Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1037 Shocking


Can't solve it?

This should be just a simple illusion, why... why... can't be solved?

After eagerly spitting it out, Hinata Xueying's face seemed to be a little stiffer. After knowing that it was an illusion, he immediately started to undo it, but what surprised him was that the means of undoing the illusion by himself was useless at all. The horror of death still shrouded his heart, and the pressure on his shoulders still made him unable to stand up.

He is different from Chiba. Like Sakura, he has the ability to touch illusions in illusions. This kind of terrifying illusions does not even have illusions. In fact, it is a relatively low-level illusion and is easy to unravel.

If Chiba was here, he would definitely think of the illusion that when Sasuke and Naruto fought against Orochimaru for the first time, Orochimaru cast Sasuke so frightened that he almost gave up fighting after losing every step of the way. It was almost an illusion that could be relieved by pain. .

However, for such an illusion, Hyuga Snow Eagle used the method of dispelling the illusion of the pupil technique to solve it again, but it had no effect at all.

This kind of thing is simply unbelievable!

Although the illusion is very powerful, since there is a corresponding solution, it must be dispelled. No matter how powerful the illusion is, it is only one of the ninjutsugen system, and it should be dispelled if there is a solution.

Besides, this is still a low-level illusion.

In this case, it is simply impossible!

No one can cast an illusion that cannot be dispelled!

If the illusion cannot be dispelled, it is reality!

"Hmph... naive!"

But at this time, after trying to dispel the illusion, the cold voice behind him sounded again, with a hint of disdain in his words, it sounded like Hyuga Snow Eagle was doing something extremely stupid.

"Do you think this is an illusion?"

Then, a more disdainful word, said with a strong pride.

Not illusion?

Hearing this, Hyuga Xueying stared slightly, and a layer of shock appeared on his stiff face.

Could it be that……

With only the power of the pupil, he can't move me, can't even stand up?

Compared to the inability to untie the illusion, it was obvious that this situation made Hyuga Yukaka even more astonished. If it was the illusion that frightened him and made him stiff and unable to stand up, that was normal, but just relying on the power of his pupils, he could In this way, it is even more unbelievable than unimaginable, almost appalling.


It's appalling!

He has also seen some people with powerful pupils in Sharingan, but can they be overwhelmed by their pupils?

No one can do it, no one in the entire Uchiha clan can have such pupil power!

The reason why Sharingan is terrible is that it has three kinds of eyes that can deal with almost everything, such as insight eyes, copy eyes and illusion eyes. These three eyes can basically assist any of the three powers of Ninjugen, even illusion. The eye directly opened up an illusion system, that is, pupil illusion. And the real horror of Sharingan is this kind of pupil illusion. Just one glance, even a glimpse, can make people fall into the illusion.

It's almost inhuman to directly use the power of the pupils to make people unable to move and let them be slaughtered!


As if feeling Hinata Snow Eagle's astonishment and being unable to speak, he snorted coldly behind his back and said, "This world is far bigger than what you, a Hinata genius who stays at home, can see, and the power is far stronger than yours. Think about a bigger span.”

what to do?

The current situation has already angered him?

what do I do?

The promised things must be brought back, Taki Chiba's life and death are still uncertain, without my white eyes, his hope of survival is slim!

Losing Taki Chiba, Yukina-sama, I don't know how sad it will be!

How hard Hirohiko will be hit, and their Uchiha clan is such a paranoid character, it is not certain that Hirohiko will develop some bad personality tendencies!

Shinsuke-sama often said that the Uchiha clan is powerful because they are strong, but their personality flaws are too obvious, so they are alienated by the second-generation Hokage-sama. Hirohiko... can't escape this personality flaw...

No matter what the reason is, this bastard Taki Chiba must not die here!

Think of ways to!

Find a way!

But at this time, Hyuga Snow Eagle's mind started to turn. Although the great terror in his heart suppressed part of his thinking ability, he did not lose his composure after all. In other words, after being caught off guard at first, he finally came to his senses.

"Don't think about it, even my pupils can't stand it, don't think about it from me..."

At the same time, as if knowing what Hyuga Snow Eagle was thinking, the cold voice sounded again.

"So, are you going to kill me, or let me go?"

However, this time, his words were abruptly interrupted. Hyuga Xueying kept a stiff face and said coldly: "Whether you want to kill me or let me go, the agreed Give me something, I advise you, as soon as possible, in this forest, there are three or four thousand people in Yan Yin, if you still want to use up, I hope that your pupil power can make three or four thousand people at the same time All the Iwagakure ninjas couldn't move."


As soon as these words came out, the cold words froze immediately, and the huge pair of sharing sharing eyes that Hyuga Snow Eagle perceived slightly opened.

"You can also doubt what I said, or even directly think that what I said is false, but if you think that Master Shinsuke has asked me not to use white eyes at the appointed place, or even one kilometer away from the appointed place, I will Deliberately breaking the content of the agreement? Do you think that the importance of this agreed item to our Hyuga clan is so low?"

As if feeling the hesitation of "that person", Hinata Xueying said more aggressively.

Now, even he has to think about it!


Anyway, my life is in his hands, there is no leeway, but he has plenty of leeway to occupy the dominance, these three or four thousand Yanyin, forgive him and dare not be too presumptuous!

Next, the right to choose is yours, not mine, you make your own choice!

At this moment, Hyuga Snow Eagle's heart became clear.


But at this moment, a cold snort with unknown emotions resounded from behind him again.

"Don't worry, I won't break my promise to Shinsuke Hyuga. This is just a small punishment for you. Next time, when you face me, you have to show the proper posture! I've put the things where you saw them .Remember, don’t forget the promise when you left! If you forget, I don’t mind killing a little Hinata clan!”

Then, there was a cold sound.


And in the next second, Hinata Xueying's whole body suddenly shrugged, the great terror and pressure disappeared immediately, and the color of joy immediately appeared on his face.

Then, the color of joy immediately turned into a color of horror.

At this moment, his eyeballs moved uncontrollably, and they didn't stop until they focused on a certain position in the root system of the giant tree.

This is……


And in his heart, the joy of success had already been shattered by the shocking waves.

A sense of horror and coldness from the bottom of his heart completely occupied all his thoughts.

Suddenly, he who froze on the spot was already...

In a cold sweat!

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