
The ground beneath his feet collapsed, and he lost his balance, causing the chakra that Gojo Yagura had gathered to dissipate.

This made him very angry.

He slapped the two ninjas who were close to him.


The ninjas who were hit were covered with corals, and they fell heavily to the ground, and soon there was no movement.

This was Gojo Yagura's unique skill, the Coral Palm. Anyone who was hit would die very ugly.

And this is not the end.

Then Gojo Yagura used his second secret technique.

"Water escape, water mirror technique!"

A round mirror appeared in front of Yagura Goji.

It shone at the people rushing over.

Then, a group of clones jumped out of the mirror.

These clones looked the same as Mei Terumi and the others, and could use the same physical and ninjutsu. They were really difficult to deal with.

Just one contact blocked all the people present.

As for Yagura Goji, he took the opportunity to condense the second tailed beast jade.

Seeing this, the people who were fighting were so nervous.

After all, this is the tailed beast jade. If it exploded in the barrier, none of them would survive.

But how to say it.

The heart is there but the strength is not enough.

Even if they are anxious, they can't leave under the restraint of the clones. On the contrary, if they think too much, they may be killed by these clones if they are not careful.

At this extremely urgent moment, what's more, Yagura Goji has completed the tailed beast jade.

Feeling the dangerous and terrifying aura, many people were so scared that their hair stood on end and they all wanted to run away.


Mei Terumi couldn't help but shout

"It's always been there."

Everyone only heard the voice but didn't see the person. Then they felt a flash before their eyes, and a young and handsome figure appeared between Yagura and the Tailed Beast Ball.

The person was naturally Neji.

He transformed into a man in his twenties, holding down the Tailed Beast Ball with one hand, and pinching Yagura's neck with the other hand.

Without waiting for Obito to make any move, he broke the opponent's illusion first, and then used the time-space ninjutsu that was not yet mature, but could be used, to move the Tailed Beast Ball away.

Three seconds later.


A violent explosion sounded from a distance, shaking the ground.

Looking at the mushroom cloud outside the barrier, Mei Terumi and others were also scared, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

As for Neji, while everyone was still not reacting and Yagura's head was not clear, he entered the opponent's head first and copied several secret techniques.

For example, the coral palm and the water mirror technique, all of them.

"Are you okay?"

Mei Terumi came over with her men.

Because the illusion was lifted, Yagura was still unconscious, and without anyone controlling him, his Water Mirror Technique was also released automatically.

"What can happen to me? It's your Mizukage."

He casually threw Yagura to a Mist Ninja and said,"He has been tortured by illusions for so many years, and his mental state has also become problematic. You'd better lock him up and find a new container to transfer the tailed beast."

"Well, I'll make the arrangements."

After looking at Kujiya Yagura, Mei Terumi nodded.

"Mei Terumi, who is he?"

The elder of the Hozuki clan asked, and his eyes revealed scrutiny when he looked at Neji.

The others were similar, and they did not show any gratitude or good looks to Neji because he helped them. The

Hidden Mist Village was still very xenophobic.

In addition, they were badly cheated by others, and the blood mist policy affected several generations, so they have always been very wary and defensive against outsiders.

"He is the helper I found and my future partner, Hyuga Tenshin."

Mei Terumi introduced him half-truthfully.

By saying this, she also agreed to cooperate with Neji.

""People from the Hyuga clan?"

Many people changed their expressions.

Especially Qing, who was standing behind Mei Terumi, even reached out and touched his right eye.

"Mei Terumi, you want to cooperate with the people of Konoha? Have you considered the consequences?"The elder of the Hozumi clan said

"What are the consequences of this?"

"Don't forget, we have a hostile relationship with Konoha, and the person who controls the Fourth Generation behind the scenes is most likely from the Uchiha clan!"

"So what? Uchiha is Uchiha, Hyuga is Hyuga. I want to cooperate with the Hyuga family, not with Konoha."

"What do you mean?"

"It means literally, I will cooperate with the Hyuga clan on behalf of the Terumi clan, and this has nothing to do with the villages, do you understand?"

So that's it.

Elder Kizuna was silent.

After all, this is a cooperation between families, and it doesn't involve the village, so there's no need to make a fuss.

How to say it.

Because there are too many such things.

You know, the history of the ninja family is much longer than that of the village, and the cohesion and level are not the same.

Don't look at the five major countries fighting each other.

In fact, the families of each country are connected to each other, and often cooperate.

Even if they are hostile on the surface, it does not hinder their behavior in secret.

It's just that they want different things.

The goal of the village is peace and prosperity, and to increase influence and voice.

The family is mainly based on inheritance.

As long as it is beneficial to the family, even if it sells out national interests, it is nothing in the eyes of many people, and they can do it.

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