Hinata Hizashi finally laughed.

He felt that Neji was farsighted enough. He didn't need to worry about politics.

His son was so smart.

He thought ten steps ahead and took everything into consideration. How could he not feel relieved and happy?

"Okay, leave the rest to me, I won't let you down"

"Thank you, father"

"Why are you being so polite to me? Just go about your business."


The long-distance communication ninjutsu was also developed by Neji himself.

It utilized the inherent characteristics of chakra.

You know, a long, long time ago, when the Six Paths Sage was alive and founded the Ninja Sect, chakra was not a symbol of force.

Instead, it was used to connect with others and understand each other.

Because of spiritual power, it is natural to do this.

The long-distance communication ninjutsu developed by Neji can connect with all creatures with chakra, even those without chakra.

It's just that without chakra, there will be no response.

After the connection was broken,

Neji stayed on the roof. Continue to watch the battle between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru.

As for Hyuga Hizashi, he led his clansmen to support the ninjas of Konoha.

Wherever they went, they were invincible, saved countless lives, and finally killed all the enemies or drove them away.

Well, when you meet people from Sand Village and Sound Village, you definitely don’t have to hold back, just deal with them as you should.

Only when you meet the Uchiha people.

Because Neji had given a heads-up in advance, it was just an act.

First, there was a seemingly fierce battle, but in fact, no one in the Hyuga clan was hurt.

Then the Uchiha puppet pretended to be defeated and ran away.

It was just an act anyway..

As long as those ninjas can be convinced and see the sacrifices made by the Hyuga clan, nothing else matters.

There is also the One-Tailed Shukaku.

This guy is so big that the casualties he caused are indeed not small.

Without a Kage-level strongman in charge, the ninjas of Konoha can't do anything about it.

In the end, they had to wait for Hyuga Hizashi to arrive at the scene with his clansmen, demonstrating the powerful strength currently possessed by the Hyuga clan.

Only then did they suppress this guy back into Gaara's body and seal him again.

So far, except for scattered places,

Konoha's crisis has been resolved.

Although many buildings were destroyed, the loss of personnel was not that great, which is not a big deal. It's a blessing in disguise.

At the same time, the battle on the Four Purple Flame Formation side is about to end.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is even more miserable than in the anime.

The point is that in the anime, Sarutobi Hiruzen risked his life and at least sealed Orochimaru's hands.

But now.

Because of the existence of Neji.

Orochimaru got the Mangekyō Sharingan, with this kind of cheating thing as an aid, plus the help of two awesome people, the First and Second Hokage.

How can he lose? He can't lose at all.

Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen fought hard in the end and used the Shikigami Fuujin Jutsu, it only caused Orochimaru to lose one Sharingan. He didn't lose anything else, and his hands were also saved.

"Let's go!"

It has to be said that

Sarutobi Hiruzen is still a capable old man.

He lost his life and Orochimaru was seriously injured, and he also used up all his chakra.

In order to avoid being surrounded by Konoha's people again.

So after killing Sarutobi Hiruzen, Orochimaru did not stop for a moment, and directly asked the four people of Otogakure to remove the barrier, and then protected him and left together.

"Damn Orochimaru, don't run!"

Several ANBU ninjas chased after him.

Uzuki Yugao also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Neji.


"Forget about it, you can't stop him." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It was as if verifying what Neci said.

Orochimaru, who was running in front, didn't make any moves, and a giant snake dozens of meters long rushed out of the ground and swallowed up those Anbu ninjas.

Anbu or not, they didn't even have a chance to resist in front of Orochimaru, and they were directly wiped out.

That is to say.

If Neci hadn't held Uzuki Yugao

, she might have been one of the people swallowed.

Seeing this,

Uzuki Yugao didn't know what to say.

The main thing is that although Neci stopped her from chasing the enemy, he also saved her life.

"...Thank you."

Uzuki Yugao, who always distinguished between gratitude and resentment, finally said thank you.

"There's no need to thank me. It was just a matter of convenience. It would be a pity to let you die like this." Neji said.

0 Asking for flowers

This is what he said.

Uzuki Yugao twitched her lips under the mask, and then said:"No matter what, you did save me, and it's only right to say thank you."

"So is it just verbal thanks?"

"what do you want?"

"At least treat me to a meal."


"Just kidding, forget it if you don't want to"[]

Neji waved his hand nonchalantly.

This made Uzuki Yugao speechless again.

It's not that she was stingy and couldn't bear to spend a meal.

The key is that the occasion was wrong.

The Sandaime Hokage had just died, and the body wasn't even cold yet.

As ninjas of Konoha, they didn't discuss revenge and hunting down the murderer, but were talking about treating everyone to a meal.

Is this really okay?

But Neji didn't care about that.

After teasing Uzuki Yugao, he didn't even look at Sarutobi Hiruzen's body, and just turned around and planned to leave.

"Are you leaving now?"


Neji continued walking,"I'm just a Genin. Hunting down Orochimaru is something that I'd rather leave to you, the Jonin. I can't get involved, and I don't have the ability to do it."


That's true.

Mao Yue Xi Yan didn't stop Ningci, but continued:"You saved me, I will remember this favor, I will treat you to a meal when I have the chance."


Waving his hand again, Neji left.

Today is indeed a painful day for Konoha.

Not to mention the death of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the loss of property alone is enough to make the villagers unforgettable and cry loudly.

In the collapsed ruins.

Such voices can be heard everywhere.

But there is no construction without destruction.

For the sake of the family's future, he had to sacrifice the interests of others.


This idea is not wrong, at least for Neji.

Ignoring the suffering villagers, he walked back home through the dilapidated streets.

The next day.

The atmosphere of sadness in Konoha became more intense.

This is because Sarutobi Hiruzen's death has been made public. Without the Hokage to support the villagers and recover their losses, they will naturally be more sad. Little..


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