Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 999 Everything that happened here...

In the days of isolation, the two depended on each other, living on the subsidy of the village, and there was no Uchiha outside the village who killed his best friend, caused great changes in the whole clan, and dragged his only relative Hirohiko into the abyss As for the news of his clansmen, he disappeared into this world as if the world had evaporated.

At least, Hirohiko and Nao never heard anything about this person in Muye Village.

From the beginning to the end of the narration, Nao did not mention this person's name, but Chiba also roughly guessed the identity of that person from the words "Hirohiko's only relative".

There is no doubt that this person is Hirohiko's brother.

At that time, when Nao finished describing the origin of her kaleidoscope Sharingan, I once again had a sense of déjà vu of Itachi and Sasuke.

And because of "blindness", Nao did not enter the ninja school after reaching the age, but stayed at home, and Hirohiko started to go to school. Unlike his older brother, Hirohiko showed considerable talent, and gradually became Known as the genius of the Uchiha clan, under the aura of genius, the guidance of the current patriarch Uchiha Fugaku, the attention of the third Hokage from time to time, and the gradual blurring of the memory of the deceased, the situation of the two of them is also good a lot of.

Although the clan's attitude towards them is still indifferent, at least, there are no stones thrown in in the middle of the night, and there is no "get out" written on the door when they wake up the next day. settle down.

Until they met Chiba, met Xue Nai, and met everyone, their lives have been living in indifference.

Only each other, take care of each other, warm each other.

In the meantime, she didn't mention the strange disease on Nao's body. Although she explained the whole incident, she concealed her strange disease and why she didn't say anything about her brother's death. , but she never mentioned it.

In the brief and quick description of the situation at that time, Chiba had no way to ask questions.

Then, after these narrations, Nao finally mentioned what Chiba wanted to know the most.

The man in Nao's mouth, Chiba has roughly guessed at this time, this he is Hirohiko's brother who betrayed his best friend, the Uchiha clan, and the village, and why she is here, what happened between her and Hirohiko, and the brother who was raped What happened to Xue Nai who was kidnapped.

And when all this started, Nao didn't know, she just remembered that they started to carry out the mission of Kannabi Bridge, and the night after they left the village, she fell asleep normally, but when she woke up, she had already When she got here, before her eyes were Hirohiko who was bound and Yukina who was knocked unconscious.

Then, there was a series of voices, roughly discussing how to deal with Xue Nai.

At that time, she was still in a daze, so she didn't hear the specifics clearly, but after the discussion, she saw a figure taking Xue Nai away and heading towards a certain location.

Next, Hirohiko woke up, and when he saw her, his expression changed immediately, and Nao knew what Hirohiko's expression meant without guessing.

why are you here!

At that time, there was only such a meaning on Hirohiko's face, and even the appearance of opening his mouth, this sentence was about to be blurted out.

However, just as long as he opened his mouth, Hirohiko's eyes fell behind her. Then, a more horrified expression slowly appeared on his face accompanied by a desire, and he didn't say anything. Said.

At this stall, she seemed to have heard something, but now she couldn't remember it no matter what she thought about it. She only remembered that after that, Hirohiko's eyes froze, showing a typical expression of being under the illusion.

Then, she watched Hirohiko stand up slowly, broke free from the binding rope, and then grabbed Kunai from the back of the waist, and tremblingly inserted it into her chest.

Amidst the rising pain and the overflowing blood, her consciousness gradually became blurred.

And before she lost consciousness, the last scene she saw was Hong Yan's blood-like tears overflowing her eyes, and the emerging blood-red Sangouyu Sharingan slowly rotating and blending into a strange pattern. After that, Chiba arrived.


The one who fatally wounded Nao was none other than Hirohiko!

It was Hirohiko who fell into the illusion and killed Nao with his own hands!

This is how it happened!

In Nao's narration, there is still not much mention of the person who took Hirohiko and Yukina away and brought about all this now.

That's him!

As for him, although Nao didn't say anything about it, Chiba didn't understand why. He even vaguely guessed it from the time Nao finished talking about the origin of her kaleidoscope Sharingan.

This him is Hirohiko's older brother!

After hearing all of this, Chiba has fully understood.

This him, that is, Hong Yan's elder brother, probably has already seen the stele, the stele that was tampered with by Hei Jue.

And, the secret of Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Hirohiko and his elder brother, although their situation looks very similar to Itachi and Sasuke, when I first heard that Hirohiko had a brother who defected, I was stunned and sighed that this is simply a replica of Itachi and Sasuke.

But, in fact, he was wrong.

How wrong!

Hirohiko and his brother are not at all different from Itachi and Sasuke!

completely different!

Hirohiko's elder brother is completely a character who will do anything for power, and he is completely incomparable with Itachi!

Even, in order to obtain the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, he can easily control his younger brother, let him watch him kill the girl he values ​​most, and mercilessly poach his eyes. The one who forsakes everything!

If Itachi is a representative of Hokage's bright side, then Hirohiko's brother can basically be said to be a representative of Hokage's dark side!

And now, Qianye's shock, his worry, is precisely because of this.

Nao is so concise, how to say, when she said it here, she didn't bring too much emotion, she basically said it in one sentence, as if she was standing on the sidelines of a bystander without the slightest emotion and just wanted to hurry up It looks like a complete story.

However, Hirohiko and Nao, who watched helplessly as they stabbed kunai into the heart of the girl who depended on each other, and watched as the boy they depended on stabbed kunai into their chests, felt so much pain at that time, he couldn't help it at all. imagine!

And what kind of reaction will Hongyan have when he wakes up.

After experiencing the killing of the most important person with his own hands, what kind of reaction will he have, what kind of changes will he have, and what he will endure next will bear the pain and torture of killing the most important person with his own hands.

He couldn't imagine it at all.

And I dare not think about it.

Even, at this moment, he has nothing in his mind except "hateful", "why", and "how could this be?"

He is already in a mess, and he doesn't know how to solve this matter!

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