The gap is really big, very big.

And Neji, his Byakuran Sharingan combines all the specialties of the two eyes.

While being able to cast and see through illusions, it also incorporates the powerful insight of the Byakuran. What kind of increase and change will this bring?

Let me put it simply.

When he only had three magatama, his pupil power had already surpassed that of the ordinary Mangekyō Sharingan.

And the insight, and the ability to break illusions, have been unprecedentedly strengthened, several times more than the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Let's talk about the present.

The Byakuran Sharingan has been upgraded to the Mangekyō level, and even Neji himself doesn't know how powerful he is in the field of illusion.

Anyway, it is definitely above the Eternal Eye.

That's it.

How can the Xiamiji compare with him?

Using illusions in front of him is just like a child playing with tricks, full of loopholes.

"I've passed this level, right?"


I don't know what she was thinking of.

Tian Xinshen Ji, who was about to get angry, became amiable again and said with a smile:"Of course, you can go on."

"I'm waiting for you in front." As soon as the voice fell,

Tian Xin Shen Ji floated up and disappeared into the mist.

Neji didn't care.

Because in front of his eyes, the smoke was the same as nothing.

Coupled with his powerful perception, no matter who it was, as long as they entered the range of one kilometer around him, they would be locked by him and seen through.

Want to escape. 01 can only say that you think too much, it won't work.

Keep moving forward.

Soon, Neji arrived at the second checkpoint.

I don't know when, he has been in a cave with a complex structure. Needless to say, this is also an illusion.

"Hey, don't you have any new tricks in Ryuchidong? You keep using illusions and illusory techniques without any real objects. This only makes you look very poor."

Neji said loudly


A crisp laugh was heard, and a girl wearing the same white palace dress floated past Neji and then disappeared like a ghost.

"Do you think it's fun to play tricks on others?"

Ningji complained calmly, not frightened at all.

Because it's the same old saying.

In front of his eyes, no one can hide, and no one can conceal their whereabouts. To others, this newly appeared goddess is indeed very powerful, able to erase her own breath, appearing and disappearing mysteriously, and looking very spiritual.

But in Neji's eyes, she just ran here and there, and she was so silly and stupid.

"Can you see me? That's impossible!"

The girl finally realized something was wrong and stopped in anger.

"Nothing is impossible. Tell me your name first."

"My name is Ichikishimahime......Humph, don't think that I will let you go if you please me. I tell you that is impossible!"


I just asked for your name, there is no need to think so much!

Neji was convinced and waved his hand and said,"Since you are cuter than the last one, I won't bother with you so much. Hurry up and remove this useless illusion, or I will do it myself.""

" actually said I'm cute?"

As if she had heard something shocking,

Ichikishima-hime's face turned red and she stammered.

"Hey, is this the point? I asked you to remove the illusion, but you always disobeyed me."Ningji was speechless again.

"Humph, don't think you are great just because you are handsome. Ichikishima-hime will not go with you, damn human, just wait for death here, I will come back to eat you in two days!"

After saying this,

Ichikishima-hime patted her red face and left invisibly.


What the hell.

What kind of snake is this? Is its brain screwed?

Not only did it answer the question irrelevantly, but it also thought too much. Damn it, who said he was going to take her away? What good things did he really think?

Although, this Ichikishima-hime is really pretty, with a kind of palace lolita vibe, but a snake is a snake.

Neji is a good young man with a bright future and many beautiful women around him. How could he fall to the point of being like Xu Xian?

It doesn't seem so....

Bah, I'm still a child. I don't even have a license to drive. I stopped thinking about that dangerous thing instantly. With just a thought, Ningci broke the illusion in front of him. He continued to move forward.

Soon he came to the third checkpoint.

Suddenly, another beautiful woman in palace dress flew over and bit Ningci's neck.

But the next moment,

Ningci turned into soft soil and slowly collapsed.


The beautiful lady in palace dress stopped in the air and said with a look of surprise.

"Of course, when you weren't paying attention."

While breaking the illusion, Ningci also appeared behind the real body of the palace-dressed beauty, and with a raised hand he imprisoned her body and movement.


The palace lady was shocked again.

"Stop arguing about you and me, take me to see the White Snake Immortal first, don't worry I won't do anything to you."

Ningji really didn't mean to kill people in the Ryuchi Cave.

The main reason is that it's not good.

