
Not surprisingly, Princess Tsutsu directly agreed to the deal. She did it so quickly, as if she was afraid that Neci would go back on his word. Not to mention how positive he was.

Of course, Neci would not go back on his word.

First, he really needed to find Uchiha Madara.

Another thing was that the life energy that was extremely precious to other people was readily available to him, and he could get as much as he wanted.

Naturally, he would not be reluctant to part with it.

Besides, this was also a bait. With this life energy hanging on, he would not have to worry about the snakes in Ryuchidong refusing to work.

Let Princess Tsutsu go find the body of Uchiha Madara.

Ryuchidong was in charge of the snake group, and its ability to detect intelligence was not weaker than White Zetsu, and was even stronger.

Neci was quite relieved about this.

So after Princess Tsutsu left, he put this matter aside and went to do other things.

Life went on as usual.

Kakashi and Sasuke were also discharged from the hospital.

Team 7 regrouped and took on many tasks.

The Twelve Little Warriors have been together for a long time, and it is difficult to gather them all together again.

A few months passed in the blink of an eye.

When Naruto returned to Konoha that day, he immediately found Neji and wanted to challenge him.

This is probably because he has learned the Rasengan and has regained confidence.


Neji refused.

"If you want to challenge me, you better wait until you defeat Sasuke."

"I will defeat that guy sooner or later!"

"We'll talk about it after you defeat me first."

Without giving Naruto a chance to talk nonsense, Neji turned around and left after saying this.

Are you kidding?

He is so busy now, how can he have the time to play sparring games with Naruto? That is definitely a waste of his time. To the north of the Land of Fire.

At the northernmost end of the Land of Iron.

There is a large unowned peninsula with a place called Mountain Cemetery.

This is really a place of death.

Because it not only has countless tombs, but also many huge skeletons of creatures left over from ancient times.

Each one is like a hill, tens of meters or even hundreds of meters high.

It is hard to imagine.

What kind of demeanor did these creatures have in that period?

"Uchiha Madara really knows how to choose a place."

Walking along the path, Neji sighed.

Because this place is really good, with beautiful scenery and few living people coming here. It is a rare quiet place.

It is not easy to find such a place in the ninja world.

""I don't care about that. The mission has been completed. Where is the thing you promised to give me?"

Floating beside Neji, Princess Tsujin said anxiously.

Obviously, she wanted to get something like life energy very much, and she had no resistance.

This is perfect.

It will be easier to ask them to do things in the future.

So Neji did not break his promise, took out a small bottle that he had prepared long ago, and threw it to Princess Tsujin.

"Hey, be gentle!"

Tuanjinji quickly caught the bottle and complained

"Okay, take me to find Uchiha Madara. If you continue to help me, you will get more benefits. This is nothing."

Ningji said like a rich man.

""Okay, okay, you are the boss and you have the final say."

Princess Tsuzuki did not care so much and said very submissively, because she really could not refuse the benefit of life energy.

After that, the two came to the destination of this trip together.

This is a large underground cave.

The passages are interconnected, very vast and complex.

In it, Neji also saw traces of human life, as well as some things left over from the Warring States Period.

Such as weapons and armor.

I can only say that Obito is really lazy.

Or he thought this place was secretive enough, so after Uchiha Madara died, he did not move him out.

Instead, he chose to deal with it on the spot. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Of course, it was fortunate that he did this and did not take Uchiha Madara's body away, or simply burn it.

This would be a bargain for Neji.

After opening the sarcophagus and seeing Uchiha Madara's body, Neji also smiled.

"What are you going to do?"

Tuanjinji asked curiously.

"This has nothing to do with you. Okay, go back first. I'll find you if I have anything else."

"It's a deal, you have to find me, not anyone else"

""Okay, okay."

After perfunctorily sending away Princess Tsuzuki, Neji got down to business.

Speaking of which,

Uchiha Madara is indeed quite amazing.

Not only in terms of strength, he has been dead for more than ten years, but his body is still well preserved and has not decayed much.

It is probably related to his fusion of the cells of Hashirama Senju.

It's a pity.

The energy provided by the Ten-Tails can only maintain his vitality, but it can't be like the real vitality, allowing him to return to youth and live another life.

So, the Ten-Tails is not omnipotent, and there are still shortcomings.

After thinking about it,

Neji did not take away the entire body of Uchiha Madara.

He just took some body tissues. And bone marrow and so on, and then closed the coffin again.

It was still the same purpose.

Neji did not lie to Hoshigaki Kisame.

He really wanted to resurrect the Ten-Tails, get Kaguya out, and then unite their forces to deal with the Otsutsuki clan that will appear in the future.

The key is that you have to do it this way. It's no use to be the king of the ninja world.

When the Otsutsuki comes and plants a sacred tree, the whole planet will be finished by then, and what's the point of talking about the ninja world and ninja villages. It's just adding to the jokes.

There is another side.

Even if you don't take the Otsutsuki clan seriously, you don't count on Kaguya.

Just for himself, Neji has to resurrect the Ten-Tails.[]

It's a very simple truth.

With personal strength,���I'm afraid he has a strong comprehension. After his strength is raised to the Six Paths level, it is estimated that he can't be upgraded any more. If he wants to make further progress, he must plant sacred trees all over the world like the Otsutsuki clan, and rely on the Chakra Fruit to improve his strength and achieve evolution.

So, Neji is preparing for the future. Otherwise, when that time comes, it will be too late to do anything. If you have an idea , it must be arranged in advance.

Besides, the reason why Uchiha Madara was spared is because Neji needs him to come out and do things to stir up the muddy waters of the ninja world.

With him as a beacon, it will be more convenient for Neji, who is used to hiding behind the scenes.

The same is true for Obito.

Not messing with him doesn't mean that Neji can't kill him.

It's just because Obito still has some value and he hasn't used it up yet.

Just when Neji was busy with these things.

Konoha also had some problems.

Sasuke still defected..

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