
Mei Terumi's eyes widened instantly.

Because in her feeling, her body was like a land that had been dry for a long time and finally received a rain, desperately absorbing the energy transmitted by Neci.

This feeling... was so comfortable!

It made Mei Terumi almost scream out.

And this was not over yet.

Then, she found that her body had improved, becoming healthier and stronger. Some of her previous injuries and the strain left by training were all healed.

In addition, her chakra and two bloodline limits were also improved to varying degrees.

What the hell is this energy!

How can it have such a powerful effect?

Unable to resist this curiosity, Mei Terumi asked directly.

"Life energy, you can also call it the power of Yang Dun"

"Life? Yang escape? That won't hurt you, right?"


You haven't even entered the door yet, and you're already thinking about yourself.

But this is just right, Neji is hoping for this, so he doesn't waste time and have to think of other ways.

So he also smiled.

"A little damage is nothing, I will find a way to make it up later, mainly for you, no matter how much I pay, it is worth it."

Ningji waved his hand and said.

What a guy, to say that he is not moved at all, that is a lie.

The key is that from childhood to adulthood, no outsider has ever treated Meimei like this.

It's not that no one treats her well.

But the feeling brought by family and subordinates is definitely not so touching and impressive, it is definitely different

"you...Don't be like this, we can't be together."

Although she said so, her tone was not so firm.

After all, this is ours, so how can we still say that we are two families?

Without hesitation, Neji took Terumi Mei's little hand and said,"Sister Mei, didn't I just say that I, who have Yang escape, can definitely make us live longer, even hundreds of years, so your concerns are not a problem at all"

"That...That's too fast, I still can't accept it."

Mei Terumi turned her head away and said, but she didn't withdraw her hand, obviously she still had some feelings for Neji.

"It's okay, feelings can be cultivated slowly, as long as Sister Ming doesn't hate me."Ningji said with a smile

"Then you let me go"


Ningji didn't want to take advantage of her, so he let go.

He let out a long breath.

Maybe because they didn't have a hand-holding relationship anymore, Mei Terumi's IQ also returned to a high point.

"By the way, you just said that you would help me become the Fifth Mizukage and support me financially. Is that true or false?"

It's obvious that Mei Terumi still has a sense of career.

It can also be said that she doesn't want to leave the Hidden Mist Village alone and is more nostalgic.

"of course it's true"

"So how are you going to help me?"

"Very simple......"

This is indeed not difficult for Neji.

Let's talk about the funding issue first.

Doing the Exploding Talisman business together, are you afraid of not making money?

As long as you take out 20% to 30% to support Mei Terumi, it will be enough for her to sit firmly in the position of Mizukage, and she can also develop the Hidden Mist Village.

As for dealing with the Fourth Mizukage, that is even easier.

It's a good opportunity to teach that kid Obito a lesson.

Before, he went to the Kusagakure Village to make trouble and killed two people from the Hyuga family, but Neji didn't bother him yet.

It's mainly because this kid has the Kamui Eye Technique, which allows him to come and go freely, making it impossible for people to track his whereabouts, and it's really hard to catch him.

So just collect some interest this time.

Eliminating the Fourth Mizukage is like pulling out a chess piece of his. Let's see if this guy will jump up and down.

"Are you sure?"

This was beyond Terumi Mei's expectation.

Because the method Neji suggested was too crude. It was just to lure the Fourth Mizukage out and then kill him in one fell swoop. Would it work?

"Trust me, just do it, otherwise you can only wait for the opportunity and let more people die in the Hidden Mist Village. You can do it yourself.

Although Neji wanted to cooperate with Mei Terumi and liked her as a person, it did not mean that he could be questioned one after another.

"Oh, you're still angry."


"It's insincere, but it's cute"



This stinky woman, I must find a chance to teach her a lesson in the future.

But at the moment, Neji was not angry, because it was not necessary, he was not so tolerant.

"Enough of the nonsense, do you want to do it or not?"

"Well, let me think about it."

Mei Terumi really thought about it seriously.

After all, besieging and killing the Mizukage is not a trivial matter, and it cannot be sloppy.

Suddenly, she thought that a few years ago, Neji could kill a jonin and two chunins with one move, so he should be stronger now.

With the addition of the people on her side

, it seems that it is not impossible to deal with the Mizukage.

Then......Give it a try?

Living in the blood mist village and becoming the Mizukage in the future, Terumi Mei is not a coward, nor does she lack courage.

So she didn't think about it for too long and quickly made up her mind.

"Then let's do as you say. Where do we act?"

"There is no water source on the mountain ten kilometers away in the southwest."


Mei Terumi nodded.

The absence of water sources can weaken the Fourth Mizukage's combat power, and it is indeed a suitable ambush site.

So far, there are no other questions.

After discussing some details with Neji, Mei Terumi left first.

Anyway, I have made up my mind, so I might as well do it all at once. Hesitation and procrastination will not accomplish anything great.... ps: Please give some money, brothers, thank you very much. Rewards also give us motivation.

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