Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1046 It's about to start!


Rest in place?

A slight difference flashed across Hyuga Snow Eagle's face as he silently leaped among the unusually huge branches. His white-eyed vision fell on the four thousand rock hidden directions that were gathered together, and in his line of sight , All the rocks were sitting or standing, and they all took out food, army grain pills and the like and began to replenish them.

It seemed that there was no sign of a blanket search. Instead, they were resting on the spot, and there was even a feeling of waiting for something, and the waiting time seemed to be quite a while.

what happened?

what's going on?

After pausing for a while on the falling branch, he leaped out again, the speed was unabated compared to before, but when he sped out, a trace of doubt was uncontrollable in his heart.

In his opinion, Yan Yin's behavior was already abnormal.

The so-called abnormality is a demon. Although it seems to be very beneficial to him now, what he fears most is Yanyin's carpet search. , he is sure that after Yanyin takes action, he will avoid all situations that may be found. After all, he is already detouring away from those Yanyin. As long as he reaches a certain distance, he will be completely safe, and the rest is to go Go to the place that Hirohiko said, and find that guy Taki Chiba.

However, Yan Yin's rest, what is hidden behind it may not be so simple, four thousand Yan Yin's army, chasing one person, do they need to stop and rest specially?


Four thousand Yanyin, if he really chased a person to the point of stopping to rest, then that person would have already been smashed to pieces.

No one, no one can drag the four thousand ninja army until the four thousand army is exhausted to the point of resting under the situation of one person.

Obviously, there must be a very important reason behind Yanyin's stop and rest, but as an enemy, the reason that is very important to them is not a very good reason for himself.

Moreover, since Iwagakure chooses to rest, and even for the sake of rest, he can give up the search for Taki Chiba, this reason, and the purpose of this reason, may be extremely detrimental to Konoha.

Besides, the sudden appearance of these four thousand Yanyin here represents many bad things in itself!

Although Hyuga Snow Eagle did not participate in several missions, nor experienced many life-and-death battles, he is not stupid. Although he has a young temper, he is a genius after all, and he was educated by the elite of the Hyuga clan since he was a child. Still make sense.


I'm a little worried!

Thinking of this, Hyuga Xueying couldn't help clenching his teeth slightly. The four thousand Yanyin appeared at the half-back of their front-line army at this moment. Although the village had already received the news, it would take quite a while if the village came to support them. If these thousands of Yanyin raided, no matter how strong the Konoha frontline army was, it would be impossible for them to face the surprise attack of an army that far surpassed them on the battlefield that was already held back.

As for Hyuga Snow Eagle, even if he grew up in Hyuga's clan, he is really a young master, but in the Hyuga clan's education, the Hyuga clan and Konoha Village are basically placed in a place where both the Hyuga clan and Konoha Village will prosper and lose. From the standpoint of fear of defeat.

That is to say, when Konoha is present, Hinata is present, even if Hinata is not present, Konoha must be present.

This is also why as long as Hokage needs it, the Hyuga clan will always rush to the front line without hesitation, regardless of the division of the main family.

Loyalty to Konoha can be said to have been engraved in the bones of the Hyuga clan, and it has also been engraved in the bones of Hyuga Snow Eagle.

At this moment, he is not worried, that is really a joke!


There are so many people, it's useless for me to worry, calm down, what you have to do now is to save Taki Chiba!

And, bring back the promised thing.

Now that the 4,000 army is here, it is impossible for me alone to change this situation, but Taki Chiba is different, if he is rescued.

If it was him...

Definitely, there must be a way!

However, worry is nothing to worry about, Hyuga Snow Eagle is calm after all, knows what he should do, and now he has made clear his goal and the stakes involved.

Therefore, saving that guy now is the most important thing!

Thinking of this, Hyuga Snow Eagle no longer proceeded in a stealthy way, and in the blink of an eye, there was a "click", not caring about the problems with Chakra and the sound of the trail, his speed suddenly increased, and he rushed out , towards the direction of the prairie, detour away!


"Master Huang Tu, the information has arrived!"

On the other side, Yan Yin Fang, Chi Yan took the scroll from the information ninja who came in a hurry, handed it to Huang Tu, and said, while a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Half an hour has passed since the rest, and this routine information exchange was long overdue. No, it can’t be said that it was long overdue. , communication is inconvenient, this information arrived here after half an hour's extra rush.

As for why it was delivered in the form of a scroll this time, Chi Yan didn't know.

After all, the previous routine information transmission was all through sensory communication, and scrolls were not used.


At this time, Huang Tu who took the scroll was also slightly startled, looked at the scroll in his hand, and then looked at the slightly panting intelligence ninja, frowning slightly.

"This is the last piece of information from the Commander-in-Chief of the front battlefield, and I must hand it over to you."

Almost at the same time Huang Tu was looking at the intelligence ninja, the intelligence ninja spoke.

The last piece of information?

Hearing this sentence, Huang Tu's expression changed immediately.

Could it be that……

Thinking of this, the discolored loess hastily opened the scroll, and there was even a hint of impatience in the sudden change of expression.

Lord Huangtu, this is...

Looking at the changes in the loess, Chiyan frowned slightly.

Is this information important?

Then, such a thought flashed through his mind.

At the same time, at the stall where his thoughts turned, those Yan Yin who were sitting or standing, or closed their eyes, or checked the ninja tools, all with a relaxed posture, all looked at the loess. On the body, in the figure, the relaxed posture has slowly disappeared.

Although there was no change in the movements, it was obvious that everyone's aura had changed. From this glance, this area of ​​the primordial forest seems to be a little darker, and the quiet needle drop can be heard!

Ready to start?

Even, it seemed that there was such a silent and chilling voice, resounding in this dark and quiet place.

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