But then again.

It is not that difficult to make money in real estate.

The house price is low and cannot be raised.

Then reduce the cost and build a building.

We all know about buildings.

The same piece of land, build more than ten or twenty floors, even if each floor is sold very cheaply, there will be a lot of profit.

What can't be sold?


There is no place to live, how can the villagers of Konoha care so much.

Let's talk about reducing costs.

This is also simple, one research result is enough.

Isn't Neji doing experiments on clones?

Mainly based on Uchiha Shin's cells, plus the cells of White Zetsu's clone and Senju Hashirama, some ninjas who can use Wood Release will be cultivated in the end.

These clones are not as good as Senju Hashirama himself.

But their Wood Release level is mostly above that of Yamato, which is enough to kill people, let alone build a house"470".

It's simple, just search for a thief.

With the infrastructure brigade, the rest will be easy.

In just a few days, a brand new community has sprung up.

Although more than half of the materials are made of wood, and the highest is no more than eight floors, it can still meet the needs of the villagers.

It meets Neji's expectations.

Well, Konoha has had so many ups and downs anyway, and it will be destroyed in the future, so why build too good a house? It's just a waste of materials.

It can be lived in, and it won't be damaged. In addition, the price is affordable and you can buy it with a loan. So as soon as these houses were launched, they were immediately snapped up by the villagers of Konoha, and there were also some people who pre-ordered them, which can be said to be in short supply.

"Madam, your youngest son has gone to look for your eldest son. Do you need me to go and see him?"

In the underground base,

Neji sat in the main seat and said with a smile.

"this......"Thank you for your help, sir."

Uchiha Mikoto was definitely worried about Sasuke, afraid that Itachi would go crazy again and not let Sasuke go.

Because there was no Uchiha Fugaku to enlighten her.

So far, Uchiha Mikoto still couldn't understand Itachi's behavior, why he wanted to kill his own family.

"If you knew you were going to bother me, why didn't you come here quickly?"Ningji spoke again


The same words.

For Sasuke's safety, Mikoto, as a mother, also risked her life. With a slightly red face, she walked to Neji and began to massage his calves.

After enjoying it for a while,

Neji sent Mikoto away and came out of the base.

Speaking of the past few years, he would occasionally tell Mikoto some information about Sasuke, and give her some photos.

It was just to tease her.

With these things as bait, Mikoto gradually formed a habit of obedience, and could be used as a reluctant maid. He bought some things on the street.

Then Neji came to the door of Yuhi Kurenai's house.

Knocked a few times.

With a voice of"I'm coming" from inside, the door was soon opened.

"It's Neji, what do you want to talk to me about?

Seeing that it was Neji, Yuhi

Kurenai, who was wearing a home outfit but couldn't hide her mature figure, and looked full of femininity, also smiled.

"I heard that Sister Hong was injured, so I came to see you."

"It's nothing, just a small problem, come in first and talk about it."

Yuhi Kurenai made way and invited Neji into the house.

"I bought this for you."

After passing through the entrance, Neji handed a bouquet of flowers and a bag of fruit to Yuhi Kurenai.

"Thank you."

Xi Rihong was not too polite. She took the things and put them on the table in the living room. She said,"Please sit down for a while. I will pour you a cup of tea.""

"Are you really okay?"

Neji asked as he sat on the chair.

"It's okay, I was just hit by the illusion and I feel a little dizzy. I will be fine after resting at home for two days."

Yuhi Kurenai waved her hand and picked up the kettle to make a cup of tea for Neji.

"This way I feel relieved." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Why are you still worried about your sister's condition?"

"Of course, we are close friends."Ningji said with a smile.

Kurenai also laughed, making a pleasant sound, and then she said:"Well, yes, it is my blessing to have a brother like you." After chatting for a while.

Lunch was also eaten here.

Kurenai cooked a table of dishes for Neci herself.

During the meal, because Neci was good at talking and witty, Kurenai was very happy and laughed almost all the time.

Maybe it has been a long time since she laughed like this.

After the meal, Kurenai did not let Neci leave, but chatted with him for a long time. It was not until dusk that

Neci came out of Kurenai's house and returned to the Hyuga clan.

As for Sasuke, he didn't need to participate at all.

Mikoto didn't know, that was because she didn't understand.

How could Ningji not know, as for Uchiha Itachi, that guy, as a brother control, it would be strange if he really killed Sasuke.[]

Back home.

Hyuga Hizashi is not there either.

Hyuga Hizashi has been quite busy during this period of time.

It is because Sarutobi Hiruzen died, and there is no one in the position of Hokage, so Danzo and the two advisors are very happy. They often interfere in various things, trying to monopolize more power.

People from major families are naturally unwilling, and have been gathering frequently recently to discuss how to deal with it.

As the first family in Konoha, the Hyuga family cannot avoid these situations.

Even if Hyuga Hizashi has no intention of competing for power with Danzo and others, he cannot refuse all invitations. He doesn't get home much if he doesn't attend too many social events.

Neji is too lazy to pay attention to them.

When Hizashi is not at home, he simply goes to his uncle's house for dinner in the evening.

""Ningci, has your team not received any missions recently?"

Hyuga Hiashi asked while eating.

He still didn't know much about Neci's actual situation. As for his high level of comprehension and the ability to develop various ninjutsu, only Hizashi knew it, and the rest of the people didn't know much. This also goes for her sister Hinata.

She thought that the things Neci taught her were obtained from Hizashi, and because of her personality, she wasn't the kind of girl who talked a lot.

So she didn't ask too many questions. 0.3"No, let's take a rest for a while."

"Well, that's fine. During the transition of power, people's hearts are also unsettled. It's better for you not to go out and act."

Hinata Hiashi nodded and said

"Uncle said, let's wait until this period of time has passed before carrying out the mission. I will stay at home first and teach Hinata and Hanabi."

"Haha, you are thoughtful. It just so happens that they are not willing to learn from me. You will be the one to teach them in the future."Hinata Hiashi said with a smile.

Hearing this,

Neji was fine. But Hanabi was so happy that she almost jumped up.

As for Hinata, it was still because of her personality. Even if she was happy, she would not be so active and was very reserved.

But she was smiling, and it was obvious that she was very happy. Come on, give me some money, brothers, please.


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