After Orochimaru left, he also left the secret base and returned to Konoha.

The next day,

Neji and a bunch of little strong men gathered again and went out to play.

Sasuke also participated.

The Uchiha clan had not perished yet and had not suffered that kind of blow. Although this kid was a little arrogant, he could still get along well.

He usually talked a lot, especially with Naruto, and they would quarrel all the time.

Because Naruto's words were too irritating, and they could really poke Sasuke's lungs, making him so angry that he jumped up and down. He couldn't even maintain his aloof demeanor.

In the wild, by the stream, he saw Naruto and Sasuke arguing again, and they were even competing in catching fish.

Neji shook his head, thinking that Sasuke's happy time might not last long.

The key is that the tug-of-war between the Uchiha clan and the Konoha high-level officials has reached its limit, and they may use force at any time and a civil war will break out.

This was not only noticed by Neji, but also by many people.

Even the common people, when they meet Uchiha people on the street, will stay away from them and dare not approach them.

They are afraid of getting into trouble and being implicated.

Sasuke probably knows this too. He fights with Naruto all day long. Who knows if he wants to vent his anger?

Of course.

That is none of Neji's business.

He has no obligation or responsibility to enlighten Sasuke and help him sort out his mood.

"Brother Ningci, the skewers are ready. Please try them and see if they are delicious."


Taking the skewers handed over by Hinata, Neji started eating with big mouthfuls.

"The taste is okay, let's add some chili"


""Brother Neji, try this."

Ino also came over and wanted to feed Neji with her own hands.

What else could Neji say? He could only eat first as a sign of respect.

Seeing this scene, the male heroes were fine. They were not the kind of people who lived for girls, so there was nothing to envy.

Shikamaru was lazy.

Choji only had food in his eyes.

Inuzuka Kiba was strong-willed and aggressive. To him, Neji's meowing was not as interesting as Naruto and Sasuke's. Not to mention

Xiao Li, he ran to the side and kicked a tree.

As for Aburame Shino, she was like air, not saying a word for a long time, and people probably forgot that he was here.

On the contrary, it was Haruno Sakura.

She envied Ino so much.

The key was that she also wanted to interact with Sasuke like this, feeding each other food or something, but it was a pity that she could only think about it.

It would be more difficult to get Sasuke to do this with her than to kill him.

Eat and drink enough.

Have enough fun.

After Shikamaru woke up, the group of people packed up and went back.

"Young Master."

Two maids came over and undressed Neji.

Of course, his life was not that extravagant.

If you look closely, you can find that the movements of the two maids are still a little slow, and their eyes are not as smart as those of normal people.

That's right.

This is not a living person at all, but a puppet made by Neji himself.

But his technology is still very good.

This kind of puppet not only has a 99% anthropomorphic appearance, but also has automation.

There is no need to control them, they will do things by themselves.

Because Neji invented something called"Soul Ball".

What is a Soul Ball?

It is a spherical object made with soul energy, referred to as a Soul Ball, which can be used as the core component of a puppet, and its function is equivalent to the soul of a living person.

With this, and then setting up the program.

The puppet can do things like a normal person.

Cleaning the house, washing clothes and cooking.

At critical moments, it can also block the knife for the master and save people from fire and water.

If you add precision parts and chakra energy cores, you can also use Use ninjutsu to fight the enemy.

So it is still very good.

There is no need to warm the bed, Neci does not have that need.

In the blink of an eye, it was early morning.

After getting up in the morning.

With the help of two puppet maids, Neci got dressed and went to the yard to exercise.

After practicing soft fists several times.

He felt a little warm.

This is because Neci's physical fitness is too good now. It is not a fairy body but better than a fairy body. With huge vitality as a supplement, it is really difficult to feel tired.

Not to mention practicing boxing a few times, even if he fights for a day and a night, it is impossible for him to be exhausted.

The only weakness is that the defense is not very high.

There is a risk of being stabbed by a sharp blade.

So Neci plans to develop another set of defensive secrets.

That's right, not one, but a whole set.

This must include body refining secrets, secrets used in battle, and secrets that can be used to protect himself when subjected to fatal attacks.

With super strong comprehension.

Neci believes that he can do it, and it is only a matter of time.

"Brother Ningci"

"Have you eaten yet, Hinata?"

"have eaten"

"Wait for me, I'll be leaving soon."


Hinata agreed gently. Even if she just watched Neci eat, she felt very happy and had an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

After that, when Neci had eaten and drunk enough, the two of them set off for school together.

But the courses here were still boring.

Neci didn't understand. For six whole years, students were only allowed to learn theoretical knowledge, as well as the most basic physical skills and three-body skills.

Isn't this just a waste of time?

What's the point of laying a foundation? That kind of talk is only for fooling children.

You know, ninja is also a profession that relies on youth.

Don't learn more things when you are young and your mind is still flexible. Do you have to wait until you are older, when many things are fixed and wrong habits appear, before you can learn and correct them? Isn't that nonsense



Give me some money, brothers, thank you.

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