Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1116 Inadvertently...




The children sat around the iron pot, using a "juice song" that was absolutely out of tune and quite casual, even with uneven voices, expecting Zongya who had just left to bring back their dream drink.

The whole house is filled with the smell of meat and other food, besides the various game chowder broth in the middle of the iron pot, there are also some fruits and vegetables, surrounded by the iron pot. The pot was placed in a circle.

It can be seen that after it was decided to celebrate, Zong Mi and Yu Ze probably went into the forest again. Although they did not hunt large prey, they picked a lot of melons and fruits, and even brought some vegetables that are rare in the forest. .

This meal can be said to be very rich.

It was definitely the richest meal Chiba had had since waking up.

However, looking at this scene, Chiba's face was a bit unnatural. Although the protagonist named as Celebration, at this time, he was shrunk in a relatively backward place.


And at this time, he finally couldn't help but said with an unnatural smile: "That... Yuze, is there something on my face?"

At the opening of the stall, Chiba's eyes slightly looked to the side, and looked at Yuze who was looking at him with an inquiring expression.

"No, no, it's very clean."

Then, the question with a slightly unnatural smile was quickly answered. Yuze's answer was straightforward, direct, and relaxed, almost without thinking about it.


Such an answer without even thinking about it made Qianye's mouth twitch slightly, and then, with an unnatural smile, he said: "Then, what's the matter with you staring at me like this?"


Yuze's answer was still straightforward, without thinking.


And as soon as these crisp words came out, Qianye's originally slightly unnatural smile became even more unnatural.

This...how could it be all right...

You obviously have something to do, you have something to do!

Since everyone entered the room, you have been staring at me from time to time, and now you are staring even more blatantly. Are you sure you're okay?

But Qianye's heart was a little broken at this time.

From the moment everyone gathered in this room, Yuze was about to celebrate him. Yuze, who was sitting next to him, just looked at him from time to time. At the end, that is, now, he just stared at him. As if he wanted to see something from his own face, or in other words, confirm something.

Although He Yuzesheng is good-looking, almost like a girl, and even more "beautiful" than harmony, but he is a boy after all, and he is stared at by a boy like this, unless Chiba has That habit, otherwise, it would be impossible to be comfortable.

This is why, today he is the protagonist of the celebration, but he shrank back, completely giving up the home court to the children.

At first, he was sitting in the front, but later, because of Yuze's gaze, he retreated step by step to the back position a little far away from the iron pot.

Unexpectedly, Yuze also retreated step by step with him, which made it a bit embarrassing for Chiba. She was stared at from time to time, but with this retreat, she became so tightly stared at now. .

If he didn't know that Yuze would not be that kind of person, Chiba would probably get up and run away now, and even if he knew that Yuze was not that kind of person, staring at himself would be something special, and Chiba would feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"This...that...if you have something to ask, you should ask, so, this is a bit misleading."

After talking for a while without knowing how, when Heyin's gaze of "you two sleep in the same room every day, did something tricky happen? It's so disgusting", Qianye finally couldn't help it, and mustered a hundred thousand cents Courage, turning his head to stare at Yuze, asked in a voice that did not tremble as much as possible.


And when Qianye suddenly turned his head to ask, Yuze was obviously taken aback, and then it seemed that because Qianye turned his head suddenly and rubbed too close, he almost subconsciously turned his head to his front, with some The unnatural corners of his mouth trembled a few times.

"This...actually...that, uh..."

After trembling a few times, he seemed to be a little excited. After a while of this and that, Yuze fully expressed his meaning, and said, "What are you writing these days?"

At the end of the sentence, for some reason, a blush slowly emerged from Yuze's face.

Immediately, "Sure enough, there is something tricky between the two of you, it's disgusting!" The gaze belonging to Heyin immediately fell on Qianye's face.

In an instant, Qianye's complexion completely collapsed and became stiff.

Just asking what was written and why blushing!

Isn't this misleading?

Look at He Yin's face!

It's all blue!

It's all blue!

At this moment, Qianye's heart also collapsed.

Although...Although I want to ask him more about what happened just now, he seems to be crazy, but this is a bit too straightforward, and it will hurt Chiba a bit, so I still ask the second question I want to ask Bar.

At the same time, Yuze thought so.

"Uh... These are some usages of Chakra, and some fighting methods are left to you."

And just when such a thought flashed through the two of them at the same time, Qianye still spoke, using a tone that tried to hold back the trembling and stiffness.

How to use chakra?

And... how to fight?

Hearing this sound, Yuze was stunned, almost turned his head suddenly, and looked at Qianye in astonishment.

"Uh... Well, having Chakra is not enough, the key is to learn how to use Chakra and how to fight, in order to have the power to protect yourself."

Yuze turned his head suddenly, which obviously frightened Chiba, and it was almost a pause before Chiba opened his mouth to explain.

"So, are you done?"

Staring at Qianye, Yuze said, but in his tone, he didn't seem to pay attention to what Qianye said.

"about there."

Chiba pursed her lips, leaned back slightly, slightly avoided Yuze's suddenly aggressive gaze, and said.


But upon hearing this sound, Yuze's aggressive eyes darkened, he turned his head slowly, and murmured.

What happened to this Yuze?

Something doesn't feel quite right.

Seeing Yuze's actions, Qianye frowned slightly.

However, in the end, he didn't speak. To be honest, at this moment, he was a little scared. He was afraid that Yuze would ask when he would finish writing.

He didn't know how to answer this question.

Yuze's mind is very sharp, and he has figured it out very clearly during this period of time. If he asks this question, he is basically asking when he will leave. Judging from his reaction just now, it is obvious that he understands his situation very well. .

He didn't know how to say goodbye to Yuze.

After all, for them, it always feels too sudden that they are going to leave soon.

Moreover, I also have a feeling that I haven't fully fulfilled my promise to help them gain the power to protect themselves and get out of the predicament completely.

However, fortunately, Yuze didn't say anything next, and since Yuze didn't speak, he also chose to remain silent.

And then, coincidentally, the fruit juice just happened to be served, and the celebration that had already been ready to go officially began.

Yuze also seemed to have forgotten the question and answer with Chiba, and blended into the atmosphere of the children's celebration. Chiba also changed from normal, smiling the whole time, and cooperating with the children.

This time, the celebration lasted until the moon set in the western sky, accompanied by the snoring of the children, and disappeared into the night.

Then, came the inadvertent...


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