of Waves develop?

Did the Land of Rain get redemption?

Did Konan and Nagato's dreams come true?

And was the problem of the main family of the Hyuga clan solved?

Not really.

Until he died, the ninja world was still the same ninja world, and there was no real peace.

It's not that Naruto did anything wrong.

Neji just thinks that people should know themselves. If you can't give it to others, then don't make random promises to others.

Otherwise, what's the difference between this and a liar?

A saintly heart plus a big mouth king, and a hopeless stubbornness, he has to change other people's minds.


Neji won't like him.

In his opinion, Naruto's character is too fake, just like being under the illusion of Kotoamatsukami, far less real than Sasuke.

Of course.

These are all Neji's feelings when he watched the anime.

The second dimension is still different from the reality, so let's just see how these little strong guys develop.

Another thing is, no matter who it is, Naruto or Sasuke, it actually can't affect Neji, let alone make him feel how important it is.

After eating barbecue.

Naruto and Inuzuka Kiba had a fight, just to spar.

In the end, Inuzuka Kiba was abused.

It can be seen that Naruto did not follow Might Guy in vain, and he really learned something.

However, there is no trace of the Eight Gates.

Not only Naruto, but also Rock Lee has not come into contact with it yet.

So even if Neji wants to use the Byakugan to see the running route of the Eight Gates, he can't see it now, and can only wait a few more years.

It is now the sixtieth year of Konoha.

It won't be long before Neji and the others graduate.

After disbanding.

Everyone went back to their respective places, and Neji also took Hinata back to the Hyuga clan

"Hinata, this is for you."

Neji took out the purple pendant that he had prepared long ago.


Hinata blushed suddenly, and no one knew what she was thinking of.

"What are you thinking about? Oh, here's one for Hanabi, give it to her for me."

Neji put the two pendants in Hinata's hand, and went back to his home without caring about her reaction. There was nothing to do in the following days.

But it was also very busy.

Not to mention developing various ninjutsu.

If he had time, Neji would do business in the name of a medical master, or go to the Kusagakure and Hoshigakure to arrange some things.

Before he knew it, summer had arrived.

"Where do all these detonating tags come from?"

In the Root Base, Danzo asked his ninja

"My Lord, many vendors are selling it. The Land of Earth, the Land of Thunder, the Land of Wind, even those small countries, and our Land of Fire have people selling it."

"The price is still cheap?"

"Yes, each one is only two hundred taels, which is one-third lower than the market price, and the more you order, the cheaper it will be."

Oh my goodness!

This is not a simple matter.

Danzo narrowed his eyes and his mind started to work.

In fact, the Exploding Talisman factory in the ninja world also uses printing technology.

It's just that it is not mechanically automated, but requires manual operation, printing one by one, and the process is very complicated.

In addition, it is necessary to hire ninjas to provide chakra.

The speed is slow and the cost is high.

This is the real reason why the price of the Exploding Talisman cannot be reduced.

Of course, arms must have a high profit.

Therefore, the cost of making a Exploding Talisman is about 200 taels.

This has to be said that it is a large factory with a scale and the support of the five major countries behind it. If it is a private workshop, the cost will be even higher.

But what is the situation now?

A Exploding Talisman is only sold for 200 taels at retail. Is it enough?

In addition, so many goods have been sold in various countries, impacting the markets in so many places.

Needless to say.

The forces behind this must have mastered more advanced manufacturing technology!

As the leader of the Darkness of Konoha and the Root.

Danzo, who is determined to become the Hokage, how could he not be interested?

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