A few days later, a group of people arrived at the border of the Wind Country.

"Sir, Fengying is almost here, just ten miles away"


After asking his subordinates to leave, Orochimaru turned to look at Neji and said,"Senior, do you want to move around or let me do it?"

"You guys go first, don't worry about me."

Ningji said without much interest.

What he wanted was the body of the Fourth Kazekage. If it was not necessary, he really had no intention of taking action.

Of course, the premise is that Orochimaru and Kimimaro can handle it.

It's not that Neji underestimated them.

Although in the anime, the Fourth Kazekage died in their hands.

But this does not mean that the Fourth Kazekage is very weak.

You know, this one can suppress Shukaku.

Being able to fight the tailed beasts head-on is not rare, and he can be ranked among the Kage-level figures.

If there is a shortcoming, it is that he has not developed the true potential of the magnetic escapade bloodline.

It can only attack in a large range, and the sealing ability of the magnetic escapade has a great restraining effect on the tailed beasts, but it is used against ninjas.

It will appear not flexible enough and the lethality is not so strong.

This is the point that is criticized by people for being the weakest Kazekage.

It didn't take long.

The Kazekage and his party came over.

""Orochimaru, are you ready?"

Luo Sha was not surprised to see Orochimaru and his group.

This was what they had discussed before.

Orochimaru would disguise himself as Luo Sha's bodyguard, follow them into Konoha, and then execute the Konoha collapse plan to assassinate Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Of course, this was all what Luo Sha thought.

Orochimaru was more sinister and vicious than he thought, and his appetite was much bigger.

"Already ready"

"Then stop chatting and go straight away"

"No problem."

With a faint smile, Orochimaru walked behind Luosha and killed one of Luosha's guards with a kunai.

"What are you doing?

Luo Sha's face changed instantly, and he asked angrily

"Don't be nervous, my facial eraser technique requires his face, so that no one can see the flaws. To carry out such a big plan, Lord Kazekage wouldn't be reluctant to make even this little sacrifice, right?" Orochimaru said with a nonchalant smile.

"You! '!"

Luo Sha was so angry.

But as Orochimaru said, in order to successfully complete the plan and weaken Konoha's strength, let alone the death of one guard, even if there are ten or a hundred of them, it would not matter.

Thinking of the overall situation,

Luo Sha suppressed his anger and said in a muffled voice:"Only this time, Orochimaru, my tolerance is limited, don't make the mistake!"

"Of course."

Orochimaru smiled, as if he had compromised.

But a venomous snake is a venomous snake.

Just when Luosha relaxed his vigilance and turned his head, Orochimaru instantly made a move and stabbed a kunai into Luosha's waist.

Well, Kage-level characters also use kunai for sneak attacks.

Because this thing is the fastest and most direct, and it is much more useful than ninjutsu.

Anyway, ninjas are all fragile with high attack and low imitation, and anyone who gets stabbed will not feel good.


Luo Sha cried out in pain and quickly rushed out more than ten meters, creating some distance between him and Orochimaru.

Several of his guards also reacted and quickly stood in front of Luo Sha to protect him.

"What a pity."

Orochimaru threw away the bloody kunai in his hand. Although he said so, his expression did not show that he cared much.

""Orochimaru! Do you want to die?"

Luo Sha was furious and gritted his teeth with murderous intent.

"Don't say that, as if you can decide my life and death"

"Why would you betray me?"

Luo Sha didn't want to talk nonsense, he just wanted to know Orochimaru's purpose.

"It can't be called betrayal."

Licking his lips, Orochimaru said with a smile:"You and I can't even talk about cooperation, let alone the relationship between superiors and subordinates, so how can there be any betrayal, right, Lord Kazekage?""

Damn it!!

Luo Sha understood instantly that Orochimaru had no good intentions from the beginning and didn't really want to cooperate with him.

What he said before. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

I'm afraid it was just a lie to him.

Thinking of this, Luo Sha was so angry that he wanted to cut Orochimaru into pieces.

"Orochimaru, you must pay the price for your actions!"

"Lord Fengying, do you want to kill me? Then stop talking nonsense, because I want to kill you too. We really have the same idea."


Luo Sha's anger grew even stronger.

He was too lazy to say anything more to Orochimaru, and with a wave of his hand, he ordered several guards to launch an attack.

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals.

Without Orochimaru saying anything, Kimimaro and the four people from Otogakure who came with him ran forward and met several Sand Village guards.

Bang bang bang!

The two sides met and started fighting directly.

On the side of Orochimaru and Luo Sha, they also locked each other with murderous intent, and soon a battle between Kage-level people began.

"Magnetic escape, golden sand rain!"

"Wind escape, a breakthrough!"

The golden sand hidden weapon that Luo Sha created was blocked by Orochimaru's wind escape ninjutsu.

But this was just an appetizer.

The battle between Kage-level figures is indeed extraordinary. Just the secret techniques used are beyond the imagination of ordinary ninjas.

Not to mention their grasp of the battle opportunities, which is absolutely superb and wonderful, and very interesting.

Crouching on the high ground in the valley.

Neji just watched the battle below, nodding his head in approval from time to time, or shaking his head in admiration.[]

If he sees something he likes, he will even cluck and cheer.

"Orochimaru, this is a good move. Yes, he can't keep up with you, just kite around him and open his back door."

"`.The force is too weak, try harder."

"Good! That's how it should be, teach him a lesson!"

It wasn't just Orochimaru who was annoyed.

Luo Sha was also affected by his mood and was so angry that he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Where did you come from, you little bastard? Go to hell!"

Taking advantage of the gap of forcing Orochimaru to retreat, Luo Sha raised his hand and controlled the golden sand all over the sky to pounce on Neji.

It also made Neji feel the taste of being hit by money.

Apart from anything else,

Luo Sha's magnetic escapism bloodline is indeed the most gorgeous and richest ability in the ninja world.

The key is that this is all gold.

Shining, golden, not too dazzling.

Of course.

Waiting to be beaten is not Neji's style. He just moved in an instant and dodged the golden sand all over the sky and came to another hilltop.


Luo Sha was persistent and would not give up until he achieved his goal. He controlled the rolling golden sand and pounced on him again. It's really a tiger that doesn't show its power, and thinks I'm a sick cat.

Breaking the air palm shock!

Neci slapped out with a palm, and the attacking golden sand fell one after another. Then he used the five elements sword energy that Li Zhao had just practiced not long ago.

Pointing a finger.

The fiery red sword energy shot away.

In just an instant, it crossed a distance of nearly 100 meters and came in front of Luo Sha

"Trivial trick."

Luo Sha snorted coldly, and manipulated the golden sand to slowly form a hard shield in front of him.

But he still underestimated this kind of sword energy.

You know, the so-called five elements sword energy is to inject the changes in the nature of chakra into it, which produces a qualitative improvement.

The benchmark is the various attributes of the Rasengan developed by Naruto in the later period.

The same instant release does not require hand seals, the same difficulty of training, and it is definitely S-level.

More importantly, the power is beyond imagination.

Anyone who thinks that the sword energy that Ningci casually sends out is very ordinary and can be easily blocked is very wrong.

For example, Luo Sha at the moment. Just see it.

The fiery red sword energy directly penetrated the golden sand shield, as if a hot knife was inserted into cheese, and melted a hole in the shield. This also made Luo Sha's face change instantly..


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