Besides, the White Snake Immortal is not a weakling, instead of using force to make the relationship awkward, it's better to have a good chat and see if we can make them allies. As the old saying goes, if you want to accomplish great things, you have to make fewer enemies and more friends, so that you can get more help and go further.


With Neci's temper.

He is too lazy to talk too much when he can take action, and he is completely different from Song Yasi, a good guy who makes friends with many people. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But this does not mean that he will only use force.

It depends on the specific situation.

For example, right now, there is no hatred with the Ryuchi Cave, and there will be no conflict of interest in the future, so it is natural to sit down and talk.

A roll of purple chakra.

Ningci took the third goddess to find the White Snake Immortal[]

In fact, although Neji dealt with it so easily, he passed three levels in just a few moves and captured a goddess.

This can only be said that he is too strong and unexpected, but it does not mean that the three goddesses are weak.

And there are also illusions of the three goddesses.

That is not an ordinary illusion, but an illusion-type fairy technique.

The scenes and things they created are also real to a certain extent.

As long as the people who enter the illusion are tricked or fail to pass the level, all bad things will become reality.

The food eaten will become poison. The consumed chakra cannot be replenished.

Various symptoms after being bitten, fever, hallucinations, inability to move.

These can all become real.

But Neji has no chance to enjoy it, and he doesn't plan to enjoy those.

"This is it."

Neji came to another ancient building.

Compared with the palace built by the first goddess, the building in front of him was not as magnificent and dazzling.

But it had a bit more historical charm and a sense of vicissitudes.

Of course, the most important thing was that it was real, not an illusion. This was especially important.

"That's right, the White Snake Immortal is in this temple, but do you dare to go in?"

The third goddess is called Tsujinji, a tall and gentle snake beauty with a great figure, but what she said at this moment was not very nice.

Who let Neji capture her? I guess she is still angry.

"If I don't dare to go in, I won't come here. What you said is all nonsense."

"You bastard!"

Tsuzuki was so angry.

But she couldn't move at all in the big hand formed by chakra, which made her even more angry.

Her face turned from red to blue.

But Neji didn't care about that.

He stepped forward and climbed up the high steps. He stretched out his hand and pushed open the door.

The light inside was a little dim.

But the place was very spacious.

Neji was also skilled and brave, not afraid of any danger, so he walked in directly.

"You are really amazing, you managed to get here in such a short time."

The two goddesses I met before were also here. The first sister-like Tian Xin goddess said with a smile.

As for the loli-like Ichikishima princess.

She looked up proudly, as if she was very cool, but her eyes flashed as if she wanted to look at Neji but didn't dare to stare at him directly.

307 still exposed her restless mentality

""It's ok, can I see the White Snake Immortal now?"

Having come this far, Neji released the captured Tsujin-hime.

The beautiful snake spit out its forked tongue at Neji to show its displeasure and threat, then floated to the steps and stood with the two sisters.

"Of course, the White Snake Immortal is up there, please follow me." Tian Xin Shen Ji said with a smile, and extended a hand to invite

"That's a lot of trouble."

There was another long staircase.

It must be several dozen meters high.

After walking all the way up, Ningci finally saw the White Snake Sage at the top.

She did not reveal her true form, but lay on a soft bed in the image of an old lady, with her eyes closed as if she was sleeping soundly.

"Grandmaster, he has come up."

Tian Xinshenji stepped forward and reported


Like a lazy old man, the White Snake Sage slowly half-opened his eyes and looked at Ningci who was not far away.

"He is indeed a very outstanding young man. Do you also want the power of magic?"

"That's right."

Ningji admitted it directly.

"Do you know that practicing immortal arts is a very dangerous thing? Countless people have died here throughout history."

"They are them, I am me"

"Do you think you are different from them?"


"Your belief is good, but if you fail in your practice, I cannot save you, nor will I save you. You will have to bear all the consequences yourself. Is this acceptable?"

"Okay, I don't need anyone to save me."

"Haha, what an interesting young man, I like you a little bit."The White Snake Immortal laughed and seemed to be quite good-tempered.

But this can only be said to be an illusion.

The White Snake Immortal has just lived too long and experienced a lot of things, so she gives people a feeling of being calm and peaceful, like the sea that can accommodate everything. But anyone who thinks that she has no temper and will not kill people is very wrong. ps: Give me some money, brothers, thank you all.

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