Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 996 Are you here?

That's how it is... that's how it is...

In the dim light, Qianye looked at the seal on the gate that he had seen several times, as if there were a series of densely packed tadpole characters passing by quickly in his eyes, as if the extremely complicated seal was constantly reorganizing, combining, and forming in his eyes. Then it gets shuffled, reassembled, and more reassembled... the cycle continues.

And in Qianye's mind, this kind of continuous decomposition and reconstruction is also going on... The tadpole words are flying like life, and they are constantly combined into sealing formulas, and with the formation of the sealing formulas, Qianye Ye is also using his rich knowledge of sealing techniques to constantly infer the functions of various sealing techniques, from simple to complex to more complex, and the roles they play in various complex levels.

What is a stable structure, what is the core... what is related to the change in the effect of the sealing technique...

Then, on this basis, continue to infer the function of the powerful sealing technique composed of these simple, complex and more complex sealing techniques, in order to better understand its function on the basis of understanding its function. understand its composition.

In the end, on the basis of understanding its composition and the sealing formulas that make it up, try to memorize this complex and powerful seal as much as possible.

And the more memories of this powerful seal that is complicated to a certain extent, the closer it is to those seals that are more complex and powerful than this powerful seal, and the closer he is to this more complex and powerful seal, he can The more you learn about the more complex and powerful seals than this one. The more you know about this kind of mechanism and the more complex and powerful seal, the closer Chiba will be to the final sealing technique.

At this moment, in the practice of entering the seal space more than any time before, in the more focused observation than before, combined with the knowledge of the two sealing systems of the Yin seal and the four-image seal, he can roughly understand that this is finally The sealing formula is composed of 1,024 more complex and powerful sealing formulas, combined in a sealing system that Chiba has never seen before.

Although the 1,024 more complicated and powerful sealing formulas are completely different, as long as each of the 1,024 sealing formulas is ten times more complicated and more complicated and powerful, remember , as long as he has enough Chakra, he can perfectly use this final sealing technique.

As for the power of the final sealing technique, even Nao's kaleidoscope Sharingan pupils could not see through it, so it probably wouldn't be too bad.

Moreover, Nao's Sharingan can decompose these sealing techniques, and Nao's statement is also logical, and his understanding of this sealing technique is almost inseparable, and, not to mention that it still makes sense logically, It doesn't make sense logically, and Chiba still believes it.

He believed in Nao and would never harm him!

Not to mention his absolute trust in Nao, let's talk about the current situation, Nao's life is hanging by a thread, and he has already transplanted his eyes, and told Chiba clearly that she will definitely die. He never believed that Nao would still fool him in this situation.

She is definitely not such a careless person.

Even if Nao might have made a mistake, he couldn't have any doubts about Nao's last pupil power.

Although Nao speaks every word very easily now, and she looks more lively and cunning than before, but the words "last pupil power" already represent heavyness!

The weight of the partner's passing!

At this time, it can be said that the partner is helping him with his last breath!

Looking for useful things for him as much as possible to make him stronger!

After becoming stronger, protect the remaining partners! ,

To be honest, the reason why Chiba is able to focus so hard on these various spells composed of tens of thousands of sealing spells is that there are thousands or tens of thousands of such various spells. Formulas to form more complex and powerful spells, and then the spells on top of this more complex and powerful spells... It's actually a kind of escape!

He was using these sealing techniques to divert his attention, so as not to erupt the emotions that had accumulated in his heart.

In order to avoid those things that he may not be able to bear now, and destroy his reason that he is now holding on to!

Hirohiko whose eyes were gouged out?

Nao who gave up her life?

Xue Nai whose life and death are unknown?

These people whom he has subconsciously regarded as family members are in crisis one by one, and even have tragic endings. Not to mention that Qianye is still unable to fully face the situation of bad luck befalling important people, even if he can fully face it.

With his feelings for Hong Yan and the others, it is absolutely impossible to be so calm!

If he can concentrate on one thing without completely distracting himself, he can be so calm.

That Chiba is not Chiba anymore.

He does have extraordinary wisdom, and can even keep calm in battle at all times, but outside of battle, among those who value him, he is by no means a calm person.

Especially in the dangers encountered by people who value him, he is completely sensitive, fragile, impulsive, prone to pessimistic conclusions, and even some people who listen to the wind and rain, who are easy to fall into the pressure they put on themselves are definitely not one "Qualified ninja" people!

Perhaps this is Chiba's weakness.

People who value and care give him strength and faith, but also because he has never met someone who values ​​and cares, and has never tasted the experience of warmth from others. Let this warmth, In this strength and belief, he was pressed on a weakness that was almost broken at the touch of a touch.

There are both pros and cons of feelings, this contradiction can be said to be extremely clear in Chiba.

"Are you here yet?"

And just after a series of analysis memories that could be called the computer version, Chiba, who had already sat cross-legged and looked up at the sealed posture unconsciously, lowered her head slightly and sighed long.

The limit!

His memory has reached its limit!

This time, although his memory was dozens of times better than the previous attempt, he still didn't even memorize two-thirds of one of the thousand and twenty-four super-powerful sealing formulas of this sealing technique.

The sealing formula is too complicated, even if two-thirds of the thousand and twenty-four super powerful sealing formulas are not memorized, the basic sealing formulas that Chiba memorizes are in tens or even billions up!

This is definitely an unbearable weight for the human brain!

The structure of the sealing technique that finally seals the gate is simply anti-human!

What can be recorded, I am afraid that God can do it!


But at this time, a slight sigh sounded from behind him, and there seemed to be a touch of disappointment in Nao's voice, and then she seemed to cheer up and asked, "How much do you remember? As far as you are concerned, can you further improve the strength of the sealing technique? Have you learned a new sealing technique?"

"Before that, can you tell me what happened, Hirohiko's eyes, your fatal wound...and, that him!"

However, she didn't get a direct answer to her question. After her voice fell, Qianye's doubts came over.

"Chiba, it's not now..."

But Nao, whose eyes had begun to dim upon hearing this round, frowned, but said eagerly.

Now is not the time to talk about these things, my pupil strength can no longer support it!

Her heart was also full of anxiety, just like her eager tone!

"For me, now is the time to say this!"

However, she was interrupted by Qianye's words before she could utter all the thoughts in her heart.


,"Hearing this, Nao panicked and opened her mouth almost to scold, but just as she opened her mouth, as soon as she uttered the word you, she opened her mouth and froze on the spot.

At this moment, Qianye had already turned her face, and the killing intent in her eyes was something she had never seen before...

Cold and cruel!

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