"This is......Someone attacked Konoha?"

Hinata was very surprised.

"If nothing unexpected happens, it should be like this. Neji, should we do something?"Tenten asked.

Ino and Hinata also turned their heads to look at Neji.

"Go wake up the others first, then stay with them. Kill the enemies you encounter directly without holding back."

"But don't go looking for the attackers, just stay in a safe place and wait for rescue."

Ningji said

"Aren't we going to help?"

"There's no need. Konoha's troops have arrived. They will take care of these enemies on their own. Just take care of yourselves first."


"I understand."

Several girls nodded.

After they left, Neji also disappeared in an instant.

On the roof of the tallest building in the venue, a purple square barrier had been erected. It was the Four Purple Flame Formation created by the Four Otogakure.

Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen were both inside the barrier.

And those Anbu ninjas were blocked outside the barrier.

Neji appeared on the roof in an instant, but it did not attract any attention.

The main reason was that his identity was safe enough.

These Anbu ninjas were still worried about the safety of Sarutobi Hiruzen 01, so naturally they would not pay attention to a Konoha Genin.

""Sir, please hold on for a moment. We are trying to break this barrier!" the ANBU ninja outside shouted.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen inside didn't care about that.

"Orochimaru, are you here to take revenge on me?"

""Haha, Mr. Sarutobi, you think too highly of yourself."

Orochimaru said ambiguously, and at the same time he took the initiative to let go of Sarutobi Hiruzen and walked to the other side yawning.

"Then what are you doing here?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked again

"Well, this is actually very simple."

With a grin, Orochimaru continued,"I find things that move very interesting, and things that don't move very boring.""

"A windmill that doesn't turn, although it's still there, actually has no value, and it also makes me disgusted."

"In a word"

"I want to use the wind that destroyed Konoha to turn the windmill. Teacher, do you think something interesting will happen?"

Orochimaru said his classic quotes.

However, Neji agreed with his words.

Because under the leadership of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Konoha has indeed become so rotten that it has not changed at all for decades. There is no new thing, and it is still relying on the old capital left by the first and second generations of Hokage.

This is the case in ninjutsu. This is even more true in terms of system.

For example, Konoha's various departments, institutions and public facilities, schools and hospitals, etc., were all created during the reign of the second generation, or before.

Now decades have passed.

Has Sarutobi Hiruzen made any changes and contributions in these areas?



He doesn't even do anything for the basic welfare of the people.

Then you can't blame others for saying that he is incompetent. Let's be honest.

Regardless of Sarutobi Hiruzen's character and whether he is a conspirator or not, his mediocrity and incompetence are very obvious and cannot be washed away no matter what.

And this is what Neci despises the most about this old man.

Because those in power can be bad and can do whatever it takes to eliminate dissidents, but they cannot do nothing and appear incompetent.

As the leader of a faction, what the hell is going on? It's too lame.

Just when Neci was thinking about this.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru in the Four Purple Flame Formation also finished their nonsense and were about to fight.

Both of them were very imposing.

Before they really fought, the burst of chakra alone shattered the tiles under their feet and made the whole building shake.

"Ninja technique, tile shuriken!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen attacked first, using the tiles on the roof as a hidden weapon and hitting Orochimaru.

But it was obvious.

This move had no effect on Orochimaru.

He just jumped and dodged it easily, and even counterattacked Sarutobi Hiruzen in the air.


The tongue turned into a long venomous snake and bit Sarutobi Hiruzen's neck. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But the next second, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned into a pool of mud. It was the Earth Substitute Technique.

"Earth escape, mud flow river!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen appeared again, first using mud flow to knock Orochimaru off his feet, then he used a combination of moves.

"Earth escape, earth dragon bomb!"

"Fire Dragon Bomb!"

This is a composite ninjutsu, combining the Earth Dragon Bomb and the Fire Dragon Bomb, and its power is even higher.

Even Orochimaru couldn't resist it. He was hit by the flaming Earth Dragon Bomb and was drowned in the sea of fire.

""Don't play such a boring trick, Orochimaru."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said without changing his expression.

Even though he watched Orochimaru being killed, he didn't believe it.

Because he knew his disciple best. With Orochimaru's ability, it was impossible for him to kill him so easily.

Sure enough, the next second.

With Orochimaru's familiar laughter, he slowly crawled out from the ground.

"Hehe, you are worthy of being Sarutobi teacher, you are really amazing."

After licking it with his long tongue, Orochimaru continued with a smile:"But this is not enough, the warm-up is over, next time Sarutobi teacher must take it seriously, otherwise it will be too easy for me to kill him, and that will be very boring."

"Humph, come on, Orochimaru, I still have a lot to teach you, so you won't die so easily."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said tit for tat.

Then there was a more intense battle.

It was Sarutobi Hiruzen who launched the attack first, and he used the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique.[]

After the seal, the two thrown shurikens turned into four, four into eight, and eight into sixteen.

Finally, they evolved into flying hidden weapons, like a rapidly falling rainstorm, killing Orochimaru.

Of course, Orochimaru would not just sit there and wait to be beaten.

And this time he did not do those fancy things, he just used a killing move right away.

""Summoning Technique: Impure World Reincarnation!"

Orochimaru finished his seal and clasped his hands together.

With a rumbling sound, a coffin rose from the ground in front of him.

Bang, bang, bang.

All of Sarutobi Hiruzen's hidden weapons hit the large coffin with the word"初" written on it.


Orochimaru's summoning technique had not yet been used up. With a wave of his hand, another coffin rose up, and there was a word"two" on it.

Seeing this scene, Sarutobi Hiruzen also had a bad premonition. He was anxious and just wanted to stop Orochimaru from summoning coffins.


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