""Okay, you think about this matter again, the sooner the better, I'll go back first."

Throwing down these words ,

Danzo turned and left.

Did he take the wrong medicine?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was more or less not used to not being scolded by Danzo or having the door slammed down on him.

But he didn't think too much about it. He shook his head and thought about other things.

Two days later,

Neji's team finally received a C-rank mission, which was to deliver a letter to a neighboring country.

After packing up, the group left Konoha.

This was the first time that Tenten and Rock Lee came out, so they seemed very excited, looking around all the time, and couldn't sit still.

"Teacher Kai, will we encounter enemies?"

As they walked along the road, Xiao Li asked

"Well, you generally won't encounter ninjas in C-rank missions, but it's possible. Also, there are those bandits and road bullies, so you may run into them sometimes. So you have to be alert and observe the surroundings more, so as not to be ambushed and not be able to react in time."

"Yes! I understand, Mr. Kai!"

���Lee responded loudly

"Tenten, Ningci?"

Might Guy raised his eyebrows and signaled the two of them, as if he was waiting for their answer.

There was nothing they could do.

They were speechless, but since Might Guy was their team leader, Ningci and Tenten could only respond.



"Very good, let's continue, speed up, gogogo!"

Might Guy pointed to the front and then ran quickly.

Rock Lee followed closely behind him and rushed out as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

What the hell is this?

The only ones left were Neji and Tenten.

The two of them looked at each other and fell into speechlessness again. 180

Key This mission is not urgent, what's the point of running so fast, are you in a hurry to rush to the feast?

"Let them run, I'll take you over later." Ningci said


Tiantian, who had never seen the peacock's magic, was a little confused.

"Well, you will know later."

Ningji did not explain much. He was thinking about the training method of Sage Mode while walking forward like a stroll.

Tenten could only suppress her thoughts and catch up.

Half an hour later.

Might Guy and Rock Lee finally stopped.

It was not because they had run enough, but because they found that Neji and Tenten did not catch up.

"Teacher Kai, didn't they run into any trouble? Should we go back and look for them?"

After waiting for a few minutes and still no one was around, Xiao Li said,

"You wait here, I'll go back and check......"Ugh!"

Might Guy was speechless.

He suddenly saw Neji and Tenten flying over from the sky.

With a flap of their purple wings, the two flew over a distance of hundreds of meters, and when they got close, they landed lightly on the ground.

Xiao Li was also stunned, his mouth opened wide.


"Have you never seen anyone who can fly?"


Tiantian also laughed, thinking it was quite fun.

""It's not Neji, what kind of ninjutsu is this?" Xiao Li still felt that it was a bit nonsense, and his three views were shattered.

Of course, this was also because he was young and had too little experience.

Staying in Konoha all day, except training, what kind of experience could he have?

"Peacock Magic"

"Peacock Magic? This seems to be a ninjutsu from the Bear Country, right?"Might Guy is still knowledgeable.


Neji nodded, but didn't explain too much.

The key is that learning other people's ninjutsu is not against the law, and Konoha can't do anything about it, so what else can he explain.

One day later.

Several people came to the Kingdom of Rivers.

The task of delivering the letter was not troublesome and was completed smoothly.

However, on the way back, they were attacked by some ninjas.

Because these ninjas were too powerful.

Fearing that he could not protect several students, Might Guy could only use the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu and opened it all the way to the sixth gate, and then he repelled the enemy.

""Teacher Kai, are you okay?"

Xiao Li asked.

"It's okay."

Might Guy waved his hand carelessly and said,"I just don't know where these ninjas came from, and why they are so powerful and attacking us."

Those ninjas were of course sent by Neji.

The purpose was to make Might Guy use the Eight Gates. He looked

"Is it a ninja from an enemy country?"

"No, they didn't kill us, and it doesn't look like they are here to kill us." Might

Guy shook his head.

"That's really strange."

Xiao Li also didn't understand.

"Forget it, let's go back quickly, before these people come back to kill us again."


"Neji is gone, but there is still Tenten."

After saying hello, Might Guy led the three people on their way.

Nothing happened this time.

There was a petty thief or something, but he was also casually dealt with.

They returned to Konoha safely.

Might Guy went to the Hokage Building to deliver the task and report the situation to the Hokage.

And Neji and the other three disbanded on their own and went home to recuperate.

A few months passed.

During this period, they also carried out several missions.

Team Three successfully saw blood and grew a lot.

