Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1014 Parting

"Then, I will leave our codes every 100 meters. If there is any change of direction, I will use the code to mark it. So, solve the problem here as soon as possible, and then catch up. I will not slow down Speed, but with Xue Nai, I believe you can catch up with me."

Looking at Yukina who was moved to the back with Chiba's help, Hirohiko turned around and said to Chiba seriously.

"Ah, of course."

Looking at Hirohiko who turned away, Chiba nodded, but a trace of complexity seemed to flash in his eyes.


Hearing Chiba's unshakable and affirmative answer, Hirohiko nodded, Chiba's tone somewhat reassured him, and then said: "I will definitely bring Xue Nai back to the village safely, and according to your wishes, I will not stay for a moment. If I encounter an attack, I will not act recklessly, and try to minimize the loss."


Hearing this, Qianye nodded, her face was still confident and firm, even a little calm, she had absolute confidence in the next thing.

He also has absolute confidence in the matter of Hong Yan bringing Xue Nai back safely.

"Wait until you catch up."

At this time, Hirohiko had completely turned his head away, his body was slightly heavy, and he was about to be ejected as he spoke.


But looking at the appearance of Hongyan about to be ejected, the confidence and firmness on Chiba's face trembled suddenly, turning into a bit of uneasy emotion, and quickly stopped: "Wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Chiba's stop, Hirohiko paused, turned around with some doubts, and looked at Chiba.

"Promise me that you will take good care of Xue Nai no matter what. She is my only worry now. Before I come back, I must take good care of her, whether in the village or outside the village."

Seeing Hirohiko's suspicious gaze, the uneasy expression on Chiba's face slowly faded away, but she asked with a serious face.

It seemed that if he didn't get a positive answer and promise from Hirohiko, he would never feel at ease.


What's going on here?

Still worry about me?

And at this moment, hearing Qianye's words and seeing that serious expression, Hirohiko was slightly taken aback.

Or, did this guy finally notice Xue Nai's emotions?

Under the circumstances that I don't know, or during the period of time I don't know, is the relationship between him and Xue Nai finally not like oil and water?

Finally got chemistry?

This one looks worried...

Then, such a thought appeared in his mind, and he felt quite enlightened.


He is worried about me!

He said that because he was worried about something happening to me!

He said that because he was afraid that something would happen to me, or that Xue Nai would be irrational under certain circumstances!

Let me take good care of Xue Nai!

Asking me to take good care of Xue Nai before he arrives is to remind me to pay attention to safety, because at that time, only I can guarantee Xue Nai's safety!

This guy……

Afterwards, he denied his previous thoughts, looked at Qianye, and a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

Really... besides myself, how many people do I have to worry about!

Then, eventually, it turned into a feeling he couldn't describe.

"Ah, I promise you."

In this indescribable feeling, he pursed his lips, nodded slightly, and spoke softly but firmly.

"Well, then, good luck!"

After getting the affirmative answer from Hirohiko, Chiba seemed to be relieved. He who opened his mouth to say something, nodded heavily, and when the words reached his mouth, he turned into a farewell.

"Well, then, wait for you to catch up."

With a poker face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, Hirohiko nodded, and after a reply, his figure flashed and he was ejected.

During this step, the distance of two meters has been crossed, and the speed is quite fast towards the unusually tall virgin forest in the distance. Soon, he can enter the virgin forest, even in the rock Before Yin arrived, he could enter the primeval forest.

With one person and such a speed, it is obvious that Hirohiko knows that the current situation is critical, and he has no reservations, nor does he have any plans to save Chakra on this grassland.

It can be seen that he also knows that they cannot stay in this grassland for long.

"Is that all right?"

At this time, Chiba, the shadow clone at the side, glanced at the main body that was watching Hirohiko and Yukina fly away, and couldn't help but speak.

"I have no idea."

Seeing Hirohiko and Xue Nai drifting away, Chiba shook his head slowly, the emerald green flames in his eyes flickered, making his face a little cloudy and uncertain.


However, after hearing Qianye's uncertain answer, the shadow avatar Qianye didn't say anything more, but just responded softly.

"What do you think?"

After answering, Qianye asked.

"Are you kidding? If I knew, why would I ask you?"

Then, this question was answered very quickly, but the response was not very calm, and the shadow clone asked back without any room for reading.

"At least, it's good to have one more support. Even if this support is my shadow clone."

Staring closely at the shrinking figure in front of him, Qianye's gaze seemed to be looking at the last scene of his life, sighing and reluctant.

"I think we can only do this. After all, if they enter the primeval forest now, Yan Yin will not know which direction he escaped from. This will buy them a lot of time, and if they leave now , they will have a certain time advantage, and this time is enough to last until the completion of the Kannabi Bridge mission. As long as the Kannabi Bridge mission is completed, once the bridge is blown up, then everything will be settled. There is bound to be chaos, and we have a chance to breathe, and the third Hokage and Nara Shikahisa are absolutely impossible to give up such a good opportunity to counterattack. I'm too busy to take care of myself, I'm afraid I won't be able to hunt them down."

Hearing this, Qianye, the shadow clone, sighed, and said in a tone that he didn't know whether it was self-comfort or objective facts.

"Then... I can rest assured."

But after hearing this, Qianye did not put forward any words to address the uncertain factors in these words, but a smile that did not know whether it was a wry smile or a relieved smile, hiding the exclamation in his eyes Reluctantly, with a firm gaze, he slowly turned around and looked towards the edge of the grassland.


The shadow clone Chiba looked at the figures of Hirohiko and Xue Nai who were about to enter the virgin forest, pursed her lips, and after a forced smile, she also turned around slowly.

"Next, we only need to focus on one thing."

At this time, Chiba, who had turned around completely, spoke.

"Well, just focus on one thing."

The transformed shadow clone Chiba also said the same thing.

And at this moment, the edge of the grassland was slowly reflected in their resolute eyes, the end of a golden grass wave under the afterglow of the setting sun, and the golden black mass of people at the end of the horizon. .

"Don't... die too ugly..."

At this moment, the two whispered at the same time.

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