"What is your name?"

"Uzumaki Honoka"

"What are you responsible for here?"

"Back to adults......"

As Honoka narrated, Neji also understood some of the situation.

First of all, this scientific research team does not belong to any ninja village, but comes from a group organization that sells summoned beasts. As for their strength, it's just so-so.

They are stronger than ordinary ninja families, but still can't catch up with big families like the Hyuga clan.

The previous ones can't compare, let alone after Neji appeared, the gap is too far.

As for Honoka.

Precisely because she is a member of the Uzumaki clan and is proficient in various sealing techniques, her role is still not small, and she can provide a lot of help to the scientific research team.

Sometimes she is also responsible for sealing those runaway summoned beasts, which can be regarded as a safety measure.

"Just follow me from now on, don't waste your talent"

""Yes, sir."

Honoka did not refuse.

First, it was her personality.

Second, like other orphans of the Uzumaki clan, Honoka was also a marginal figure who was not valued in this organization that sold summoning beasts.

She was often assigned to do various odd jobs.

After a long time, she became accustomed to it and could accept these arrangements calmly.

As for Neji, he really valued these orphans of the Uzumaki clan.

Because there were so few of them, and talents were hard to come by.

As long as they were trained well, they could basically get a rare elite. What was there not to invest in?

In the next ten days,

Neji Stay in this research institute.

Even if he believes in the ability of these researchers, he will not leave all the things to these outsiders.

The key is that this ultimate summoning beast is very important to him.

Although, he has not found Hiruko yet and got the forbidden technique of Kiyomizu in his hand.

But Neji has considered the five targets he wants to merge.

The first one is this ultimate summoning beast.

Relying on devouring other creatures, it can achieve the ultimate evolution.

It can also absorb excellent genes and use the abilities of other creatures.

It is also a pretty good skill.

What about eating people, or other creatures is not good?

Just a little adjustment and it will be fine. Is that okay?

Anyway, it's not really eaten with the mouth, so it won't be so disgusting.

It's because this Ultimate Summoning Beast is the target that Neji wants to fuse.

So, he also joined the experimental team. He also read all the experimental data and information.

Then, relying on his super strong understanding to digest and understand, he innovated and modified the experimental direction, making this ultimate summoning beast that is about to be completed more perfect.

This is how the experiment is.

When he had some time, Neji also taught Honoka.

The main thing is to improve her physical fitness and develop her bloodline limit.

The bloodline ability of the Uzumaki clan is still very powerful.

As long as it is developed. Come out, there will be no shortage of chakra.

Then Honoka will be able to exert the power of her sealing technique, and it won't be like in the anime, where she can't even deal with a summoning beast.

Such a miserable death.

After all, they are all family members. Neji is still optimistic about these descendants of the Uzumaki clan, and naturally he won't let her be a salted fish.


Even if there is a salted fish, it can only be Neji himself.

As for the others, no matter how good their talents are, they have to work harder, work for him and provide good service.

The experiment entered the final stage.

There is no need to make any more adjustments.

Neji used the instant transfer method to return to Konoha

"Tsunade is back~?"

"Yes, the daimyo has already drafted the appointment letter for the fifth Hokage, and it will be sent over in a few days, and a succession ceremony will be held for her."

Hinata Hizashi said


Ningji nodded.

He was not too surprised about this. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


In the battle with Sarutobi Hiruzen, Orochimaru did not lose his hands. Normally, he would not look for Tsunade again and trigger the Three Ninja War.

And without the Three Ninja War, there was no stimulation from Naruto.

Tsunade's hemophobia could not be cured, and it was hard to say whether she would return to Konoha.

Under normal logic, things should have developed like this.

But who knows if this is the correction power of the world, or just a coincidence.

Although He didn't lose his hands, but in order to escape the clutches of the god of death, Orochimaru used the Izanagi technique and lost one of his Mangekyō Sharingan.

Just for this, he went to find Tsunade.

The subsequent developments were similar to those in the anime.

There were only some differences in the details, such as Jirai didn't take laxatives, and he was able to fight back and forth with Orochimaru.

The big framework remained unchanged.

So in the end, Tsunade still stood up, overcame her hemophobia, drove Orochimaru away, and returned to Konoha.

This matter. It's nothing to Neji.[]

The key point is that he is not interested in the position of Hokage, so who cares who sits it, Tsunade will do.

At least she has to be better than the others, right?

For example, Danzo.

If this old guy really gets promoted, it will be so annoying, so it is better to change to Tsunade, at least it is pleasing to the eyes.

Of course, there is Neci.

Even the old guy Danzo can't become Hokage, because as long as such a thing happens, Ningci will kill him before he succeeds.

It is impossible to give him the opportunity to bully others.

The old man still wants to be Hokage, he is just dreaming.

A few days later.

The succession ceremony of the Fifth Hokage was held.

Ningci also went to the scene to take a look, and his first impression was that it was really grand.


The scene was quite grand, very...Style.

I guess that old guy Danzo must be furious.

After all, he has coveted the position of Hokage for a long time and has done a lot of work for it, but now Tsunade has plucked the peach. All the previous efforts were wasted, and he didn't get a hair.

With his petty temper, it would be strange if he didn't get angry.

In this regard.

Neji can only say that he deserves it.

Because Danzo really has no fate to be Hokage, and he doesn't have the ability.

His mentality is too dark (got Zhao), and he will take revenge and show no mercy.

Everyone who has come into contact with him basically understands this situation.

So let alone outsiders, even the two consultants who have the best relationship with him will not support him to sit on the position of Hokage.

It is probably because they are afraid that this guy will become more vicious and turn his face against people after he gains power.

Just ask.

If someone makes him unhappy, he will kill the whole family. Who can stand this?

Let's talk about Danzo himself.

He can't even pretend, and he can't handle interpersonal relationships well.

What qualifications does he have to be the Hokage?

In this regard, Danzo is indeed no match for Sarutobi Hiruzen. His thoughts are all shown on his face, which makes it too easy for people to see through him.

And it is reasonable and correct for Senju Tobirama to choose Sarutobi Hiruzen instead of Danzo. Otherwise

, Konoha would be in a worse situation now.

Not to mention that all the talented people have died, it would definitely fall apart and the people would have lost their hearts. It would not be much better than the Blood Mist Village.. Được

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