Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1057: Again?

hateful! Damn it!

With his eyes closed tightly, the young man clenched his teeth tightly.

Everything he wants to protect, everything he wants to own, this time there is really no way to recover it!

He will never see what he wants to protect, what he wants to have.

After he possessed everything that was hard-won, he truly lost everything that was hard-won!

At this time, the more he suppressed the pain in his heart that he didn't want to lose, the clearer the warm and happy memories after time travel became in his mind.

And the clearer this beautiful memory is, the crueler the reality before him is. The cruelty of reality and the beauty of memories are like two grinding stones, crushing his reason.

Hirohiko, Xue Nai, Kushina... All the warm memories after time travel, those hands stretched out towards him are still vivid in my mind, the warmth in those hands is still in my heart, and the feeling that brought me from indifference He seemed to still be able to feel the warm force pulled out of the isolated icy vortex.

The clarity of each warm memory, these beautiful feelings, and the yearning for those friends and partners who reached out to him, the deeper, and the more intense the despair and pain that this yearning can no longer be realized,

He clenched his fists hard, trying to use the pain to relieve the desperate pain from the bottom of his heart, but he couldn't feel anything, his fingernails were embedded in the palm of his hand, but he didn't feel any pain.

He wanted to walk and run, and subconsciously wanted to escape the despair and pain from the bottom of his heart by running, but he found that his body seemed to be unable to control, motionless.

Now he can't run and escape, can't feel the pain, only the despair and pain in his heart, which is getting clearer and more intense.

It turned out that I was so reluctant to part with them...

In this darkness, there is no concept of time, I don't know how long it has passed, it may be a minute, it seems like a year, ten years, the young man's heart that has been completely occupied by the despair and pain in his heart suddenly flashed by There was a bright sound.

A trace of emotion slowly emerged.

Originally, he had already cherished those friends enough, those friends who had warmth and radiated light and heat in the dark world, but after experiencing the despair at this time and being unable to see each other again, he deeply understood , How heavy is the bond between them.

Sometimes, after the real loss, he really realizes that this friendship, which he thought to be very cherished, is really too heavy for him to bear.

And then, miraculously, after the meaning flashed across, he who was hysterical, struggling in despair and pain, constantly wallowing in the past, desperately trying to suppress the pain and almost losing his mind, suddenly calmed down.

At this time, perhaps, I still need to calm down...

Afterwards, after calming down, he habitually watched and began to analyze the current situation. He couldn't move now, and he couldn't feel anything. There was only darkness around him, but his consciousness was clear. What he could do, I'm afraid it's just analyzing the current situation.

First, I was conscious, but I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything except move my eyes and fingers.

But I do exist.

In other words, I am still me, just in a state of death.

So... what's going to happen next?

Will it continue in this state forever, or will it be the next crossing?

After the analysis, a series of questions floated in Chiba's mind.

After all, no one knows the world after death. Although the young man died once, this is the second time, but he has never experienced the current situation, or in other words, in his memory, there has never been such a situation .

Circumstances of the first death...


What was it like to die the first time?

After the first death...

I don't seem to have much memory, only the memory of traveling to the baby Taki Chiba, and the memory of this baby seems to be a bit blurred.

Could it be that this is something like Mengpo soup?

After a time travel, will you forget the situation after death?

That's not right, Meng Po Tang makes people completely lose the memory of the previous life, but the memory of my two lives is very clear...

What exactly is going on?

Turning his eyes from side to side, the young man tried hard to see something, but there was nothing but darkness all around him, so naturally he couldn't see anything.

If my first time travel was really due to the existence of the god of time travel, or some kind of power that manipulated the time travel, and I needed to preserve the memory of my first life, then, as the traveler, I was already dead. Traveling through the world of Naruto I am already dead, and I still retain the memory of Naruto World, what's the point?

I've already failed, so what's the point of keeping my consciousness and memory?

Just to make me suffer in this empty space?

Besides, after the death of the first life, what's the point of time travel?

Everything, after all, has an explanation!

If it can't be explained, doesn't it become a paradox?

I can't just cross over for no reason!

Even if it really doesn't have any special meaning, then there must be an explanation of the right time, place, people and everything, and then travel through it!

So now, I die like this, but I still have a clear consciousness, and I don't follow the Hokage world view to walk on the road to the underworld, and step into the Paradise of Elysium.

Is there such a thing?

The two times took advantage of the right time, place and people, one time traveled, and the other time came to this space, it was almost like "not dead"?

Then, more doubts surged from the young man's heart,

Now that he is in such a situation, it is really like "not dead", with a clear consciousness and a recognizable body, it seems that there is really no difference from "not dead".

Could it be that next time, it will really be another...

time travel?

And a series of doubts, he can finally explain, that is the answer.

He is going to cross again!

Only this conclusion can explain his current situation.

If he is really in the state of a soul now, then, according to the various posthumous theories and combined with his own situation, or, according to some rumors about the posthumous in the first life, wandering in the wilderness, wandering in the world In the meantime, become a "lonely ghost", or go to the underworld, judge the merits and demerits, and decide to reincarnate. If it fails, it will go to heaven or go to hell.

Or, according to the second life, after the death, go to hell and enter bliss.

Or, it is to experience various novel myths, various death worlds in film and television works.

Other than that, he couldn't imagine any other situation.

For the rest, the only reasonable explanation is that this is a transit point before another crossing.


However, at this moment, the moment the word "crossing" flashed in his mind, there was a cracking sound on his left shoulder, a kind of sexual refusal that almost made him scream, suddenly surged up!

it hurts!

Almost subconsciously, he looked over his left shoulder.

Suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

And in his eyes, on his left shoulder, at some point, a sculpture-colored human face appeared, with vivid eyebrows, but it looked extremely familiar!

This is!


The pain that seemed to be pulling on the pain nerves stimulated all his senses, but at this moment, he was dumbfounded, his face froze with pain and horror, and he was so horrified that he couldn't speak!

And at this moment, the originally dark environment suddenly brightened.

A dazzling light suddenly radiated from his front end, instantly covering everything in his eyes.

In an instant, there was only dazzling light in front of his eyes, and everything else was covered by the light!

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