However, Neji did not use his real body to participate every time. It was a waste of time. In addition, his clone was not weak, so he usually let the clone follow him. The real body did not go on the mission, but it was also very busy.

The main thing was that Neji wanted to develop too many things.

The first one: Sage Body and Sage Mode. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The second one: continue to improve the space-time ninjutsu to see if it can involve time.

The third one: develop the method of body refining, preferably integrated into the Sage Body.

The fourth one: the conventional moves are enough.

But it feels like there are still some big moves missing, like the Super Shinra Tensei, where a single attack can destroy a city.[]

Place���Even though Neji is quite powerful now, it depends on who he is compared with.

(abdc) If the target was just the Hokage.

He could indeed just eat and wait for death, and lie down directly.

But if he wanted to dominate the ninja world and compete with the Otsutsuki clan, he still had a long way to go with his current strength.



There were explosions and poison gas.

The third team was attacked, and the most speechless thing was that the talismans used by the other party were all bought from Neji.

Of course.

This is actually nothing big.

It is normal to sell it to others for use.

Otherwise, what would people buy it for? Could they buy it for their own consumption and use it to cook?

It's simply a joke.

Ningji has been mentally prepared for this since the day he opened the arms sales shop, and now he is not surprised, and he is not touched at all.

""Ningci, someone is coming again. Teacher Kai is not here yet. What should we do?" Having experienced few battles, Xiao Li was still a little nervous.

Of course, whoever comes will be killed. Is there any need to say this?

Although he didn't say this directly, this is what Ningci meant.

"There are six people in total, two on the left and four on the right"

"Xiao Li Tiantian, you guys go and stop those four guys first. No need to attack them forcefully, just hold them back. I'll come to support you after I take care of the two guys on the left."

"Will this work?"

"Don't worry, just follow what I say and there will be no problem"

"Well, I believe you"

"I can do it too!"

Tiantian and Xiao Li said respectively

"Okay, let's get started without further delay."

Ningji waved his hand.


"We're going!"

Tiantian and Xiao Li left in an instant to stop the four ninjas on the right.

As for Neji, he also went to the left in an instant.

In fact, this is not Neji's real body, but just an earth clone.

However, after further developing the soul transfer technique, he can control the actions of the clones from a long distance. He can even transfer the soul to these clones.

Let's talk about the earth clone.

It's not an ordinary earth clone. It's made of special synthetic soil and vitality. It's not only more solid and resilient, but also difficult to be destroyed.

In Neji's hands, he can still exert a small part of his strength.

Don't underestimate this small part.

It's mainly Neji's real body. The cells have evolved many times, and they also have the Sharingan, as well as a huge amount of vitality available.

The configuration is too good, and the trump cards are too sufficient, which cannot be compared with the mere clones.

However, even without those, it can only exert a part of its strength. Neci's clone can also kill the jonin in seconds, which is barely enough.

With a puff!

As the purple Chidori sharp spear passed by, a big head also flew into the air.

As the blood spurted.

The remaining ninja hadn't reacted yet, and was directly exploded by Neci with a move of Bagua Kongzhang, without even a complete corpse left.

From the beginning to the end.

It took less than a few seconds to deal with the two ninjas.

After that, Neci did not stop, and instantly���to the other side.

Swish, swish, swish!!

Just when Xiao Li and Tian Tian were surrounded, several purple sword energies penetrated all obstacles, including the thick trees, and shot the two ninjas to death on the spot.



Seeing the purple sword energy, Tenten and Xiao Li knew that it was Neci coming. They were really surprised and happy.

They were happy because they were saved. They were surprised because they didn't expect Neci to come so quickly.

Good guy.

The two minutes of going back and forth were useless. Let alone killing someone, Xiao Li couldn't even pull up his pants to pee.

"Don't just stand there, I'll leave the remaining two guys to you."

Ningji didn't plan to take on all the enemies.

Because this level of fighting didn't help him at all. On the contrary, Xiao Li and Tian Tian needed more fighting to sharpen their skills.

Otherwise, if they were always carried by him, these two guys would be useless.

"no problem!"

"Leave it to us!"

Xiao Li and Tian Tian are also people with fighting spirit, and they didn't expect to be protected by Ningci all the time.

After responding, the two of them separated on the spot and went to find their respective opponents.

A few minutes later, after a fairly fierce battle, both of them successfully solved the enemy and did not suffer any injuries.

Mainly, with the help of Ningci, Xiao Li and Tian Tian are much stronger than in the anime.: Đỗ văn đạt

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