Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1009 Face it!

what to do?

About Nao...

Looking at the handsome young man undoing the bandages in front of him, Qianye almost had the urge to swallow, his heart was beating wildly, but his mind was a little blank.

Hirohiko had already woken up just now when he walked out of the primeval forest. Before Chiba could ask him anything, he told him about Xue Nai's situation, and asked him to cooperate with him to take Xue Nai back.

At that time, Hirohiko didn't ask anything, just nodded in agreement, and didn't say much, until now.

It can be regarded as prevaricating the two things he has to face, "Nao's matter" and "Hirohiko's reaction".

But now, Xue Nai has been rescued safely, without any injuries, which makes him have no reason to prevaricate Nao's problem.

He is inevitable.

Next, he may have to face the situation that he fears and least wants to face.

After losing Nao, Hirohiko is still after killing his most important person with his own hands!

"Chiba, what happened, I remember that Yukina and I joined Kakashi's team and were performing the mission of Kannabi Bridge. Now why Yukina has been taken away, I seem to have been taken away...here Where is it...how are you here..."

And at this time, just when Chiba was resisting the urge to swallow, Hirohiko spoke, and this opening was a series of questions.

Joined Kakashi's team to perform Kannabi Bridge mission?

How come here?

How could he be taken away?

Hearing this series of questions, Chiba was taken aback. These questions sounded like Hirohiko didn't know what happened, and his memory was still in the situation before he was taken away.

He didn't even know how he was taken away.

what happened?

After being stunned for a moment, Qianye's frantic heartbeat calmed down, but a question popped up in her mind.

Could it be that he couldn't accept that he killed Nao, so he developed a memory disorder, or selective amnesia?

Then, after the question, Chiba gave an answer.


It shouldn't be selective amnesia!

However, in the critical state of the injury mode, Hirohiko could see every micro-expression and every expression in his eyes, and he could not see anything unusual at all, except for doubts or doubts, there was also a trace of ecstasy suppressed in his eyes. color, as if he had never experienced those things.

Instead, his memory has been tampered with!

Part of the memory was deleted or temporarily deleted, making him think that those things did not happen, or he was not aware of those things!

With Hirohiko's strength, even if he kills Nao with his own hands, it is impossible to escape selective amnesia!

Afterwards, after this observation, Qianye denied the thesis of "selective amnesia" just now.


It must be Nao!

It was Nao who used her pupil power to tamper with or delete Hirohiko's memory or temporarily delete it when he opened his eyes!

But at this time, the last scene of Nao appeared in Chiba's mind, the sentence "It's okay, Hirohiko's words, it's okay, he won't remember what happened for a while, and he is better than you...than you Be strong in your imagination, rest assured..."

In Hirohiko's current state, Nao should have made preparations.

And it just so happens that the Kaleidoscope Sharingan may not be unable to tamper with memory or temporarily modify and delete it.

Each pair of Kaleidoscope Sharingan may have different abilities to varying degrees according to the eye owner's expertise or talent.

For example, Itachi's Kaleidoscope Sharingan's Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi corresponded to his attainments in Fire Escape and Illusion.

For another example, Sasuke, his Kaleidoscope Sharingan, although he also awakened the ability of Tsukuyomi, but the power of this month's reading is not much different from the general Sharingan illusion, and the real ability of his Kaleidoscope Sharingan , is Amaterasu and Amaterasu's form change formed Yan Dun, which just corresponds to his talent of Fire Dun and Chakra's form change.

There is also Shisui's Kaleidoscope Sharingan. His illusion ability is the best in Konoha, and he is even called "the strongest illusion ninja". Although this title may be obtained after he opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, but In the follow-up plot, there are not many people who know the ability of Zhishui Kaleidoscope to share sharing eyes. It is not difficult to see that Zhishui may have a strong illusion ability before opening the kaleidoscope, so he awakened Bietianshen. This can be said to be a BUG Ability.

As for the Kaleidoscope Sharingan of Madara, Obito and others, the former didn't describe his kaleidoscope ability very much. When he showed his strength, he basically went directly to Samsara Eye, which was impossible to tell, while Obito opened the kaleidoscope at a young age, and it was impossible to tell. He didn't learn time and space ninjutsu, so he awakened the time and space ability, it may be because of his hidden time and space talent.

In the same way, Nao has never shown her talent in ninja strength, nor has she ever made a move. I basically don't know what she is good at. However, this does not mean that her hidden talent is worse than the above characters. Here is In the real Naruto world, in a sense, everything is possible. The history of the original book is staged here. At the same time, there are many characters and events that are not in the original book. Maybe Nao also has a strong talent in illusion, but it has not been developed. Just come out.

Referring to Zhishui's eyes, Bie Tianshen controls the enemy without others knowing, to a certain extent, he gives permanent psychological hints without others knowing, that is, permanently manipulating illusions, permanently manipulating this A certain goal set by man-made illusion has been acting.

It can be said that it is an illusion ability to manipulate the subconscious mind.

In essence, it is still an illusion ability!

And now, what about illusion abilities like memory tampering?

It is also possible!

It is also an ability that conforms to the ability system of the kaleidoscope writing sharing eye illusion. Manipulating the subconscious mind is also manipulating memory to a certain extent, manipulating the memory of the "target" of the caster, and making it act on the memory of the changed "target" Just go down.

After all, human beings, in a sense, are creatures that rely on "memory" to survive and act.

Here, it is not impossible for Nao to use her pupil power to delete, temporarily delete or completely tamper with Hirohiko's memory about this matter!

Combined with what she said, it is probably because of Nao that Hirohiko couldn't remember what happened, and his memory stayed before he was taken away.

It turned out to be like this...

After thinking this through, Chiba felt a little relieved.

However, he immediately frowned.


Next, what should I say?

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